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  • Carrera Jeans VERA_CB413
    Kolekcja:Wiosna/LatoRodzaj:DamskaMateriał:poliuretanZapięcie:zipŚrodek:przegródki na karty kredytoweprzegródki na dokumentyportmonetkaSzerokość w cm:20Wysokość w cm:10.5Głębokość w cm:2Oryginalny pokrowiec:tak
  • Furla PAU4_GLEND
    Rodzaj:DamskaMateriał:skóraZapięcie:zipŚrodek:przegródki na karty kredytoweprzegródki na dokumentyportmonetkaSzerokość w cm:20Wysokość w cm:10Głębokość w cm:2Oryginalny pokrowiec:tak
  • Portfel kobiet Semiline 3052-7
    Instrukcja prania: Delikatnie wyczyść wilgotną szmatką, bez detergentów
  • Portfel kobiet Semiline 3052-5
    Instrukcja prania: Delikatnie wyczyść wilgotną szmatką, bez detergentów
  • Portfel dla kobiet Semiline 3051-7
    Instrukcja prania: Delikatnie wyczyść wilgotną szmatką, bez detergentów
  • Portfel kobiet Semiline 3051-5
    Instrukcja prania: Delikatnie wyczyść wilgotną szmatką, bez detergentów
  • Portfel Semiline Woman P8221-0
    Instrukcja prania: Delikatnie wyczyść wilgotną szmatką, bez detergentów
  • Portfel Semiline Woman P8225-0
    Instrukcja prania: Delikatnie wyczyść wilgotną szmatką, bez detergentów
  • Portfel semiline damska P8224-2
    Instrukcja prania: Delikatnie wyczyść wilgotną szmatką, bez detergentów
  • Skórzana obudowa kardynała Unisexa Cm465
    Materiał: 100% skóraInstrukcja prania: Delikatnie wyczyść wilgotną szmatką, bez detergentów
  • Skórzana obudowa kardynała Unisexa 226
    Materiał: 100% skóraInstrukcja prania: Delikatnie wyczyść wilgotną szmatką, bez detergentów
  • Skórzana obudowa kardynała Unisexa Cm227
    Materiał: 100% skóraInstrukcja prania: Delikatnie wyczyść wilgotną szmatką, bez detergentów
  • Skórzana obudowa kardynała Unisexa Cm228
    Materiał: 100% skóraInstrukcja prania: Delikatnie wyczyść wilgotną szmatką, bez detergentów
  • Carrera Jeans VERA_CB413
    Kolekcja:Wiosna/LatoRodzaj:DamskaMateriał:poliuretanZapięcie:zipŚrodek:przegródki na karty kredytoweprzegródki na dokumentyportmonetkaSzerokość w cm:20Wysokość w cm:10Głębokość w cm:4Oryginalny pokrowiec:tak
  • Carrera Jeans VERA_CB413
    Kolekcja:Wiosna/LatoRodzaj:DamskaMateriał:poliuretanZapięcie:zipŚrodek:przegródki na karty kredytoweprzegródki na dokumentyportmonetkaSzerokość w cm:20Wysokość w cm:10.5Głębokość w cm:2Oryginalny pokrowiec:tak
  • Carrera Jeans JENNY_CB409
    Kolekcja:Wiosna/LatoRodzaj:DamskaMateriał:poliuretanZapięcie:metaloweŚrodek:przegródki na karty kredytoweprzegródki na dokumentyportmonetkaSzerokość w cm:20Wysokość w cm:11Głębokość w cm:3.5Oryginalny pokrowiec:tak
  • Wicky (Wicky)
    "Charakterystyczny kolor, niepowtarzalny czarny zamek błyskawiczny i srebrne logo VUCH sprawiają, że ten portfel jest prawdziwym klejnotem. Wisienką na torcie jest jego przestronność i praktyczność, którą zawdzięcza wielu przegródkom."Duża przestrzeń wewnętrzna na karty i banknotyZewnętrzna kieszeń na monety zapinane na zamek błyskawicznyDwie praktyczne przegrody wewnętrzneZamykanie portfela patentowego
  • Portfel Semiline Unisex 3226-1
    opis:Portfel zapieczętowany na rzep z przegródkami na karty kredytowe, dokumenty i banknoty. Przewód do zawieszania się na szyi. Jedna zewnętrzna kieszeń zapinany na zamek błyskawiczny. Materiał: 100% PoliesterUmycie instrukcje: Delikatnie wyczyść wilgotną szmatką, bez detergentów.
  • Portfel Semiline Unisex 3226-3
    opis:Portfel zapieczętowany na rzep z przegródkami na karty kredytowe, dokumenty i banknoty. Przewód do zawieszania się na szyi. Jedna zewnętrzna kieszeń zapinany na zamek błyskawiczny. Materiał: 100% PoliesterUmycie instrukcje: Delikatnie wyczyść wilgotną szmatką, bez detergentów.
  • Semiline Woman's RFID Skórzany portfel P8228-0
    opis:Portfel Ladie z opcją RFID zabezpieczającą kartę kredytową przed ich skanowaniem. Dwa gniazda na rachunki i jedna duża kieszeń na zamek błyskawiczny. Wewnątrz wzdłuż kieszeni panelu przedniego z zamknięciem zatrzasku z dwoma otwartymi górnymi gniazdami na monety. Wewnątrz pod klapą również 5 gniazd kart kredytowych i jeden z nich z przezroczystym do zdjęć. Wewnątrz na panelu frotn również 4 gniazda kart kredytowych. Z tyłu jedna duża zewnętrzna otwarta górna kieszeń. Materiał: 100% Instrukcja leatherwashingu: Delikatnie wyczyść wilgotną szmatką, bez detergentów.
  • Semiline Woman's RFID Skórzany portfel P8228-2
    opis:Portfel Ladie z opcją RFID zabezpieczającą kartę kredytową przed ich skanowaniem. Dwa gniazda na rachunki i jedna duża kieszeń na zamek błyskawiczny. Wewnątrz wzdłuż kieszeni panelu przedniego z zamknięciem zatrzasku z dwoma otwartymi górnymi gniazdami na monety. Wewnątrz pod klapą również 5 gniazd kart kredytowych i jeden z nich z przezroczystym do zdjęć. Wewnątrz na panelu frotn również 4 gniazda kart kredytowych. Z tyłu jedna duża zewnętrzna otwarta górna kieszeń. Materiał: 100% Instrukcja leatherwashingu: Delikatnie wyczyść wilgotną szmatką, bez detergentów.
  • Semiline Woman's RFID Skórzany portfel P8229-0
    opis:Portfel Ladie wykonany z lakieru ze skóry patentowej z opcją RFID zabezpieczającą kartę kredytową przed ich skanowaniem. Wewnątrz 3 otwarte górne gniazda na rachunki i jedna kieszeń na zamek błyskawiczny. Pod klapą jeden hideen slajdów w kieszeni i jeden przezroczysty okno kieszeni gniazda na zdjęcia lub doc's . Również wewnątrz w środkowej kieszeni na zamek błyskawiczny z dwoma otwartymi górnymi gniazdami na monety. Również wewnątrz wzdłuż przedniego panelu dodatkowa ukryta kieszeń z drzemką zamykającą, gdzie wewnątrz znajduje się 12 gniazd kart kredytowych, a pod nimi 2 ukryte slajdy w kieszeniach. Poza dodatkową dużą kieszenią ukrytych banknotów znajduje się wzdłuż pełnego zewnętrznego tylnego i przedniego panelu. Materiał: 100% Instrukcja leatherwashingu: Delikatnie wyczyść wilgotną szmatką, bez detergentów.
  • Semiline Woman's RFID Skórzany portfel P8229-2
    opis:Portfel Ladie wykonany z lakieru ze skóry patentowej z opcją RFID zabezpieczającą kartę kredytową przed ich skanowaniem. Wewnątrz 3 otwarte górne gniazda na rachunki i jedna kieszeń na zamek błyskawiczny. Pod klapą jeden hideen slajdów w kieszeni i jeden przezroczysty okno kieszeni gniazda na zdjęcia lub doc's . Również wewnątrz w środkowej kieszeni na zamek błyskawiczny z dwoma otwartymi górnymi gniazdami na monety. Również wewnątrz wzdłuż przedniego panelu dodatkowa ukryta kieszeń z drzemką zamykającą, gdzie wewnątrz znajduje się 12 gniazd kart kredytowych, a pod nimi 2 ukryte slajdy w kieszeniach. Poza dodatkową dużą kieszenią ukrytych banknotów znajduje się wzdłuż pełnego zewnętrznego tylnego i przedniego panelu. Materiał: 100% Instrukcja leatherwashingu: Delikatnie wyczyść wilgotną szmatką, bez detergentów.
  • Semiline Woman's RFID Skórzany portfel P8237-2
    opis:Portfel Ladie wykonany ze skóry z opcją RFID zabezpieczającą kartę kredytową przed ich skanowaniem. Wewnątrz 3 otwarte górne gniazda na rachunki i jedna kieszeń na zamek błyskawiczny. Pod klapą jeden hideen slajdów w kieszeni i jeden przezroczysty okno kieszeni gniazda na zdjęcia lub doc's . Również wewnątrz w środkowej kieszeni na zamek błyskawiczny z dwoma otwartymi górnymi gniazdami na monety. Również wewnątrz wzdłuż panelu przedniego dodatkowe ukrytej kieszeni z drzemką zamknięcia, gdzie wewnątrz są 12 gniazd kart kredytowych i pod nimi 2 ukryte slajdów w kieszeniach . Poza dodatkową dużą kieszenią ukrytych banknotów znajduje się wzdłuż pełnego zewnętrznego tylnego i przedniego panelu. Materiał: 100% Instrukcja leatherwashingu: Delikatnie wyczyść wilgotną szmatką, bez detergentów.
  • Damski czarno-brązowy skórzany portfel z tłoczeniem
    Damski czarno-brązowy skórzany portfel z tłoczeniem. dodatki: zapięcie na zatrzaski, przegrody na banknoty, kieszeń na monety zapinana na zamek, gniazda na kartymateriał: skóra naturalnawymiary: szerokość 10 cm, wys. 8 cm
  • Portfel męski zapinany na zamek, granatowy
    Portfel męski zapinany na zamek, granatowy. dodatki: zapięcie na zamek błyskawiczny, 2 przegródki na banknoty, kieszeń na monety z zatrzaskiem, gniazda na karty, system RFID zapobiegający kradzieży danychmateriał: skóra naturalnawymiary: szerokość 12 cm, wys. 9 cm
  • Kolekcja Damskie portfele VUCH Black Dots
    - Patentowanie z logo Vuch- Kieszeń na monety closable- Gniazdo zdjęć- Duża przestronna kieszeń na banknotyRozdzielczość: 195 x 95 x 30 mmWaga: 100 gMateriał: Skóra syntetycznaMocowanie: Na stadninieLiczba kart: 7-12Gwarancja: 24 miesiące
  • Portfel damski VUCH Black Dots Collection
    - Patentowe zapięcie z logo Vuch<br />- Zamykana kieszeń na suwak na monety<br />- Komora na zdjęcia<br />- Duża pojemna kieszeń na banknoty<br />Wymiary: 195x95x30mm<br /><br />Materiał: skóra syntetyczna
  • Kolekcja Kropek NA ścięcie damskie VUCH
    - Patentowanie z logo Vuch - Kieszeń na monety - Gniazdo na zdjęcia - Duża przestronna kieszeń na banknoty Rozmiar: 195 x 95 x 30 mm Waga: 100 g Materiał: Skóra syntetyczna Mocowanie: Na kolcu Liczba kart: 7-12 Gwarancja: 24 miesiące
  • Portfel damski VUCH Zippy Collection
    „ Akcesorium, które nie&t po prostu wyjść z mody i don’t znudzić? Elegancka, prosta czarna torebka, która oprócz swojego wyglądu zapiera dech w piersiach dzięki przestronności i praktyczności. Nie możemy również zapominać dodać, że idealnie pasuje do Twojej ręki."-  Do 12 kart-  Dwie przestronne kieszenie na banknoty-  Zapinane na zamek kieszeń zewnętrzna-  Vuch card - identyfikacja po zgubieniu portfela-  Rozmiar: 200 x 105 x 25 mm-  Waga: 191 gMateriał: 100% skóra syntetyczna
  • Kolekcja Damskie portfele VUCH Black Dots
    - Patentowanie z logo Vuch - Kieszeń na monety - Gniazdo na zdjęcia - Duża przestronna kieszeń na banknoty Rozmiar: 195 x 95 x 30 mm Waga: 100 g Materiał: Skóra syntetyczna Mocowanie: Na kolcu Liczba kart: 7-12 Gwarancja: 24 miesiące
  • Rip Curl Wallet LOTUS SOFT OVERSIZED WLT Black
    You can wear the Oversize Lotus Soft wallet in black thanks to the detachable wrist strap. Inside, it hides several compartments for cards, documents and coins. The front is decorated with an embossed brand logo.embossed logoremovable wrist strapcard and coin compartments
  • Brown patterned women's wallet
    Brown patterned women's wallet . extras: snap closure, slots for cards and documents, pocket for earwires, RFID protectionmaterial: 100% natural leatherdimensions: 14 x 9 cm
  • Lance
    "Some women have freckles of beauty, I have polka dots of beauty. I don't want to brag too much, but I think that playful polka dots suit me and differentiate me from other wallets. What do you think?"Inner coin pocket with zip closureThe main closure of a patent walletCompartments for up to 12 cards, of which 1 photo compartmentVuch card - identification in case of wallet loss
  • Swimmers wallet
    "Would you like to feel like you're on vacation by the sea every day?" It's easy, just look at the unique limited edition wallet, designed by talented illustrators Tomski & Polanski."Limited EditionThe products were created in collaboration with illustrators Tomski & PolanskiEach wallet hides its own story - only 150 pieces of each colorLuxury gift packaging from the Tomski & Polanski edition
  • Lovers wallet
    "We feel love in the air! Let yourself be swallowed up by love. Fall in love with this original limited edition wallet, which is dotted with couples in love. The unique design was inspired by a duo of talented illustrators Tomski & Polanski."Limited EditionThe products were created in collaboration with illustrators Tomski & PolanskiEach wallet hides its own story - only 150 pieces of each colorLuxury gift packaging from the Tomski & Polanski edition
  • Large Quilted Wallet With Stripe Black Jeffrey
    A large and practical wallet fastened with a zipper with a fringe. The wallet can accommodate coins, banknotes and open pockets for cards and documents. It was made of ecological leather. Inside, it has three compartments with two compartments. There is also a zippered pocket. Give a gift to yourself or someone close to you!
  • Large Quilted Wallet With Stripe Red Jeffrey
    A large and practical wallet fastened with a zipper with a fringe. The wallet can accommodate coins, banknotes and open pockets for cards and documents. It was made of ecological leather. Inside, it has three compartments with two compartments. There is also a zippered pocket. Give a gift to yourself or someone close to you!
  • Large Leather Wallet On Zipper Beige Loreaine
    Great wallet with functional pockets! Made of eco leather. It has one magnet-closed sachet that can hold documents such as a registration card or some smartphones. There are several pockets for business cards or ID cards in the zippered compartment. There is also space for coins and banknotes. Additionally, the zipper is decorated with a colored stripe.
  • Large Fringed Quilted Wallet Red Selley
    Great, large wallet with a zipper with a fringe. It has an additional strap. The wallet can accommodate coins, banknotes and has open pockets for cards and documents. It was made of ecological, quilted leather. Inside, it has three compartments with two compartments. There is also a zippered pocket. Give a gift to yourself or someone close to you!
  • Large Quilted Wallet With Stripe Grey Jeffrey
    A large and practical wallet fastened with a zipper with a fringe. The wallet can accommodate coins, banknotes and open pockets for cards and documents. It was made of ecological leather. Inside, it has three compartments with two compartments. There is also a zippered pocket. Give a gift to yourself or someone close to you!
  • Large Leather Wallet On Zipper Grey Loreaine
    Great wallet with functional pockets! Made of eco leather. It has one magnet-closed sachet that can hold documents such as a registration card or some smartphones. There are several pockets for business cards or ID cards in the zippered compartment. There is also space for coins and banknotes. Additionally, the zipper is decorated with a colored stripe.
  • Large Quilted Wallet With Stripe Gold Jeffrey
    A large and practical wallet fastened with a zipper with a fringe. The wallet can accommodate coins, banknotes and open pockets for cards and documents. It was made of ecological leather. Inside, it has three compartments with two compartments. There is also a zippered pocket. Give a gift to yourself or someone close to you!
  • Black Women's Wallet Tommy Hilfiger Element Holder - Women
    Model: Element HolderColor: blackFastening: zipperMaterial: 100% polyurethanePray & Maintenance: Wipe with a damp cloth
  • Gant Wallet - Women
    Colour: blackMaterial: 100% genuine leatherDimensions: 8.5x2x10.5 cm
  • Black Women's Wallet Calvin Klein Re-Lock Slim - Women
    Model: Re-Lock SlimColor: blackStor: plasticFastening: zipperMaterial: 100% polyurethaneDimensions: 19 x 10 x 2 cm
  • Black Women's Wallet Calvin Klein - Women
    Color: blackStore space: banknote compartment, card compartmentRFID protection: the product protects your payment and smart cards from unauthorized reading of dataTurning on: zipLength: 19 cmMaterial: synthetics
  • Black Women's Small Wallet Tommy Jeans - Women
    Color: blackFastening: zipperMaterial: 100% polyurethanePray and maintenance: wipe with a damp cloth
  • Black Women's Wallet Tommy Jeans - Women
    Color: blackFastening: zipperMaterial: 100% polyurethanePray and maintenance: wipe with a damp cloth
  • Black Women's Small Wallet Liu Jo - Women
    Colour: blackTurn-on: zipperWare storage space: coin compartment, banknote compartmentMaterial: 100% polyurethane
  • Wallet Karl Lagerfeld - Women
    Colour: blackSample: printing Fastening: zipperMaterial: 100% genuine leatherDimensions: 10x2x14.5 cm
  • Portfel damski VUCH No Dots Collection
    - Patentowanie z logo Vuch - Kieszeń na monety - Gniazdo na zdjęcia - Duża przestronna kieszeń na banknoty Rozmiar: 195 x 95 x 30 mm Waga: 100 g Materiał: Skóra syntetyczna Mocowanie: Na kolcu Liczba kart: 7-12 Gwarancja: 24 miesiące
  • białko
    "Najpiękniejszym kwiatem jest róża, a najlepszym materiałem jest skóra! A clara&#39,s czarny skórzany portfel jest tak piękny jak kwiat róży, a każdy będzie ci zazdrościć."Kieszeń na zamek błyskawiczny na monetyDwie przestronne kieszenie na banknotyZewnętrzną kieszeń na zamek błyskawicznyMiejsce na 12 kart
  • Evie
    "Czerwony portfel Evie&#39 rozświetli Twój dzień. A jego materiał? Po prostu sen. Jest wykonana ze skóry i przyciąga kobiety, ale także mężczyzn."Kieszeń na zamek błyskawiczny na monetyDwie przestronne kieszenie na banknotyZewnętrzną kieszeń na zamek błyskawicznyMiejsce na 12 kart
  • Rip Curl wallet SALTWATER ECO SURF Sun Rust
    Practical men's wallet with Velcro fastening. Inside the wallet you will find several compartments for cards, banknotes and coins. This red wallet is equipped with an RFID system, which protects against misuse of payment cards.made of polyesterRFID protectionlabel with logocoin pocketcard and banknote compartment
  • Women's wallet VUCH Heiko
    "Do you know our beautiful Cara purse? That you can't imagine anything nicer? So wait a minute, I'm still in the scene - Heiko's wallet - like I fell out of her eye, huh? You simply must not miss such an elegant affair as I do at home!"Elegant designMain zip fasteningZipped coin pocketSpace for 12 cards
  • VUCH Fergus wallet
    “That brown is a color for the elderly? But where! I am the (in) living proof of that. Take me for coffee with a friend and you'll see that my eyes don't take my eyes off me! As a spacious wallet, I will allow you to organize all your cards and thoughts!"Elegant designMain zip fasteningZipped coin pocketSpace for 12 cards
  • Armani Exchange Wallet - Women
    Colour: blackSample: printingFastening: zipperMaterial: 100% polyurethane
  • Burgundy Women's Flowered Wallet Dakine Luna - Women
    Model: LunaColor: burgundyZor: floweredStore: 1 x Main pocket, 1 x Coin compartment, 1 x Banknote compartment, 4 x Card trayTurn: zipperSustainability: using recycled materialsMaterial: 100% recycled polyester
  • Black Women's Flowered Wallet Dakine Luna - Women
    Model: LunaColor: blackStor: floweredStore: 1 x Coin compartment, 1 x Banknote compartment, 4 x Card trayFastening: zipperSustainability: use of recycled materialsMaterial: 100% recycled polyesterWashing and maintenance: wipe with a damp cloth
  • Light Green Women's Wallet Guess Laurel - Women
    Model: LaurelColor: light greenStor: animal, plastic Storage space: banknote compartment, coin compartment, card compartmentFasten: zipper
  • Women's black and red pattern leather wallet
    Stylish women's wallet made of high-quality patent leather. Equipped with RFID protection. The wallet contains 11 compartments for cards, 4 slots for documents of a slightly larger format and a practical, rear outer pocket closed with a zipper.Women's leather wallet with a zip pocket, snakeskin motif - Lorentia product of a Polish brand trusted by thousands of customers!high quality - made of natural, patent leatherunusual appearance - the wallet has a texture that resembles a snake's skin in its pattern and colorclassic cut - invest in a wallet with which you will feel fashionable and comfortableequipped with an RFID system that secures the card in the wallet against theft of funds from the accountgift box - you will save time looking for a box if you want to give this wallet as a gift!Stylish women's wallet in a classic cut with a beautiful texture that imitates a snake skin in an extremely realistic way. Perfect for almost every occasion. Break with boredom in your wardrobe, invest in an accessory with character!Wallet in a horizontal orientation fastened with a latch. The main advantage of this model is functionality. We know how important comfort and convenience are, so we are glad that we can offer you a model in which you can fit everything you need on a daily basis.Polish brand productThere is a premium product of the Polish brand Lorenti® in front of you. During production, the greatest emphasis was placed on the quality of the portfolio. The assumption was that its appearance and functionality were not the only advantages. We wanted the wallet to be also reliable. The possibility of using it for many years is the goal we have achieved.The wallet has embossing on its surface confirming that it is leather. Inside, you will find security features that are to protect it from squeezing the skin.On the front, there is a nice brand logo in the form of a golden text in a black frame on the leather mustache.A large wallet for big needsDuring production, apart from aesthetic values, the emphasis was primarily on maximum functionality.Lots of cards, business cards and documents? You won't have to worry about running out of space anymore!Inside you will find:11 compartments for cards, business cards and documents of a standard format;4 spaces for documents of a slightly larger format, e.g. your car registration certificate;1 zip compartment located in the central part of the wallet;The compartments for cards and documents are finished with a lining. This avoids abrasions on the skin when cards are inserted and removed countless times.Your money's fineyou can hide the coin in 1 double pocket closed with a zipper ;you hide the banknotes in 3 open compartments sewn across the entire width of the wallet;These pockets are also lined, so you won't have to worry about damaging your skin.Place for a photoThe wallet has a special compartment dedicated to photos. Place there pictures of people you are close to, so that you can always feel their presence and be able to improve your mood by looking at them.Outer pocket - an accessory that you will undoubtedly appreciateOn the back of the wallet there is a practical storage compartment closed with a zipper. It is a very convenient place for small items, such as a public transport ticket.We advise you to keep important documents inside - then it will be safer!Dimensions:height: 9 cmwidth: 15 cmdepth: 3.5 cmTechnical specificationsBrand: LORENTIWarranty: 12 MONTHSGender: Women'sType: walletMaterial: natural leather, natural patent leatherStyle: city / casual, elegantclosure: latchnumber of compartments for cards: 10+Orientation: horizontalSize: largecoin pocket: closed with a zipperregistration certificate: holdsbox: yesPattern: Snake / Crocodile SkinRFID protection: yesHardware color: silver
  • Gray oblong leather wallet
    A unique women's wallet made of high-quality patent leather. Equipped with RFID protection. The wallet contains 5 card slots, one pocket for larger documents, e.g. registration certificate and a place for a photo.Women's leather wallet with a shimmering pattern and a back pocket - Lorentia product of a Polish brand trusted by thousands of customers!made of high-quality patent leatherequipped with an RFID system that secures the card in the wallet against theft of funds from the accountclassic cut with a beautiful pattern in the form of shiny silver ornamentsvery extensive - lots of space for documents and moneya subtle logo in the form of a golden inscription mounted on a leather mustacheA beautiful women's wallet Lorenti® is an accessory for brave women who like to stand out in the crowd. You will perfectly match it with your stylizations, giving them rapacity and extraordinary character. It was made with great attention to the smallest details. The texture of the leather, decorated with golden, irregular stitching, harmonizes perfectly with the brand logo attached through a leather mustache.The Polish brand is a guarantee of qualityThis product is a representative of the Polish brand Lorenti® , which is chosen very willingly among our customers.There is a premium product of the Polish brand Lorenti® in front of you. During production, the greatest emphasis was placed on the quality of the portfolio. The assumption was that its appearance and functionality were not the only advantages. We wanted the wallet to be also reliable. The possibility of using it for many years is the goal we have achieved.The wallet has embossing on its surface confirming that it is leather. Inside, you will find security features that are to protect it from squeezing the skin.Interior - roomy and well-organizedWe Women like to be prepared for every eventuality, which is why we carry a lot of small things with us. Your previous wallet wasn't roomy enough to hold all your papers, business cards and cards? This model will meet this challenge!Included in the wallet:9 compartments dedicated to cards, business cards or documents of a standard format;2 document compartments One is inside, hidden under card slots and a photo space. The other one is on the outside. However, we recommend that you store important documents inside a wallet fastened with a latch;1 zip pocket in the central part of the wallet;Compartments for cards and documents are secured with a lining . This avoids abrasions to the skin when cards are inserted and removed countless times.Perfect cashThere was also a place for cash in the wallet. If you are a supporter of it, you will not be can hide the coin in 1 double pocket closed with a earwire . The pockets are really big. You can conveniently pull out the coins;there are 3 large, open pockets for banknotes ;Handy pocket - convenience you will appreciateThe pocket on the back of the wallet is a very comfortable solution. It is dedicated to small things that you use often. You won't have to open your entire wallet to look for them.Maybe a ticket for public transport? Little notes? The decision is yours.Photos of loved ones at handA compartment for a photo of a loved one is a big advantage. You can look at someone you love at any time!If you prefer, it will also fit a payment card or a standard-format document.Dimensions:height: 9 cmwidth: 18.5 cmdepth: 3.5 cmTechnical specificationsBrand: LORENTIWarranty: 12 MONTHSGender: Women'sType: walletMaterial: natural leather, natural patent leatherStyle: city / casual, elegantclosure: latchnumber of compartments for cards: 6-10Orientation: horizontalSize: largepocket for coins: closed with a hookregistration certificate: holdsbox: yesPattern: Snake / Crocodile SkinRFID protection: yesHardware color: silver
  • Women's gray horizontal wallet made of natural leather
    An extensive women's wallet made of high-quality patent leather. Equipped with RFID protection. The wallet has 11 compartments for cards, 4 compartments for larger documents and a practical, rear outer pocket closed with a zipper.Women's leather wallet with a shimmering pattern and a zipped pocket - Lorentia product of a Polish brand trusted by thousands of customers!made of high-quality natural cowhide leather , varnished on the outside and matte on the insideclassic cut with a beautiful pattern in the form of shiny silver ornamentsextremely roomy and functional - lots of places for cards, documents and cashequipped with an RFID system that secures the card in the wallet against theft of funds from the accounta subtle logo in the form of a golden inscription on a black plate mounted on a leather mustacheSensational women's wallet in a horizontal orientation, closed with a solid clasp. Decorated with a fashionable pattern in a silver color, shimmering like glitter.A wallet, next to which, without a doubt - it is impossible to pass by indifferently!In addition to an interesting design, it is an extremely functional accessory. It will accommodate large amounts of cards, documents and cash, thanks to which it will satisfy even the most demanding user!Polish brand wallet from the premium collectionThere is a premium product of the Polish brand Lorenti® in front of you. During production, the greatest emphasis was placed on the quality of the portfolio. The assumption was that its appearance and functionality were not the only advantages. We wanted the wallet to be also reliable. The possibility of using it for many years is the goal we have achieved.The wallet has embossing on its surface confirming that it is leather. Inside, you will find security features that are to protect it from squeezing the skin.Cards and documents will find their places quicklyYour previous wallet wasn't roomy enough to hold all your papers, business cards and cards? This model will meet this challenge!Included in the wallet:11 compartments dedicated to cards, business cards or documents of a standard format;4 compartments for larger format documents, e.g. your car registration certificate;1 zip pocket in the central part of the wallet;Compartments for cards and documents are secured with a lining . This avoids abrasions to the skin when cards are inserted and removed countless times.Perfect cashThe section that is designed to store money is really can hide the coin in 1 double zipped pocket. It is a very safe clasp, thanks to which you will not have to worry that the pocket will open by itself;there are 3 large, open pockets for banknotes . This is a very useful convenience for people using multiple currencies;Outer pocketThere is a handy pocket on the back of the wallet. Hide small items that you use often so that you always have quick access to them.Maybe a ticket for public transport? Little notes? The decision is yours.Photo pocketA compartment for a photo of a loved one is a big advantage. You can look at someone you love at any time!If you prefer, it will also fit a payment card or a standard-format document.Dimensions:height: 9.5 cmwidth: 15 cmdepth: 3.5 cmTechnical specificationsBrand: LORENTIWarranty: 12 MONTHSGender: Women'sType: walletMaterial: natural leather, natural patent leatherStyle: city / casual, elegantclosure: latchnumber of compartments for cards: 10+Orientation: horizontalSize: largecoin pocket: closed with a zipperregistration certificate: holdsbox: yesPattern: Snake / Crocodile SkinRFID protection: yesHardware color: silver
  • Women's black and red leather wallet
    An attractive women's wallet made of high-quality patent leather. Equipped with RFID protection. The wallet has 14 slots for cards, 3 pockets for documents of a slightly larger format and a pocket for photos. It will also fit a lot of cash.Women's leather wallet with earwires decorated with a snakeskin motif - Lorentia product of a Polish brand trusted by thousands of customers!made of high-quality patent leatherclassic cut combined with an original finish - the texture of the leather imitates snake skinvery extensive - the center is well organized and has plenty of space for cards and documentsequipped with an RFID system that secures the card in the wallet against theft of funds from the accountgift box - you will save time looking for a box if you want to give this wallet as a gift!An amazing women's wallet from the latest collection made of the highest quality natural leather with a unique pattern imitating snake skin. An addition with an extremely predatory nature.Perfect quality, perfect workmanship, and a unique look are our proposition perfect for you.Trust the Polish brandThere is a premium product of the Polish brand Lorenti® in front of you. During production, the greatest emphasis was placed on the quality of the portfolio. The assumption was that its appearance and functionality were not the only advantages. We wanted the wallet to be also reliable. The possibility of using it for many years is the goal we have achieved.The wallet was made of natural cowhide leather. The leather is of high quality and meets high standards.The wallet has embossing on its surface confirming that it is leather. Inside you will find cardboard inserts and protections to protect against the crushing of the leather.No more space problemsIf you are looking for a wallet in which, in addition to cash, of course, you want to fit a large number of cards or documents , you've come to the right place!Included in the wallet:14 compartments dedicated to cards, business cards or documents of a standard format,3 pockets for documents of larger format;Compartments for cards and documents are secured with a lining . This avoids abrasions to the skin when cards are inserted and removed countless times.Money sectionyou can hide the coin in 1 double pocket closed with a earwire , which is basically one separate section;there are two really huge pockets sewn in the entire length of the wallet for banknotes .Place for a photoInside, in the middle of the wallet, there is a photo pocket. It's always nice to look at a photo of a loved one.Dimensions:height: 8.5 cmwidth: 14 cmdepth: 3.5 cmTechnical specificationsBrand: LORENTIWarranty: 12 MONTHSGender: Women'sType: walletMaterial: natural leatherStyle: city / casual, elegantclosure: latchnumber of compartments for cards: 10+Orientation: horizontalSize: averagepocket for coins: closed with a hookregistration certificate: does not fitbox: yesPattern: Snake / Crocodile SkinHardware color: silver
  • Red lacquered leather wallet
    extras: card slots, coin pocket with zipper, banknote slots material: 100% natural leather dimensions: 15 cm x 11 cm x 4 cm
  • Gray leather wallet with an animal motif
    Women's green wallet with patterns . A unique women's wallet made of high-quality patent leather. Equipped with RFID protection. The wallet contains 5 card slots, one pocket for larger documents, e.g. registration certificate and a place for a photo.Women's leather wallet with a shimmering animal motif - Lorentia product of a Polish brand trusted by thousands of customers!made of high-quality natural cowhide leather - varnished on the outside, and matt on the insideequipped with an RFID system that secures the card in the wallet against theft of funds from the accountwallet with an insane, silver pattern that shines beautifully like glittercapacious and practical , with a very good interior organization - your little things will find their place quickly!a subtle logo in the form of a golden inscription mounted on a leather mustacheBeautiful and functionalWe present a top model from the latest collection of the Polish brand Lorenti® . In addition to being really attractive, it is also sewn with exceptional attention to the smallest details.The quality of the leather, materials that were used in production, such as threads or metal fragments - all this guarantees you to use your wallet for many years.Fastened with a permanent latch.The placement of pockets and compartments was done in a very intuitive and supportive way.All this to make it as comfortable as possible for you to use it!We care about your comfort!The organization of the interior at the highest levelThe basic assumption during the production was to create a portfolio with maximum functionality. And we did it!The offered model is really roomy! The interior is organized very intuitively, making its use a pleasure.Included in the wallet:5 compartments dedicated to cards, business cards or documents of a standard format ,1 pocket for documents in a larger format, such as the registration card, hidden under the card section. You can also store larger documents in the large, open banknote slots!Compartments for cards and documents are secured with a lining . This avoids abrasions to the skin when cards are inserted and removed countless times.Money sectionThe wallet is very roomy . The money pockets are padded with an abrasion-resistant , logged can hide the coin in 2 independent pockets. One of them is closed with a hook, the other with a nap ;,there are 3 large, open pockets for banknotes ;Place for a photoA compartment for a photo of a loved one is a big advantage. You can look at someone you love at any time :)Dimensions:height: 8.5 cmwidth: 16.5 cmdepth: 3.5 cmTechnical specificationsBrand: LORENTIWarranty: 12 MONTHSGender: Women'sType: walletMaterial: natural leather, natural patent leatherStyle: city / casual, elegantclosure: latchnumber of compartments for cards: 1-5Orientation: horizontalSize: largecoin pocket: snap closureregistration certificate: holdsbox: yesPattern: Snake / Crocodile SkinHardware color: silver
  • Green patterned leather wallet
    Leather, lacquered women's wallet decorated with a motif with colorful feathers. Closed with a flap with a strong latch. Inside, there is a spacious section for cards, documents and cash. Outer purse closed with earwires. Wallet with RFID Stop system.Leather, varnished wallet with an outer purse for earwires - Lorentia product of a Polish brand trusted by thousands of customers!high quality - made of natural, patent leatherunusual appearance - the wallet has a texture with a floral motifclassic cut - invest in a wallet with which you will feel fashionable and comfortableroomy and functional - lots of space for your documents and cards!equipped with RFID technology , which secures the card in the wallet against theft of funds from the accountgift box - you will save time looking for a box if you want to give this wallet as a gift!Money sectionThe wallet is very roomy . The money pockets are padded with an abrasion-resistant , logged can put the coin in 2 pockets.The outer one is closed with a secure latch , while the inner pocket is closed with a zipper.there are 3 compartments for banknotesDocument sectionYou can put a lot of the most necessary documents in a wallet in various formats, such as cards or a registration document.The portfolio includes:9 dedicated card slots ,1 document pocket in a larger format, such as a registration certificate in the cover.Compartments for cards and documents are secured with a lining . This avoids abrasions to the skin when cards are inserted and removed countless times.Dimensions:height: 10 cmwidth: 19 cmdepth: 3.5 cmTechnical specificationsBrand: LORENTIWarranty: 12 MONTHSGender: Women'sType: walletMaterial: natural leatherStyle: city / casualclosure: latchnumber of compartments for cards: 6-10Orientation: horizontalSize: largepocket for coins: closed with a hookregistration certificate: holdsbox: yesPattern: full printHardware color: silver
  • Brown leather wallet with flowers
    A charming women's wallet with a floral motif, made of high-quality patent leather. Equipped with RFID protection. The wallet contains 9 slots for cards, 3 slots for documents of a slightly larger format and a place for photos.Women's vertical wallet with flowers made of patent leather - Lorentia product of a Polish brand trusted by thousands of customers!high quality - made of natural, cowhide leather. The outer part is lacquered, the center is mattebeautiful design - wallet with a floral patternhandy, vertical design - fastened with a convenient buckle with a latchintuitive and functional - it will hold all the necessary documents and cards, and much more!equipped with RFID technology , which secures the card in the wallet against theft of funds from the accountgift wrap , which secures the card in the wallet against the theft of funds from the accountWomen's wallet with the most fashionable flower pattern this season. Thanks to the thoughtful arrangement of pockets and card slots, it will hold both money and all the most important cards and documents.It is designed in accordance with the latest trends. The perfect proposition for every woman. Perfect quality, perfect workmanship, and a unique look are our proposition perfect for youPolish brand product There is a premium product of the Polish brand Lorenti® in front of you. During production, the greatest emphasis was placed on the quality of the portfolio. The assumption was that its appearance and functionality were not the only advantages. We wanted the wallet to be also reliable. The possibility of using it for many years is the goal we have achieved.Inside you will find cardboard inserts and protections to protect against the crushing of the leather.The interior is perfectly organizedThe wallet is designed so that the compartments and compartments allow you to conveniently organize and organize all the items you store in it. This model is simply created for the supporters of cashless payments!The measure includes:9 compartments for cards, business cards or documents of a standard format;3 places for documents of a slightly larger format, one of them is transparentThe compartments for cards and documents are also finished with a lining. This avoids abrasions on the skin when cards are inserted and removed countless times.Your money is beautifully orderedyou can hide the coins in 1 double pocket closed with a zipper ;you hide the banknotes in 1 open compartment, embroidered across the entire width of the wallet;These pockets are lined so you won't have to worry about damaging your skin.Space for photosAlready in the first section of the wallet there are two pockets for photos. All this so that you can look at your loved ones whenever you want, to improve your mood!Dimensions:height: 12.5 cmwidth: 8.5 cmdepth: 3 cmTechnical specificationsBrand: LORENTIWarranty: 12 MONTHSGender: Women'sType: walletMaterial: natural patent leatherStyle: city / casual, elegantclosure: latchnumber of compartments for cards: 6-10Orientation: verticalSize: averagecoin pocket: closed with a zipperregistration certificate: does not fitbox: yesPattern: flowersRFID protection: yesHardware color: silver
  • Green patterned genuine leather wallet
    Women's wallet with a unique decoration, made of high-quality natural leather. RFID protected. Inside, 4 compartments for cards and 4 for larger documents, thanks to which the wallet, despite its small size, can even accommodate a registration card.Decorated women's wallet in patent leather with a back pocket - Lorentia product of a Polish brand trusted by thousands of customers!high quality - made of natural, patent leather.unusual appearance - the wallet has a texture with a floral motifclassic cut - invest in a wallet with which you will feel fashionable and comfortableroomy and functional - lots of places for your documents and cards!equipped with RFID technology , which secures the card in the wallet against theft of funds from the accountgift box - you will save time looking for a box if you want to give this wallet as a gift!Polish brandThis product is a representative of the Polish brand Lorenti® , which is chosen very willingly among our customers.Our wallets are characterized by above-average durability and an unforgettable style! Regardless of whether the wallet has one dominant color or it has an original design - it must be honestly admitted that having one of them, its owner will feel great comfort. All thanks to the high standards of functionality and design, which gives you the feeling that you have a wallet whose appearance is always in line with current trends!Money sectionThe wallet is very roomy . The money pockets are padded with an abrasion-resistant , logged can hide the coin in the outer, double pocket closed with a secure zipperfor banknotes there is one large open pocket and three smaller ones under the flapDocument sectionYou can fit a lot of the most necessary documents in a variety of formats in your wallet.The interior houses:4 compartments dedicated to cards ,4 pockets for documents in a larger format, like the registration certificate in the cover. One of these pockets is located on the outside, on the back of the wallet, it is open. However, we recommend that you keep important documents inside a wallet that can be locked with a latch.Compartments for cards and documents are also secured with a lining . This avoids abrasions to the skin when cards are inserted and removed countless times.Dimensions:height: 9.5 cmwidth: 13 cmdepth: 3.5 cmTechnical specificationsBrand: LORENTIWarranty: 12 MONTHSGender: Women'sType: walletMaterial: natural leather, natural patent leatherStyle: city / casual, elegantclosure: latchnumber of compartments for cards: 1-5Orientation: horizontalSize: smallpocket for coins: closed with a hookregistration certificate: holdsbox: yesPattern: flowersRFID protection: yesHardware color: gold
  • Natural green leather wallet with patterns
    A women's wallet with an original decoration made of high-quality natural leather. RFID protected. Inside, 9 slots for cards and 4 pockets for larger documents. Wallet equipped with an external, double pocket for coins closed with a zipper.Patterned women's wallet with a clasp made of patent leather - Lorentia product of a Polish brand trusted by thousands of customers!high quality - made of natural, patent leather.unusual appearance - the wallet has a texture with a floral motifclassic cut - invest in a wallet with which you will feel fashionable and comfortableroomy and functional - lots of space for your documents and cards!equipped with RFID technology , which secures the card in the wallet against theft of funds from the accountgift box - you will save time looking for a box if you want to give this wallet as a gift!Polish brandThis product is a representative of the Polish brand Lorenti® , which is chosen very willingly among our customers.Our wallets are characterized by above-average durability and an unforgettable style! Regardless of whether the wallet has one dominant color or it has an original design - it must be honestly admitted that having one of them, its owner will feel great comfort. All thanks to the high standards of functionality and design, which gives you the feeling that you have a wallet whose appearance is always in line with current trends!Money sectionThe wallet is very roomy . The money pockets are padded with an abrasion-resistant , logged can hide the coin in the outer, double pocket closed with a secure zipperThere is one large pocket for banknotesDocument sectionYou can fit a lot of the most necessary documents in a variety of formats in your wallet.The interior houses:9 dedicated card slots ,4 pockets for documents in a larger format,Compartments for cards and documents are also secured with a lining . This avoids abrasions to the skin when cards are inserted and removed countless times.Dimensions:height: 13 cmwidth: 8.5 cmdepth: 3.5 cmTechnical specificationsBrand: LORENTIWarranty: 12 MONTHSGender: Women'sType: walletMaterial: natural leather, natural patent leatherStyle: city / casual, elegantclosure: latchnumber of compartments for cards: 6-10Orientation: verticalSize: averagecoin pocket: closed with a zipperregistration certificate: does not fitbox: yesPattern: flowersRFID protection: yesHardware color: gold
  • Guess Laurel Portfel Niebieski
    Model: Laurel Kolor: jasnoniebieski Storage: banknote compartment, coin compartment, photo compartment, card compartment Zapięcie: na zatrzaski Materiál: 100% poliuretan Dimensions: 10 x 4 x 9 cm
  • Light Blue Women's Small Wallet Guess Laurel - Women
    Model: LaurelColour: light blueStorage: banknote compartment, coin compartment, photo compartment, cardcompartment Fastening: snapsMaterial: 100% polyurethaneDimensions: 10 x 4 x 9 cm
  • Diesel Wallet Baona Ii Wallet - Women
    Peněženka Baona Ii Wallet. Material: 100% Polyurethane
  • Diesel Lorettina Portfel Beżowy
    Model: Lorettina Kolor: beżowy Fastening: 1 x zips Materiał: 100% prawdziwa skóra
  • Guess Laurel Portfel Zielony
    Model: Laurel Kolor: jasnozielony Pattern: animal, plastic Storage: banknote compartment, coin compartment, card compartment Zapięcie: na suwak Materiál: 100% poliuretan
  • Armani Exchange Wallet - Women
    Detail: gold color metal accessoriesColor: blackFastening: zipperMaterial: 100% polyurethaneDimensions: 18.5x2x10 cm
  • Black Women's Wallet Armani Exchange - Women
    Color: blackPattern: logoFastening: snapsMaterial: polyester
  • Carrera Jeans REBECCA_CB605
    Kolekcja:Wiosna/LatoRodzaj:DamskaMateriał:tworzywo sztuczneZapięcie:zipŚrodek:przegródki na karty kredytoweprzegródki na dokumentyportmonetkaSzerokość w cm:19Wysokość w cm:10.5Głębokość w cm:2Oryginalny pokrowiec:tak
  • Carrera Jeans REBECCA_CB605
    Kolekcja:Wiosna/LatoRodzaj:DamskaMateriał:tworzywo sztuczneZapięcie:zipŚrodek:przegródki na karty kredytoweprzegródki na dokumentyportmonetkaSzerokość w cm:19Wysokość w cm:10.5Głębokość w cm:2Oryginalny pokrowiec:tak
  • Calvin Klein K60K60919
    Kolekcja:Wiosna/LatoRodzaj:DamskaZapięcie:zipŚrodek:przegródki na karty kredytoweprzegródki na dokumentyportmonetkaSzerokość w cm:19Wysokość w cm:9.5Głębokość w cm:2.5Oryginalny pokrowiec:tak
  • Black Women's Wallet Calvin Klein - Women
    Colour: blackTurn-on: zipperWare storage: coin compartment, banknote compartment, card compartmentMaterial: 100% polyurethane
  • Wine Women's Wallet Calvin Klein - Women
    Colour: burgundyWare space: coin compartment, card compartmentFastening: zipperMaterial: 100 % polyurethane
  • Guess LAUREL-SWVB85-0046
    Rodzaj:DamskaMateriał:poliuretanZapięcie:zipŚrodek:przegródki na karty kredytoweprzegródki na dokumentyportmonetkaSzerokość w cm:21Wysokość w cm:10Głębokość w cm:2Oryginalny pokrowiec:tak
  • Brown Women's Wallet Guess Laurel - Women
    Model: LaurelColor: brownStorage: banknote compartment, coin compartment, cardcompartment Fastening: zipperMaterial: synthetic leatherDimensions: 20 x 2.5 x 10 cm
  • Violet Life
    "Vida, vida vida, but I'm a nice wallet of Violetia Vida. What do I like to wear best? I can't decide if I like my color more, the gold zippers that make a heavenly sound when opened and closed, or the golden VUCH logo. What do you think? Do you like it from head to toe?"Double zippered coin pocketTwo spacious pockets for banknotesZippered outer pocketVuch card - identification in case of wallet loss
  • Nightie Nicci
    “But it's a luxurious piece! Well, tell me for yourself, doesn't a combination of elegant black and gold details suit me? I personally think I'm a hit! And not just for my looks, but also for what I have inside. And it is? Plenty of space for all your banknotes, coins and documents."Double zippered coin pocketTwo spacious pockets for banknotesZippered outer pocketVuch card - identification in case of wallet loss
  • Portfel damski VUCH Black Dots Collection
    Portfel damski marki VUCH.<br /><br />- wewnętrzna kieszonka na monety zapinana na zamek<br />- zapięcie na zatrzask<br />- przegródki na maksymalnie 12 kart, z czego 1 przegródka na zdjęcie<br />- identyfikacja w przypadku utraty portfela<br /><br />Wymiary 195 x 95 x 25 mm<br />Materiał: skóra syntetyczna
  • VUCH Oliver wallet
    "Do you want a wallet that will playfully fit in your pocket? A wallet that looks good and is practical? Bingo! Looks like Oliver's dark gray men's wallet is exactly what you're looking for."Durable materialSmall pocket with zip closure4 card slotsBanknote space divided into two parts
  • VUCH Halinna wallet
    "When they told me I would be gray, I was happy. But when I learned that I would be adorned with polka dots, I was the happiest in the world. I absolutely love this combination. Are you the same?"Inner coin pocket with zip closureThe main closure of a patent walletCompartments for up to 12 cards, of which 1 photo compartmentVuch card - identification in case of wallet loss

Ostatnio oglądane

Rabaty 50%, Działania, Sprzedaż Portfele dla kobiet - Portfele mogą być większe i mniejsze, wykonane z różnych materiałów i pełnić różne funkcje. Portfele męskie są zazwyczaj wykonane z prawdziwej lub sztucznej skóry albo z solidnej tkaniny. Są składane i mają tylko kilka przegródek. Taka konstrukcja jest prosta i wygodna do noszenia w kieszeni, co preferuje większość mężczyzn. Kobiety natomiast często wybierają duże portfele. Zmieści się w nich wszystko, karty, papierowe pieniądze i drobne, ale także rachunki, karty członkowskie, dokumenty osobiste, czasem nawet klucze czy telefon komórkowy. Takie duże portfele są bardzo modne i noszone są nawet jako małe torebki. Oprócz tych dwóch podstawowych typów, istnieje wiele różnych modeli portfeli. Na przykład, istnieją portfele skórzane lub dzianinowe, mini torebki, które mieszczą drobne, małe skórzane portfele z wieloma przegródkami wyłącznie na karty kredytowe. Dla podróżujących istnieją specjalne portfele, które oprócz pieniędzy i kart, mogą pomieścić większe dokumenty podróżne i bilety lotnicze. Wybierając portfel, należy wziąć pod uwagę funkcję, do której jest przeznaczony oraz zawartość, która będzie w nim przechowywana. Ważne jest również, aby wybrać materiał wysokiej jakości, portfele skórzane są zazwyczaj bardziej wytrzymałe. Gdy już zdecydujemy się na te dwa elementy, możemy wybierać spośród ogromnego asortymentu kolorów i wzorów. Popularne markowe portfele to tylko jeden z przykładów aktualnych trendów. W ostatnich latach jeszcze większą popularnością cieszą się portfele tylko na karty kredytowe. Oprócz tego, że są one na tyle małe, że zmieszczą się w każdej kieszeni i torebce, są bardzo praktyczne, ponieważ karty coraz częściej zastępują gotówkę. Ponadto wyglądają szykownie, zwłaszcza jeśli są wykonane z dobrej skóry.

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