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  • Spokey PICNIC FLORAL Koc piknikowy, niebieski, rozmiar os
    Wyrusz talem nad wodę z kocem piknikowym Spokey PICNIC FLORAL, który możesz z łatwością złożyć i przenosić. Jako spodnia warstwa wykorzystana została folia aluminiowa, która stanowi barierę dla wilgoci oraz izolację termiczną. Dzięki temu koc można rozłożyć także na mokrej trawie.
  • Spokey PUMP PRO Skakanka z obciążeniem, czarny, rozmiar 300
    Skakanka z dodatkowym obciążeniem Spokey CANDY ROPE II jest przeznaczona dla osób, które chcą urozmaicić swój trening o dynamiczne ćwiczenia ogólnorozwojowe. Posiada łożyska, dzięki którym linka nie plącze się w trakcie ćwiczeń, a sam ruch jest płynny i dynamiczny. Ponadto skakanka posiada dwa wyjmowane odważniki (każdy waży 130 g), co pozwala dostosować intensywność treningu do własnych potrzeb.
  • Spokey CROSSFIT TWEET III Skakanka z łożyskami, srebrny, rozmiar 300
    Skakanka z łożyskami i stalową rączką Spokey CROSSFIT TWEET III umożliwia wykonywanie ćwiczeń o wysokiej intensywności. Na skakance z łożyskiem można wykonywać wiele różnych ćwiczeń kondycyjnych.
  • Spokey SAN REMO Torba plażowa, czarny, rozmiar UNI
    Plażowa torba Spokey SAN RENO jest niezastąpionym towarzyszem letnich wypadów. Spakujesz do niej wszystko to, co powinno pozostać chłodne. Długie uchwyty pozwalają na wygodne noszenie torby. Duża pojemność, zapięcie na długi zamek i kształt torby ułatwiają jej pakowanie. Warstwa izolacyjna pomaga utrzymać niską temperaturę produktów nawet przez kilka godzin.
  • Spokey PICNIC MANDALA 210x180 Koc piknikowy z paskiem, turkusowy, rozmiar os
    Zorganizuj niezapomniany piknik z kocem PICNIC MANDALA 210x180 z folią aluminiową na spodzie. Pozwoli on na wygodne piknikowanie lub plażowanie z rodziną lub przyjaciółmi. Możesz go zabrać wszędzie tam, gdzie chcesz odpocząć. Spodnia warstwa pokryta folią aluminiową stanowi barierę dla wilgoci oraz izolację termiczną. Dzięki niej koc można rozłożyć również na mokrej trawie.
  • Spokey SEGRO PRO Stabilizator nadgarstka, szary, rozmiar os
    Ściągacz nadgarstka Spokey SEGRO PRO pomaga złagodzić ból w przypadku uszkodzenia mięśni lub stawu. Dodatkowo stabilizuje kontuzjowane miejsce i utrzymuje je w cieple, a przy tym nie ogranicza ruchu. Wysokiej jakości materiały gwarantują dopływ powietrza, dzięki czemu skóra może oddychać.
  • Spokey SEGRO PRO Opaska na kolano, szary, rozmiar UNI
    Ściągacz na kolano Spokey SEGRO PRO pomaga złagodzić ból w przypadku uszkodzenia mięśni lub stawu. Dodatkowo stabilizuje kontuzjowane miejsce i utrzymuje je w cieple, a przy tym nie ogranicza ruchu. Wysokiej jakości materiały gwarantują dopływ powietrza, dzięki czemu skóra może oddychać.
  • Spokey SEGRO PRO Opaska stawu skokowego, szary, rozmiar UNI
    Ściągacz kostki Spokey SEGRO PRO pomaga złagodzić ból w przypadku uszkodzenia mięśni lub stawu. Dodatkowo stabilizuje kontuzjowane miejsce i utrzymuje je w cieple. Wysokiej jakości materiał pozwala skórze oddychać. Dzięki swoim właściwościom opaska stabilizuje, zmniejsza obciążenie stawu i utrzymuje go w cieple, przez co poprawia krążenie krwi i przyspiesza proces gojenia.
  • Spokey LINE Pas wyszczuplający neoprenowy, czarny, rozmiar UNI
    Neoprenowy pas Spokey LINE przyczynia się do efektywniejszego spalania tkanki tłuszczowej, izoluje wilgoć, dzięki czemu przeciwdziała otarciom i odparzeniom. Jest idealny dla sportowców. Sprawdzi się w profilaktyce urazów, jako ochrona i zabezpieczenie przed przeciążeniami.
  • Spokey PICNIC ARKONA Koc piknikowy, kolorowy, rozmiar os
    Piknikowy koc Spokey PICNIC ARKONA jest doskonały na wakacje nad wodą oraz na wycieczki. Dzięki swojemu dużemu rozmiarowi pomieści całą rodzinę oraz wszystkich przyjaciół. folia EPE wykorzystana w spodniej części koca dla ochrony przed wilgocią i izolacji termicznej. Jest łatwy w spakowaniu i nie zabiera dużo miejsca.
  • Spokey EKVILIBRO Kije trekkingowe, czarny, rozmiar 105 - 135
    Kije trekkingowe Spokey EKVILIBRO są odpowiednie dla osób, które spędzają aktywny urlop na łonie natury. Dzięki możliwości regulacji można odpowiednio dopasować ich długość. Po złożeniu mają tylko 64 cm długości, co ułatwia ich transport i przechowywanie. System absorpcji wstrząsów zapobiega przenoszeniu nadmiernych obciążeń na nadgarstki i łokcie użytkownika. Do kijów są dołączone końcówki zabezpieczające grot, które chronią go w trakcie marszu po twardym podłożu.
  • Spokey EKVILIBRO Kije trekkingowe, jasnozielony, rozmiar 105 - 135
    Kije trekkingowe Spokey EKVILIBRO są odpowiednie dla osób, które spędzają aktywny urlop na łonie natury. Dzięki możliwości regulacji można odpowiednio dopasować ich długość. Po złożeniu mają tylko 64 cm długości, co ułatwia ich transport i przechowywanie. System absorpcji wstrząsów zapobiega przenoszeniu nadmiernych obciążeń na nadgarstki i łokcie użytkownika. Do kijów są dołączone końcówki zabezpieczające grot, które chronią go w trakcie marszu po twardym podłożu.
  • Spokey PICNIC SUNSET Koc piknikowy, czerwony, rozmiar os
    Koc piknikowy Spokey PICNIC SUNSET jest idealny do odpoczynku na wodą i na wycieczki. Dzięki bardzo dużemu rozmiarowi może być z powodzeniem wykorzystywany podczas pikników z rodziną lub przyjaciółmi. Koc można złożyć, a paski z rzepem i uchwyt ułatwią jego przenoszenie. Łatwe jest również czyszczenie z piasku dzięki zastosowanemu materiałowi wierzchniemu. Folia aluminiowa zapewnia izolację termiczną i ochronę przed wilgocią.
  • Spokey SAN REMO Torba plażowa, niebieski, rozmiar UNI
    Kolorowa torba plażowa Spokey SAN REMO to idealny dodatek nad wodę, kiedy chcesz przechowywać produkty spożywcze w niskiej temperaturze. Spodoba Ci się letni wzór, długie uchwyty do noszenia przez ramię i w ręce.
  • Spokey SANAY Kółko do ćwiczeń, czarny, rozmiar os
    Wałek treningowy Spokey SANAY stanowi doskonałe uzupełnienie treningu zarówno siłowego, jak i skupionego na rozciąganiu mięśni. Nadaje się do treningu ramion, mięśni brzucha, barków czy grzbietu. Sprawdzi się również podczas rehabilitacji i ćwiczeń korekcyjnych.
  • Spokey LILY Mata do jogi, różowy, rozmiar os
    Mata do jogi Spokey LILY jest ważnym element wyposażenia dla każdego praktykanta jogi. Odpowiednia zarówno dla początkujących, jak i zaawansowanych. Jest niezbędna podczas wykonywania asan – zapobiega ślizganiu się po powierzchni, zapewnia komfort i bezpieczeństwo podczas ćwiczeń. Mata została wykonana z poliuretanu i gumy, dzięki czemu jest gładka i bardzo przyjemna w dotyku. Jej wielkim atutem są właściwości antypoślizgowe.
  • Spokey MANDALA Mata do jogi, ciemnoszary, rozmiar os
    Mata do praktykowania jogi Spokey MANDALA jest większa niż standardowe maty. Została wykonana z TPE, dlatego jest bardzo elastyczna, antypoślizgowa, odporna na ścieranie i jednocześnie bardzo łatwa do czyszczenia. Mata doskonale izoluje od twardego podłoża.
  • Spokey SAVASANA II 4 MM Mata korkowa do jogi, brązowy, rozmiar os
    Korkowa mata do jogi Spokey SAVASANA II 4 MM zapewni Ci komfort podczas każdej praktyki. Jej antypoślizgowy materiał zapobiega ślizganiu się po powierzchni, dzięki czemu zapewnia bezpieczeństwo podczas ćwiczeń. Naturalny korek, z którego mata została wykonana, oferuje doskonałe właściwości – zapewnia świetną przyczepność, nie wchłania potu i wilgoci, nie uczula oraz posiada właściwości antybakteryjne.
  • Spokey LEAF Pasek do jogi, różowy, rozmiar os
    Pasek do jogi Spokey LEAF z miękkiego i wytrzymałego materiału pomoże Ci się zwiększyć zakres ruchu. Ćwiczenie z paskiem zwiększa elastyczność ciała i przyspiesza regenerację mięśni po wysiłku.
  • Spokey LAFE Ściągacz stawu kolanowego neoprenowy, czarny, rozmiar L
    Ściągacz kolana Spokey LAFE został wykonany z najwyższej jakości materiałów, które pozwalają skórze oddychać. Tkanina doskonale izoluje wilgoć, dzięki czemu przeciwdziała otarciom i odparzeniom. Jednocześnie jest bardzo elastyczna i umożliwia optymalne dostosowanie opaski do kolana. Zastosowany materiał sprawia, że stabilizator nie przemieszcza się podczas noszenia i nie powoduje ucisku. Nie krępuje ruchów, lecz stabilizuje kolano. Może być wykorzystywany w profilaktyce urazów, jako ochrona i zabezpieczenie przed przeciążeniami czy też wsparcie podczas treningu siłowego.
  • Spokey FITBALL III - Gymnastic lopta 65 cm vrátane pumpičky, blue
    Gymnastic shovels- ANTI-BURST system- in the case of prepumpovania lopty nasleduje pozvoľné uvoľňovanie air- Pump in package - Max weight user: 300 kg- PVC materialBalenie: 10 pcs
  • Spokey MANTRA Yoga Set - Pad + Block + Resistance Rubber
    Yoga is a great solution for all those who need to relax and unwind after a hard day and at the same time want to keep in good shape. Yoga can be practiced by anyone, regardless of age or current physical condition, and we've put together a special kit to help you get started on your yoga adventure.The set includes:– exercise mat– yoga block– 3 pcs of resistance rubbersYoga mat Spokey MANTRAThe mat is an indispensable part of both beginners and advanced yogis – it ensures comfort and safety during exercise, and most importantly it has an anti-slip surface. Spokey MANTRA pad is made of PVC foam, which makes it very resistant to damage. It has excellent anti-slip properties that will make you feel confident and safe during exercise! The classic design will fit into any interior. Spokey MANTRA anti-slip mat helps you take a safe position during your workout , while providing maximum stability and balance. It is also great for Pilates or physiotherapy exercises.Yoga block Spokey MANTRAThe perfect helper – especially during exercises that require more flexibility. It also serves as a support in exercise and asanas. This makes the exercises easier, safer and easier to perform! For more advanced yogis, the use of the yoga block allows for wider use and greater comfort during exercise. The Spokey MANTRA yoga block is primarily used to stretch the arms, legs and back. However, it can also be used as a support for demanding asanas backwards, standing, sitting or lying down.Fitness rubbers Spokey MANTRAMANTRA rubbers differ from each other in their resistance force – light, medium, heavy. This makes them ideal for both beginners and advanced. Rubbers with lower resistance force will help you get the right exercise technique and prepare your muscles for a higher load. Rubbers with higher resistance force are designed for people who like to exercise at 200%. Rubbers work similarly to an expander or yoga belt – you can use them for stretching before or after training, strengthening or rehabilitation. Thanks to their properties and length, they allow you to expand the range of exercises. Fitness rubbers are great fitness equipment that you can use in the gym, at home and outdoors.If you are looking for equipment for your home workouts, bet on the Spokey MANTRA Yoga set, which you will love not only during yoga exercises!Parameters:Yoga exercise mat:Material: PVC foamsize: 173 x 61 cmthickness: 4 mmYoga block:Material: EVA foamDimensions: 22,5 x 15 x 7,5 cmFitness rubbers, 3 pcs:Material: TPELight: 500 x 0.6 mm, 2.5–5 kgmedium: 500 x 0.8 mm, 5–7 kgheavy: 500 x 1 mm, 7–9 kgInformation for customers:Packing: 4 pcs/cartonpossible sale of 1 piece
  • Spokey HALF FIT Gymnastic lopta 2in1 55 cm vrátane pumpičky gray
    Gymnastic massage ball 2in1 Spokey HALF FIT:- a perfect replacement for a classic chair – sitting on a gymnastic ball requires correct posture- has an Anti-Burst system, thanks to which in case of puncture or overpressure of the ball there is a slow release of air- can also be used during exercises stimulating blood circulation – one half of the ball has a smooth surface and the other half is with massage protrusions- relieves the spine during a long day in the office or at home at the computer- The package includes a practical pump that allows you to quickly and conveniently inflate the ballGymnastic massage ball 2in1 Spokey HALF FIT is made of non-slip material. This is also helped by the circumferential stripes on one half of the ball and the massage protrusions on the other half. The main task of massage protrusions is to stimulate blood circulation and massage the body, which leads to faster muscle regeneration! In the massage gymnastic ball 2in1 Spokey HALF FIT is used anti-Burst system, which in case of puncture ensures a slow and gradual release of the ball. This is very important for the safety of the user, who thus gains time to react (dismount from the ball).Exercise, rest and stimulate blood circulation with a gymnastic ballSpokey HALF FIT it is a ball that provides excellent support during various exercises. It is also a great substitute for a classic chair in the office or at home – sitting on a ball requires correct posture.  It can be used not only during exercise or rehabilitation, but also as a chair that relieves the spine during long hours spent in the office or at home at the computer. Part of the ball with massage protrusions stimulates blood circulation even during small movements .Supplied with a practical pumpUsing a gymnastic ball during training is a great way to diversify your daily workouts: one half of the HALF FIT gymnastic ball has a smooth surface and the other half has massage protrusions. This combination allows you to use the ball both during training and during exercises stimulating blood circulation. Seemingly easy exercises bring great results. They will help you in shaping your figure, develop healthy habits and keep you in good physical shape. With the ball, it is possible to safely perform exercises where contact with the ground is limited (e.g. in support of a lying position). In addition to the ball itself, the package also includes a practical pump with which you can quickly and comfortably inflate the ball.Simple and at the same time effective training for everyoneThe 2-in-1 Spokey HALF FIT massage gymnastic ball allows you to perform exercises that are ideal for everyone – simple for beginners, low-intensity for seniors and rehabilitation after various types of injuries. Training with a gymnastic ball does not burden the joints, improves balance and strengthens muscles. At the same time, it is also great for meditation or toning. What more could you ask for? All you need is a little free space to start exercising at home.How to choose the size of a gymnastic ball correctly?The Spokey HALF FIT gymnastic ball is made in three sizes (diameters): 55 cm, 65 cm and 75 cm. To maximize the effect of the exercise, choose the size of the ball according to your height:- ball diameter 55 cm – height 150–165 cm- ball diameter 65 cm – height 160–175 cm- ball diameter 75 cm – body height 175–190 cmThe angle between the thighs and the upper body, and the angle between the thighs and calves should be 90 degrees with the feet freely laid on the ground. The correctly selected size of the ball is ideal for sitting on the ball.Parameters:Material: PVCnonskiddiameter: 55 cmAnti-Burst system – in case of puncture or overpressure of the ball, there is a slow release of airconstruction – half of the ball with a smooth surface, the other half with massage protrusions for body massage and stimulation of blood circulationlong life of the ballin set: pumpmaximum user weight: 200 kgInformation for wholesale customers:Packing: 8 pcs/cartonpossible sale of 1 pc
  • Spokey HALF FIT Gymnastic lopta 2in1 65 cm vrátane pumpičky gray
    Gymnastic massage ball 2in1 Spokey HALF FIT:- a perfect replacement for a classic chair – sitting on a gymnastic ball requires correct posture- has an Anti-Burst system, thanks to which in case of puncture or overpressure of the ball there is a slow release of air- can also be used during exercises stimulating blood circulation – one half of the ball has a smooth surface and the other half is with massage protrusions- relieves the spine during a long day in the office or at home at the computer- The package includes a practical pump that allows you to quickly and conveniently inflate the ballGymnastic massage ball 2in1 Spokey HALF FIT is made of non-slip material. This is also helped by the circumferential stripes on one half of the ball and the massage protrusions on the other half. The main task of massage protrusions is to stimulate blood circulation and massage the body, which leads to faster muscle regeneration! In the massage gymnastic ball 2in1 Spokey HALF FIT is used anti-Burst system, which in case of puncture ensures a slow and gradual release of the ball. This is very important for the safety of the user, who thus gains time to react (dismount from the ball).Exercise, rest and stimulate blood circulation with a gymnastic ballSpokey HALF FIT it is a ball that provides excellent support during various exercises. It is also a great substitute for a classic chair in the office or at home – sitting on a ball requires correct posture.  It can be used not only during exercise or rehabilitation, but also as a chair that relieves the spine during long hours spent in the office or at home at the computer. Part of the ball with massage protrusions stimulates blood circulation even during small movements .Supplied with a practical pumpUsing a gymnastic ball during training is a great way to diversify your daily workouts: one half of the HALF FIT gymnastic ball has a smooth surface and the other half has massage protrusions. This combination allows you to use the ball both during training and during exercises stimulating blood circulation. Seemingly easy exercises bring great results. They will help you in shaping your figure, develop healthy habits and keep you in good physical shape. With the ball, it is possible to safely perform exercises where contact with the ground is limited (e.g. in support of a lying position). In addition to the ball itself, the package also includes a practical pump with which you can quickly and comfortably inflate the ball.Simple and at the same time effective training for everyoneThe 2-in-1 Spokey HALF FIT massage gymnastic ball allows you to perform exercises that are ideal for everyone – simple for beginners, low-intensity for seniors and rehabilitation after various types of injuries. Training with a gymnastic ball does not burden the joints, improves balance and strengthens muscles. At the same time, it is also great for meditation or toning. What more could you ask for? All you need is a little free space to start exercising at home.How to choose the size of a gymnastic ball correctly?The Spokey HALF FIT gymnastic ball is made in three sizes (diameters): 55 cm, 65 cm and 75 cm. To maximize the effect of the exercise, choose the size of the ball according to your height:- ball diameter 55 cm – height 150–165 cm- ball diameter 65 cm – height 160–175 cm- ball diameter 75 cm – body height 175–190 cmThe angle between the thighs and the upper body, and the angle between the thighs and calves should be 90 degrees with the feet freely laid on the ground. The correctly selected size of the ball is ideal for sitting on the ball.Parameters:Material: PVCnonskiddiameter: 65 cmAnti-Burst system – in case of puncture or overpressure of the ball, there is a slow release of airconstruction – half of the ball with a smooth surface, the other half with massage protrusions for body massage and stimulation of blood circulationlong life of the ballin set: pumpmaximum user weight: 200 kgInformation for wholesale customers:Packing: 8 pcs/cartonpossible sale of 1 pc
  • Spokey HALF FIT Gymnastic lopta 2in1 75 cm vrátane pumpičky gray
    Gymnastic massage ball 2in1 Spokey HALF FIT:- a perfect replacement for a classic chair – sitting on a gymnastic ball requires correct posture- has an Anti-Burst system, thanks to which in case of puncture or overpressure of the ball there is a slow release of air- can also be used during exercises stimulating blood circulation – one half of the ball has a smooth surface and the other half is with massage protrusions- relieves the spine during a long day in the office or at home at the computer- The package includes a practical pump that allows you to quickly and conveniently inflate the ballGymnastic massage ball 2in1 Spokey HALF FIT is made of non-slip material. This is also helped by the circumferential stripes on one half of the ball and the massage protrusions on the other half. The main task of massage protrusions is to stimulate blood circulation and massage the body, which leads to faster muscle regeneration! In the massage gymnastic ball 2in1 Spokey HALF FIT is used anti-Burst system, which in case of puncture ensures a slow and gradual release of the ball. This is very important for the safety of the user, who thus gains time to react (dismount from the ball).Exercise, rest and stimulate blood circulation with a gymnastic ballSpokey HALF FIT it is a ball that provides excellent support during various exercises. It is also a great substitute for a classic chair in the office or at home – sitting on a ball requires correct posture.  It can be used not only during exercise or rehabilitation, but also as a chair that relieves the spine during long hours spent in the office or at home at the computer. Part of the ball with massage protrusions stimulates blood circulation even during small movements .Supplied with a practical pumpUsing a gymnastic ball during training is a great way to diversify your daily workouts: one half of the HALF FIT gymnastic ball has a smooth surface and the other half has massage protrusions. This combination allows you to use the ball both during training and during exercises stimulating blood circulation. Seemingly easy exercises bring great results. They will help you in shaping your figure, develop healthy habits and keep you in good physical shape. With the ball, it is possible to safely perform exercises where contact with the ground is limited (e.g. in support of a lying position). In addition to the ball itself, the package also includes a practical pump with which you can quickly and comfortably inflate the ball.Simple and at the same time effective training for everyoneThe 2-in-1 Spokey HALF FIT massage gymnastic ball allows you to perform exercises that are ideal for everyone – simple for beginners, low-intensity for seniors and rehabilitation after various types of injuries. Training with a gymnastic ball does not burden the joints, improves balance and strengthens muscles. At the same time, it is also great for meditation or toning. What more could you ask for? All you need is a little free space to start exercising at home.How to choose the size of a gymnastic ball correctly?The Spokey HALF FIT gymnastic ball is made in three sizes (diameters): 55 cm, 65 cm and 75 cm. To maximize the effect of the exercise, choose the size of the ball according to your height:- ball diameter 55 cm – height 150–165 cm- ball diameter 65 cm – height 160–175 cm- ball diameter 75 cm – body height 175–190 cmThe angle between the thighs and the upper body, and the angle between the thighs and calves should be 90 degrees with the feet freely laid on the ground. The correctly selected size of the ball is ideal for sitting on the ball.Parameters:Material: PVCnonskiddiameter: 75 cmAnti-Burst system – in case of puncture or overpressure of the ball, there is a slow release of airconstruction – half of the ball with a smooth surface, the other half with massage protrusions for body massage and stimulation of blood circulationlong life of the ballin set: pumpmaximum user weight: 200 kgInformation for wholesale customers:Packing: 8 pcs/cartonpossible sale of 1 pc
  • Spokey VITAL Yoga Belt
    Yoga belt Spokey VITAL:- It is 2-in-1: it can be used as a support during training and asana execution, or as a strap to carry the pad- helps to increase the range of our movement- Has two metal buckles that allow you to adjust the length of the strap to the desired lengthThe task of the Spokey VITAL exercise and yoga belt is to facilitate the execution of asanas and provide maximum support while holding the posture. With it, you can increase the range of your movements without too much effort and maintain the flexibility of the body, which is very difficult to achieve at the very beginning of your yoga adventure. The Spokey VITAL yoga belt is designed especially for novice yogis who need support in increasing the range of motion – the belt serves as an extension of your hands.For exercise and transport padsYoga belt Spokey VITAL is ideal for maintaining the correct posture. It can be used in a variety of exercises including stretching the back of the legs. But it's also great for carrying the exercise mat! Simply attach the strap with metal buckles to the rolled-up mat, put it on your shoulder and you're ready to go for a workout. Two metal buckles allow you to freely adjust the length of the strap to your needs.Start your adventure with yoga!Practicing yoga has a positive effect on our body, motivates us to stretch and increase performance. It also allows you to find a moment for yourself – to calm down, relax, find balance. The Spokey VITAL yoga belt will support you in all stretching exercises. The wide strap is made of very durable polyester. Provides a firm and stable grip during training.Parameters:Material: PolyesterDimensions: 183 x 3,8 cmInformation for wholesale customers:Packing: 50 pcs/cartonpossible sale of 1 pc
  • Spokey HALF FIT Gymnastic lopta 2in1 65 cm pump returner green
    Gymnastic shovels- ANTI-BURST system- in the case of prepumpovania lopty nasleduje pozvoľné uvoľňovanie air- Pump in package - Max weight user: 300 kg- PVC materialBalenie: 10pcs
  • Spokey EKO FRIENDLY SPIDER Thermo backpack, 28 x 10 x 65 cm
    Ecological insulating thermal backpack Spokey EKO SPIDER:- is part of our EKO series – made of waterproof and mechanically resistant Tyvek material , which is 100% recyclable- Has an insulating layer that prevents the internal contents of the bag from heating up- It is lightweight, design and at the same time resistant to weather conditionsThe EKO FRIENDLY SPIDER is an exceptional model. It is a backpack with an inner layer of aluminum foil that keeps fruit, water and snacks cool and fresh, while helping to keep the inside order. The eco-friendly EKO SPIDER backpack has been designed for comfortable carrying food for a picnic.Unique hiking backpackEKO SPIDER is very practical! Its dimensions allow you to pack the most important things you will need during a picnic. It was made of the highest quality recyclable materials, which makes it resistant to mechanical damage and adverse conditions. It's durable, lightweight , and ... waterproof!Backpack with thermal insulationThe functionality of the Spokey EKO SPIDER backpack begins with its volume, which allows you to comfortably pack all the necessary things for a family picnic. It is designed for everyday use – the inner aluminum layer keeps fruit, water and snacks cool and fresh. The unique backpack, which can replace a thermo bag, is made of lightweight, mechanically resistant and waterproof Tyvek material, which is 100% recyclable!Made of recyclable plastic!Around the world, large quantities of plastics are produced that pollute our environment. It is estimated that by 2050, in terms of weight, there will be more plastic in the oceans than fish. Plastic is a material that has decomposed in nature for more than 500 years. This is a global problem that we can influence together. The first step to saving our planet must be to change our attitude, our habits... and recycling! Spokey joins the mission of environmental protection, which is why we use recyclable materials to produce our EKO line. The Spokey EKO FRIENDLY SPIDER thermal backpack is made of lightweight, waterproof and mechanically resistant Tyvek material, which is known for its 100% recyclability!Parameters:Material: Tyvek (100% recycled material), PE foam, aluminum foildimensions: 28 x 10 x 65 cmvolume: 15 lmaximum load capacity: 15 kgInformation for wholesale customers:Packing: 20 pcs/cartonpossible sale of 1 pc
  • Spokey BARDO Full Face Mask S/M
    Snorkeling is a sport that allows you to follow underwater life. This is swimming on the water surface with a submerged face in the water.Snorkeling #veSpokeyStyluThe Full Face Mask for Snorkeling Spokey BARDO was created for all those who like the underwater world and its magical fauna and flora. Thanks to it, you can comfortably observe the underwater world up close. The BARDO full-face mask has been created for the most demanding users and enthusiasts of underwater adventures. The highest quality materials guarantee underwater safety and a long product life .  The shape of the mask and the silicone cheekpiece ensure easy adhesion of the mask to the face. Thanks to the large glass, the wide field of view and visibility under water increase.An innovative system that allows you to dive even deeper!The front of the Spokey BARDO full-face mask is made of silicone. Thanks to this, you can easily equalize the pressure in the ears, allowing you to dive even deeper!The full-face mask is complemented by a simple, folding snorkel with a seal that has two shut-off valves and two channels for inhalation and exhalation. This solution prevents water from entering the mask during diving. When immersing the entire mask in water, the valves automatically lift and block access to the entire mask. It is also important that the warm air that we exhale during swimming gets out, thanks to which the glasses in the full-face mask do not fog.Spokey full-face masks were made using the latest technology. They are well sealed, which prevents water from entering the mask. To maintain full safety, there is a valve in the front of the mask that allows unwanted water to be blown out of the mask. This makes it safe to use Spokey full-face masks!Remember magical moments with the camera mountA holiday landmark? Shoot your video! The BARDO Full Face Mask has a camera mount that you can attach to your mask at any time to film your underwater adventure.Included in the package is a mesh cover and a reusable bag that protects the mask from sand and salt.MaskThe high-quality materials from which the mask is made guarantee its long service life. The shape of the mask ensures a perfect adhesion to the face, and the large glass allows for great visibility and a wide field of view. Innovative system – the front of the full-face mask is made of silicone, thanks to which you can easily equalize the pressure in your ears. With BARDO you can dive even deeper.SnorkelRemovable, with two valves and two channels for inhalation and exhalation, made of the highest quality materials.Mask careRinse the mask thoroughly under running water after each use to remove dirt, salt and chlorine.SPECIFIEDRecreational snorkelingHow  to choose the size of the mask?Parameters:Glass: Flat PCsnorkel: easy to remove with two valves and two channels for inhalation and exhalationFull face mask front: Siliconecheekpiece: liquid siliconeFrame: PCStrap: Elastic, AdjustableIncluded: Removable camera mountpacked in a netavailable in sizes: S/M, L/XL
  • Spokey SPRINTER Sports, cycling and running backpack 5 l, orange/blue, waterproof
    Spokey SPRINTER sports backpack:- a capacity of 5 l,- Ideal for cycling trips and hiking- high-quality material used,- a large number of pockets,- reflective elements for better visibility after dark,- ready for a drinking bag.The SPRINTER backpack has been designed primarily for cyclists, but it can also be used for other outdoor activities! It will help you take with you all the necessities you need during the trip. It is an ideal companion for trips or during a family picnic.Volume and comfort of useThe shape of the backpack allows you to maintain an aerodynamic silhouette, which is extremely important when cycling or running. The backpack has a volume (5 l), which is enough to pack the necessary accessories during a trip by bike or on foot!Quality and technologyWe place very high demands on our products and therefore we make every effort to use the highest quality materials for their production. The SPRINTER sports backpack is made using the Rip-Stop technique (high-strength fabric), which is very resistant to tearing and material destruction. This makes the Spokey SPRINTER backpack durable and lightweight at the same time.Ready for use of drinking bagThe small front pocket makes it easy to access the things you need most. Additional pockets are also available. The backpack is ready for the use of a drinking bag - it includes a hanger, holes and fastenings on the shoulder straps. The SPRINTER can easily accommodate the Spokey Oasis drinking bag with a capacity of 1.5 l.Visible even after dark!The Spokey SPRINTER sports/cycling backpack is equipped with reflective elements to improve visibility in the dark. This is especially important when moving along the road or in poorly lit places. A whistle is also integrated in the chest strap buckle in case the user is threatened.ParametersMaterial: Waterproof polyester diamond Rip-Stopdimensions: 48 x 21 x 5 cmweight: 0,39 kgvolume: 5 lSupport system: 1 main compartment, 4 pockets2 pins: for water and headphonesWaterproof, without water tank - max. 2.5 ladjustable shoulder straps, wide waist belt, chest strapReflective elementsInformation for wholesale customers:Packing: 30 pcs/cartonpossible sale of 1 piece
  • Spokey FEMME Cycling helmet IN-MOLD, 55-58 cm, bielo-pink
     Spokey FEMME Bicycle Helmet:- made by In-Mold technology, which means an increased number of ventilation holes and a reduction in the weight of the helmet while maintaining its strength- is equipped with a visor that protects the forehead, nose, eyes and the whole face. In addition, it also protects against the sun and branches that may occur on the forest path- has 27 ventilation holes that dissipate excess heat well even during very intense driving- The inner layer is made of EPS foam, which not only absorbs the force of impact when falling, but also absorbs vibrations caused by driving on uneven surfaces well If you love off-road riding – in the woods, on the road, on a mountain bike, downhill or freeride, then you know how important it is to wear a cycling helmet. Thanks to this, the risk of head injury is reduced to a minimum. You should always wear your helmet, as falls can occur at any time, both for beginner skaters and for highly experienced riders during fast and dynamic riding. The Spokey FEMME Bicycle Helmet ensures maximum safety when riding a bike, roller skate, skateboard or scooter. Thanks to the use of the latest technologies and extremely durable materials, you will surely fall in love with it soon.Lightweight and durable bicycle helmet with visorThe Spokey FEMME cycling helmet perfectly protects the head from injuries and at the same time is very light and durable! It does not represent any unnecessary burden, as it weighs only 250 g. The inner layer of the helmet is made of EPS foam, which absorbs vibrations very well during driving on uneven surfaces and absorbs the force of impact when falling. The FEMME model is characterized by a retracted visor, which additionally provides protection for the forehead, eyes, nose and face. In addition, it also protects against the sun and branches that may occur on a forest road.Great adapts to head circumferenceThe Spokey FEMME bicycle helmet is CE certified and complies with EN 1078, which means that the helmet has passed all the necessary safety tests. In addition to maximum protection, it also provides maximum comfort during wearing! You don't have to worry about helmet sizes – the Spokey FEMME bicycle helmet has a Head Lock control system in the range of 55-58 cm or 58-61 cm (depending on the size chosen). The safety clip used allows you to adjust the permanent size of the strap, and ensures easy switching on and off of the helmet.Made with In-Mold technology – up to 27 ventilation holesThe Spokey FEMME bicycle helmet is made with In-Mold technology. And what does it mean? It is a permanent merging of the polycarbonate shell with the EPS layer. This makes it possible to design more ventilation holes in the helmet while maintaining its strength,  thanks to which the FEMME model has an increased number of ventilation holes that perfectly manage to dissipate excess heat even during very intense driving. You will feel maximum comfort in all conditions!Parameters:Regulation: Head Lock - 55-58 cmexcellent protection of the forehead and back thanks to the firm flared visorquick fastening under the neckOuter surface: PC, In-moldInner Layer: Black EPSnumber of ventilation holes: 27weight: 250 gCertificate: CE, EN 1078Information for wholesale customers:packing: 44 pcs/cartonpossible sale of 1 piece
  • Spokey ACAPULCO SEA Torba plażowa, niebieski, rozmiar UNI
    Plażowa torba Spokey ACAPULCO SEA jest niezastąpionym towarzyszem letnich wypadów. Spakujesz do niej wszystko to, co powinno pozostać chłodne. W kieszonkach na froncie ułatwia dostęp do najbardziej potrzebnych akcesoriów. Kształt łódki znany z toreb – shopper bagów, ułatwia pakowanie. Długie uchwyty pozwalają na wygodne noszenie torby. Warstwa izolacyjna pomaga utrzymać niską temperaturę produktów nawet przez kilka godzin.
  • Spokey CUBI Opaska na łokieć, czarny, rozmiar UNI
    Neoprenowa opaska na staw łokciowy Spokey CUBI doskonale dopasowuje się do anatomii ciała, a dzięki dużej elastyczności i zapięciu na rzepy dobrze utrzymuje się na miejscu. Usztywnia staw, obniża napięcie mięśniowe, minimalizuje ból i obrzęki.
  • Spokey HALF FIT Piłka gimnastyczna 2 w 1, szary, rozmiar os
    Gimnastyczna Spokey HALF FIT wykonana z antypoślizgowego materiału spełnia dwie funkcje – piłki fitness oraz piłki do masażu. Głównym zadaniem wypustków masujących jest pobudzenie krążenia krwi i masowanie ciała, co prowadzi do szybszej regeneracji mięśni. W piłce zastosowano system Anti-Burst, który zapewnia powolne i stopniowe uwalnianie powietrza w przypadku jej przebicia. Jest to bardzo ważne dla bezpieczeństwa użytkownika, który dzięki temu ma czas na reakcję (zejście z piłki).
  • Spokey ROLL JOY Ping-pong set - 2 rackets, 3 shovels, sieť
    Ping-pong set Spokey ROLL JOY:- these are two bats that allow you to play at medium speed (5/10), spin (5/10) and highest control (10/10), three balls and a net- gives you the opportunity to play ping-pong at home - the net can be mounted on virtually any table- the wood of the bat is coated on both sides with high-quality rubber with foam with a thickness of 1 mm- The design allows you to hold the bat freely (FL type concave handle) without slipping out of your handSpokey ROLL JOY is a practical table tennis set that will always keep you ready to play! With it, your ping-pong game will jump to an even higher level. The set consists of two bats, three balls and a net that can be mounted on virtually any table. Its design is very simple – it fits tables with a maximum width of 175 cm, with a maximum plate thickness of 5 cm. The Spokey ROLL JOY ping-pong set is suitable for both those who are just starting their ping-pong adventure and advanced players! Bats allow play with medium speed (5/10), spin (5/10) and high control (10/10).Complete table tennis set!Can you play table tennis, popularly known as ping-pong, at home? Of course it does – especially with the Spokey ROLL JOY set. Thanks to special springs, the mesh is always stretched after installation. The Spokey ROLL JOY set is made of the highest quality materials, thanks to which it has ideal parameters for both recreational and professional players. Both bats are made of natural materials – the wood of the bats is coated on both sides with high-quality rubber with foam with a thickness of 1 mm. Spokey ROLL JOY bat handles have a concave grip (type FL), which is the most popular of all used. Why? Because with this type of handle, it's easier to hold the bat freely, and at the same time you don't have to worry about the bat slipping out of your hand during the game.Parameters:speed 1-10:5 (medium)rotation 1-10:5 (medium)1-10 check: 10 (high)foam thickness: 1 mmin set: 2 bats, net and 3 standard ballsdimensions of the table for mounting the net:max. table width: 175 cmmax. table thickness: 5 cmInformation for wholesale customers:Packing: 20 sets/cartonpossible sale of 1 set
  • Spokey PICNIC COLOUR Koc na piknik, kolorowy, rozmiar os
    Koc piknikowy Spokey PICNIC COLOUR 150 × 130 dba o komfort, zapewniając dobrą izolację od ziemi i wodoodporność (można go rozłożyć na mokrej trawie). Polarowa tkanina pokrywająca warstwę wierzchnią jest niezwykle miękka i przyjemna w dotyku.
  • Spokey PICNIC FLANNEL 180X150 Koc piknikowy, niebieski, rozmiar UNI
    Koc piknikowy Spokey PICNIC FLANNEL 180X150 z folią aluminiową na spodzie gwarantującą optymalną izolację cieplną i ochronę przed wilgocią (można go rozłożyć na mokrej trawie). Praktyczny regulowany czarny pasek umożliwia łatwe przenoszenie. Akryl jest przyjemnym w dotyku materiałem, który przypomina tradycyjny koc. Akrylowy koc piknikowy z łatwością oczyścisz z piasku.Duży rozmiar jest idealny na piknik z rodziną i przyjaciółmi.Można prać w pralce w temperaturze 30°C. Nie czyścić chemicznie.
  • Spokey CROSSFIT Skakanka, niebieski, rozmiar 300
    Skakanka Spokey CROSSFIT ma łatwą i szybką regulację długości linki. Dzięki swojej konstrukcji pozwala na intensywny trening.
  • Spokey ARTIO 5 KS Zestaw gum fitness, szary, rozmiar os
    Trening, by był skuteczny, powinien być przede wszystkim urozmaicony. Zadbają o to gumy Spokey ARTIO. Gumy oporowe są uniwersalnym pomocnikiem do treningu wszystkich partii ciała, a do tego są małe i zajmują bardzo mało miejsca. W skład zestawu wchodzi praktyczny pokrowiec ze sznurkiem ściągającym, w którym można przechowywać cały komplet pięciu gum o różnych poziomach oporu.
  • Spokey RUBBY Wielofunkcyjna poduszka do masażu, brązowy, rozmiar os
    Wielofunkcyjna poduszka do masażu Spokey RUBBY doskonale rozluźnia spięte mięśnie i przyspiesza ich regenerację. Przyrząd jest wyposażony w funkcję ogrzewania światłem, co dodatkowo zwiększa rezultaty masowania. Za masaż odpowiada osiem punktów masujących umieszczonych na dwóch głowicach poruszających się w przeciwnych kierunkach.
  • Spokey HINDI Mata turystyczna, niebieski, rozmiar os
    Karimata turystyczna Spokey HINDI jest bardzo lekka i łatwa do zwinięcia, co ułatwia jej transport. Wykonana jest z pianki XPE, dzięki czemu jest trwała i się nie odkształca. Zapewnia ona doskonałą izolację od podłoża i zwiększa komfort snu.
  • Spokey CROSSFIT MIDD Skakanka, srebrny, rozmiar UNI
    Crossfitowa skakanka Spokey CROSSFIT MIDD umożliwia wykonywanie ćwiczeń oraz skakanie z wysoką intensywnością i szybkością. Idealna na zajęcia crossfit oraz do ćwiczeń dla amatorów i zawodowców.
  • Spokey METTY Piłka do pilatesu, fioletowy, rozmiar os
    Piłka do pilatesu Spokey METTY to doskonały wybór do domowego treningu. Dzięki niej urozmaicisz swój trening, angażując właściwie wszystkie partie mięśni. Piłka jest przeznaczona do treningu siłowego, pilatesu, jogi lub fitnessu. Stanowi doskonałe wsparcie podczas ćwiczeń. Ćwiczenia z METTY, które pozornie wyglądają na łatwe, mogą przynosić bardzo duże efekty.
  • Spokey LIBERO Piłka do siatkówki, , rozmiar 5
    Maszynowo szyta piłka do siatkówki Spokey LIBERO wykonana jest z PCV zapewniającej doskonałą chwytność oraz delikatny dotyk.
  • Spokey PICNIC TARTANA 180X150 Koc piknikowy, niebieski, rozmiar os
    Urządźcie sobie wspaniały piknik z kocem Spokey PICNIC TARTANA. Jest to idealny wybór dla tych, którzy szukają niezawodnego sposobu na odpoczynek na trawie albo na piasku.
  • Spokey PICNIC MANDALA LOSOS 180 X 210 CM Koc piknikowy, pomarańczowy, rozmiar os
    Koc piknikowy Spokey PICNIC MANDALA LOSOS to obowiązkowy element wyposażenia każdego wielbiciela opalania, wycieczek i pikników. Jest na tyle duży, że zmieści się na nim cała rodzina. Pomimo dużych rozmiarów jest bardzo lekki i można go łatwo przenosić. U góry jest pokryty polarem, a na spodzie ma wodoodporną warstwę materiału.
  • Spokey BONE 2X 1 KG Zestaw hantli neoprenowych, jasnoniebieski, rozmiar 1 KG
    Zestaw hantli neoprenowych Spokey BONE to sprzęt, który świetnie uzupełni Twój trening. Można nim wykonywać szeroki wachlarz ćwiczeń, aktywując tym samym różne grupy mięśniowe. Hantle pokryte są bardzo przyjemnym w dotyku neoprenem, który gwarantuje pewny chwyt.
  • Spokey PICNIC MANDALA LOSOS 180 X 210 CM Koc piknikowy, łososiowy, rozmiar os
    Koc piknikowy Spokey PICNIC MANDALA LOSOS to obowiązkowy element wyposażenia każdego wielbiciela opalania, wycieczek i pikników. Jest na tyle duży, że zmieści się na nim cała rodzina. Pomimo dużych rozmiarów jest bardzo lekki i można go łatwo przenosić. U góry jest pokryty polarem, a na spodzie ma wodoodporną warstwę materiału.
  • Spokey FORM PLUS 2 X 3 KG Obciążenia na kostki i nadgarstki, szary, rozmiar OS
    Obciążenia Spokey FORM PLUS świetnie uzupełnią Twój trening. Jeśli szukasz czegoś, co zwiększy intensywność ćwiczeń i tym samym ich efekty – obciążenia są dla Ciebie idealnym rozwiązaniem. Zestaw składa się z dwóch obciążeń, które można założyć na ręce i na nogi.
  • Spokey SOFTI Podkładki pod kolana, łokcie do jogi, szary, rozmiar os
    Zestaw Spokey SOFTI składa się z dwóch podkładek do jogi pod kolana, łokcie, dłonie czy głowę, które pomogą Ci bezpiecznie i wygodnie przyjąć oraz zachować właściwą pozycję. Świetnie sprawdzą się podczas jogi, fitnessu lub rozciągania. Znakomicie chronią przed otarciami, odgnieceniami i bólem, jakie mogą powstawać w wyniku dużego nacisku masy mięśniowej na konkretne partie ciała.
  • Spokey ARTIO II fitness rubber orange, x-heavy
    Fitness rubber Spokey ARTIO II x-heavy:- has a very strong resistance level (resistance: 15.8 - 18.1 kg), which allows you to achieve even better results during training- it is made of very durable latex, thanks to which it does not deform and can withstand even extremely strong stretching- help enrich your training and engage the muscles you care about- thanks to its shape (closed circumference) it can be used for stretching exercises, fitness, aerobics, Pilates, yoga or crossfit.Mini rubber Spokey ARTIO II with a very strong resistance level (15.8 - 18.1 kg) is an extremely versatile rubber with a closed circuit. It puts up so-called progressive resistance, which means that the more you stretch it during training, the stronger the resistance it puts. That is why it is a great choice for stretching exercises, fitness, aerobics, Pilates, yoga, crossfit or rehabilitation and mobilization exercises. ARTIO II rubber allows you to train a variety of workouts with a focus on individual parts of the body, such as: hands, thighs, legs or buttocks.Engage the muscles you care aboutTraining rubber Spokey ARTIO II x-heavy is designed for those who like to exercise at 200%. With ARTIO II rubber, you can focus on a specific part of your body and maximize the effects of your workout. The rubber works in a similar way to a rubber expander – it allows you to perform stretching or movements to the side. Maximum workout effectsARTIO II is an elastic and at the same time very durable fitness rubber. It is made of durable latex, thanks to which the rubber does not form and can withstand even very strong stretching. Its shape, features and length will allow you to expand your range of basic exercises. With it, you can exercise whenever and wherever you want – in the gym, at home or outdoors. With the Spokey ARTIO II mini rubber, you can engage the muscles that matter most to you.If you are looking for a fitness rubber with a different resistance level, the ARTIO II mini fitness rubber range also offers the following variants:- x-light: 2.2 – 4.5 kg- light: 4.5 kg – 6.8 kg- medium: 6.8 – 9.0 kg- heavy: 11.3 – 13.6 kg- x-heavy: 15.8 – 18.1 kg- set of 5 fitness gums Spokey ARTIO II: x-light, light, medium, heavy, x-heavyParameters:Material: LatexDimensions: 600 x 50 x 1.1 mmVoltage level: x-heavy 15.8 - 18.1 kg
  • Spokey ARTIO III Set of 5 Boosters + Packaging
    Spokey ARTIO III fitness gum set:- This is 5 universal and versatile training gums with closed circuit and different resistance strength- can be used for stretching exercises, fitness, aerobics, pilates, yoga or crossfit- are made of very strong latex, thanks to which they do not deform and withstand extremely strong stretching- Thanks to them, you will enrich your training and engage the muscles you care about.An important factor for building form is aerobic exercise and the use of small fitness, which includes, among other things, fitness rubbers. Thanks to them, you will enrich your training and engage the muscles you care about! Rubbers work in a similar way to a rubber expander – they allow you to do stretching or sideways movements, and thanks to their properties and length, you can incorporate new exercises into your training, which are really countless. In the Spokey ARTIO III set, you'll find 5 rubber bands with different resistance strengths, allowing you to adjust your training intensity to your own needs and face increasingly difficult challenges.Up to five different resistance levelsLooking for equipment that will help you achieve your dream character? The Spokey ARTIO III closed circuit rubber is ideal for exercising the whole body. You can exercise hands, thighs, legs or buttocks with them. Regardless of your current physical condition, you will choose the rubber that suits you best. Rubbers have 5 different degrees of resistance:- X-light: 2.2 – 4.5 kg- light: 4.5 – 6.8 kg- Medium: 6.8 kg – 9 kg- heavy: 11.3 – 13.6 kg- X-heavy: 15.8 – 18.1 kgRubbers with lower resistance force will help you to acquire the right exercise technique and prepare your muscles for higher loads. Rubbers with a higher resistance force are designed for those who like to exercise at 200%.Train your way with a complete set of resistance rubbersWith one complete set of resistance gums, you can perform a variety of exercises. They are versatile and versatile closed circuit rubbers that are elastic and at the same time very durable. They are made of latex, thanks to which they do not deform and can withstand even very strong stretching. They put up so-called progressive resistance, which means that the more you stretch them during training, the stronger they put up resistance. It is great for stretching before or after training, as well as for strengthening, pilates, aerobics, crossfit or rehabilitation.Parameters:Material: LatexSet includes 5 pcs of fitness gumsIncluded: practical packagingdimension:X-light: 600 x 50 x 0.35 mmlight: 600 x 50 x 0.5mmMedium: 600 x 50 x 0.7 mmheavy: 600 x 50 x 0.9mmX-heavy: 600 x 50 x 1.1mmabhorrence:X-light: 2,2 - 4,5 kglight: 4,5 - 6,8 kgMedium: 6,8 kg - 9 kgheavy: 11,3 - 13,6 kgX-heavy: 15,8 - 18,1 kg
  • Spokey FITBALL III Gymnastic lopta 75 cm vrátane pumpičky, blue
    Gymnastic shovels- ANTI-BURST system- in the case of prepumpovania lopty nasleduje pozvoľné uvoľňovanie air- Pump in package - Max weight user: 300 kg- PVC materialBalenie: 8 pcs
  • Spokey RIDE LONG Men's long cycling gloves, clear-red vel. M
    Spokey RIDE LONG cycling gloves:- ensure a comfortable grip on the handlebars and prevent unpleasant abrasions and bruises,- absorb shocks, wick away moisture and are very breathable,- provide excellent grip and firm grip on the handlebars,- have special index finger ends for touch screen control,- the thumb is made of terry material, and is intended to wipe sweat,- Thanks to the adjustable Velcro fastening, the glove adapts perfectly to the shape of your palm.The Spokey RIDE LONG long cycling glove provides excellent grip and a firm grip on the handlebars. They reduce hand slipping and prevent unpleasant imprints and abrasions. And thanks to the breathable inner and outer mesh layers, they perfectly manage to wick away moisture, ensure optimal breathability and dry quickly. With gloves like these, you'll be in complete control! It's the best choice for summer.Specialized cycling glovesThe RIDE LONG cycling glove has special gel pads that absorb vibrations while riding on uneven surfaces, while increasing driving comfort. The thumb is made of terry material that absorbs moisture well and is great for wiping sweat. At the same time, it has a special cut that prevents pressure on the skin and thus prevents unwanted abrasions. Their great advantage is the adjustable Velcro strap, thanks to which you can customize the gloves exactly according to your needs.Use your phone with glovesThe Spokey RIDE LONG cycling glove is a combination of comfort and elegance. Their shape and functionality significantly increase the comfort of riding a bike or scooter. But at the same time, they can be used as a summer universal glove. You don't have to take them off when using your phone – they have special index finger ends for easy operation of the touchscreens.Parameters:Material: 60% nylon, 30% polyurethane, 10% elastanesummer long cycling glovesEasily adapts to your palmIndex finger tips are ready for use with touch screensElastic mesh ensures optimal airflow and fast drying of the glovesspecial cut of gloves protects against pressure on the ulnar nervegel pads ensure high comfortthumb is made of terry materialVelcro closure for added comfort and better glove fittingAvailable in sizes: M, L, XL
  • Spokey PICNIC TARTAN ALU Koc na piknik, czerwony, rozmiar os
    Koc piknikowy Spokey PICNIC TARTAN ALU 180 × 150 ma na spodzie aluminiową folię, która zapewnia dodatkową izolację i wodoodporność (można go rozłożyć na mokrej trawie). Polarowa tkanina pokrywająca warstwę wierzchnią jest niezwykle miękka i przyjemna w dotyku.
  • Spokey PICNIC OWL Koc piknikowy, kolorowy, rozmiar os
    Koc piknikowy Spokey PICNIC OWL 210 × 180 sprawdzi się na pikniku z rodziną i przyjaciółmi. Folia aluminiowa na spodzie jest wodoodporna i zapewnia izolację termiczną.
  • Spokey PICNIC GRAIN 150X130 Koc piknikowy, żółty, rozmiar os
    Koc piknikowy Spokey PICNIC GRAIN 150X130 z folią aluminiową na spodzie gwarantującą optymalną izolację cieplną i ochronę przed wilgocią (można go rozłożyć na mokrej trawie). Polarowy materiał o wysokiej gramaturze jest niezwykle miękki i przyjemny w dotyku. Koc można złożyć do formy małej, łatwej do przenoszenia torby. Jej rozmiar jest idealny na piknik z rodziną i przyjaciółmi. Można prać w pralce w temperaturze 30°C. Nie czyścić chemicznie.
  • Spokey PICNIC TRIBE Koc piknikowy, różowy, rozmiar os
    Koc piknikowy Spokey PICNIC TRIBE jest idealny na piknik lub odpoczynek nad wodą. Jako spodnia warstwa wykorzystana została folia aluminiowa, która stanowi barierę dla wilgoci oraz izolację termiczną. Dzięki temu koc można rozłożyć także na mokrej trawie. Po złożeniu koc zajmuje niewiele miejsca.
  • Spokey PICNIC ETNO Koc piknikowy, biały, rozmiar os
    Jeśli zamierzasz leniuchować nad wodą, nie zapomnij zabrać ze sobą koca piknikowego Spokey PICNIC ETNO. Polar o dużej gramaturze jest bardzo miękki i przyjemny w dotyku. Koc możesz złożyć, a paski z rzepem i uchwyt ułatwią jego przenoszenie. Za sprawą zastosowanej folii aluminiowej zapewnia izolację termiczną i ochronę przed wilgocią, więc można go rozłożyć na mokrej trawie.
  • Spokey ACAPULCO Torba plażowa, niebieski, rozmiar os
    Plażowa torba Spokey ACAPULCO to idealny towarzysz na wycieczki, piknik albo nad morze. Ma piankową izolację, która zapobiega nagrzewaniu się zawartości torby. Szybko Ci się spodoba jej letni design.
  • Spokey CZAKRA Pierścień do jogi, brązowy, rozmiar os
    Pierścień do jogi Spokey SZAKRA to uniwersalny dodatek, który zyska uznanie wszystkich miłośników jogi czy pilatesu. Służy do wielu pozycji relaksacyjnych i ćwiczeniowych. Dzięki regularnemu ćwiczeniu z pierścieniem możesz wzmocnić swoje ciało i skutecznie rozmasować zesztywniałe mięśnie. Ćwiczenia z pierścieniem znacznie poprawiają elastyczność mięśni, rozluźniają napięcie mięśniowe i poprawiają krążenie krwi. Zmniejsza ból pleców, pomaga stabilizować kręgosłup i poprawia prawidłową postawę ciała. Między innymi wspiera wykonywanie głębokich skłonów do tyłu, które stymulują system nerwowy. Ten model został wykonany z materiałów ekologicznych - wytrzymałego TPE i naturalnego korka, który zapewni Ci jeszcze większy relaks i zwiększy wygodę podczas ćwiczenia.
  • Spokey PICNIC KOTWICE 180x150 Koc piknikowy z paskiem, niebieski, rozmiar os
    Zorganizuj niezapomniany piknik z kocem Spokey PICNIC KOTWICE 180x150 z folią aluminiową na spodzie. Pozwoli on na wygodne piknikowanie lub plażowanie z rodziną lub przyjaciółmi. Możesz go zabrać wszędzie tam, gdzie chcesz odpocząć. Spodnia warstwa pokryta folią aluminiową stanowi barierę dla wilgoci oraz izolację termiczną. Dzięki niej koc można rozłożyć również na mokrej trawie.
  • Spokey PICNIC MOOR 150x130 Koc piknikowy z paskiem, niebieski, rozmiar os
    Zorganizuj niezapomniany piknik z kocem Spokey PICNIC MOOR 150x130 z folią aluminiową na spodzie. Pozwoli on na wygodne piknikowanie lub plażowanie z rodziną lub przyjaciółmi. Możesz go zabrać wszędzie tam, gdzie chcesz odpocząć. Spodnia warstwa pokryta folią aluminiową stanowi barierę dla wilgoci oraz izolację termiczną. Dzięki niej koc można rozłożyć również na mokrej trawie.
  • Spokey SAN REMO Torba plażowa, czarny, rozmiar os
    Plażowa torba Spokey SAN RENO jest niezastąpionym towarzyszem letnich wypadów. Spakujesz do niej wszystko to, co powinno pozostać chłodne. Torby plażowe Spokey wyróżniają się dopracowanym wyglądem. Ten model jest spory i zmieści wszystko, czego możesz potrzebować. Kształt łódki znany z toreb – shopper bagów, ułatwia pakowanie. Warstwa izolacyjna pomaga utrzymać niską temperaturę produktów nawet przez kilka godzin.
  • Spokey MIX ROLL SINGLE Fitness massage roller blue
    Fitness massage roller Spokey MIX ROLL SINGLE:- is ideal before, during and after training - relaxes tense muscles, increases blood flow, increases range of motion and reduces the risk of muscle overload and injury,- has a special structure with massage protrusions,- it is made of durable materials, thanks to which it is resistant to high loads, deformations, mechanical damage, and at the same time does not absorb moisture.Do you train often? Do you like to exercise at 200%? Remember that muscles need regeneration, which you can give them with a fitness roller. Rolling is a kind of myofascial self-massage, thanks to which you relax tense muscles and fascia. Such a massage with the use of a fitness roller restores muscle tissue, prepares the body for further training, and most importantly reduces the risk of injury! With the Spokey MIX ROLL SINGLE fitness roller, you can diversify your daily workout and engage the muscles you really care about.Take care of your muscles before, during and after your workoutThanks to the use of the Spokey MIX ROLL SINGLE rehabilitation roller before, during and after training, the muscles will work more smoothly, which brings countless health benefits - blood flow increases, range of movements increases, and the risk of muscle overload and injury is reduced. Roller is a product that can affect your training. It can be used to accelerate regeneration and relaxation of massaged muscles.Roller and masseur in oneThe Spokey MIX ROLL SINGLE fitness roller is made of EVA, PVC and PE foam, thanks to which it does not absorb moisture and is easy to keep clean. Its structure is formed by special massage protrusions. The small dimensions of the cylinder allow it to be easily stored and transported.Parameters:Hardness: HardMaterial: EVA, PVC, PEDimensions: 45 x 14,5 cmInformation for wholesale customers:Packing: 8 pcs/cartonpossible sale of 1 pc
  • Spokey MIX ROLL SINGLE Fitness massage roller orange
    Fitness massage roller Spokey MIX ROLL SINGLE:- is ideal before, during and after training - relaxes tense muscles, increases blood flow, increases range of motion and reduces the risk of muscle overload and injury,- has a special structure with massage protrusions,- it is made of durable materials, thanks to which it is resistant to high loads, deformations, mechanical damage, and at the same time does not absorb moisture.Do you train often? Do you like to exercise at 200%? Remember that muscles need regeneration, which you can give them with a fitness roller. Rolling is a kind of myofascial self-massage, thanks to which you relax tense muscles and fascia. Such a massage with the use of a fitness roller restores muscle tissue, prepares the body for further training, and most importantly reduces the risk of injury! With the Spokey MIX ROLL SINGLE fitness roller, you can diversify your daily workout and engage the muscles you really care about.Take care of your muscles before, during and after your workoutThanks to the use of the Spokey MIX ROLL SINGLE rehabilitation roller before, during and after training, the muscles will work more smoothly, which brings countless health benefits - blood flow increases, range of movements increases, and the risk of muscle overload and injury is reduced. Roller is a product that can affect your training. It can be used to accelerate regeneration and relaxation of massaged muscles.Roller and masseur in oneThe Spokey MIX ROLL SINGLE fitness roller is made of EVA, PVC and PE foam, thanks to which it does not absorb moisture and is easy to keep clean. Its structure is formed by special massage protrusions. The small dimensions of the cylinder allow it to be easily stored and transported.Parameters:Hardness: HardMaterial: EVA, PVC, PEdimensions: 45 x 14 cmInformation for wholesale customers:Packing: 8 pcs/cartonpossible sale of 1 pc
  • Spokey MIX ROLL fitness massage roller 2in1, orange-black
    FITNESS ROLLER SET SPOKEY MIX ROLL 2in1Create your home gym with us. The offered equipment from Spokey will help you improve your fitness, beautify your figure and develop healthy habits. Spokey MIX ROLL, is a unique set of fitness rollers allowing you to perform a wide range of exercises strengthening different parts of the body.Effects of exercise with a fitness rollerFitness rollers, also known as rollers – are simple aids that can revive your home training. By using rollers, you can diversify your training, during which you will also engage less used muscle parts. It also works great during strengthening training of the back, abdomen and legs, while at the same time providing a gentle or intense massage.A great way to strengthen the bodyThe small dimensions of the cylinder allow it to be easily stored. The MIX ROLL set includes two different cylinders: the orange – hard roller with the largest diameter of 14 cm has a special structure for a gentle massage, the black – soft roller with a smaller diameter of 9.5 cm is great for example for massage of the shoulders, upper limbs or upper leg.Fitness rollers differ from each other in their diameters and hardness, thanks to which each user can choose a roller according to which part of the body he wants to massage.– Hard orange cylinder – use it if another cylinder is inserted inside. It is suitable for already experienced users with an athletic or muscular physique.– Soft black cylinder – thanks to the softer material used, its structure is not imprinted on the body. It is recommended for people who do not yet have experience with rollers. It is suitable for any muscle part.ParametersHardness: Soft, HardMaterial: EVA foam, PVC, PEin addition to the set with a smooth EVA foam cylindersize: 45 x 14 cmdesigned for: massage, yoga, pilates
  • Spokey POINTER Bicycle helmet with LED red flasher, 55-58 cm, bielo-blue
    Spokey POINTER bicycle helmet:- has 20 ventilation holes that dissipate excess heat well even during very intense driving,- it is equipped with an LED red battery flasher, thanks to which you will always be visible on the road,- it is equipped with a visor that protects the forehead, nose, eyes and the whole face. In addition, it also protects against the sun and branches that can occur on the forest path,- made by In-Mold technology, which means an increased number of ventilation holes and a reduction in the weight of the helmet while maintaining its strength,- The inner layer is made of EPS foam, which not only absorbs the force of impact when falling, but also absorbs vibrations caused by driving on uneven surfaces well.Before you get on your bike, jump on a skateboard or roller skate, take care of your safety and put on your helmet. Regardless of your riding experience - whether you are a complete beginner or an experienced skater, dangerous falls can meet anyone. The Spokey POINTER bicycle helmet protects you from potential injuries, abrasions or bruises, minimizes head injuries and ensures maximum safety! This helmet is designed primarily for cycling - with it you will be as safe as possible on the roads. Thanks to the special LED red flasher, you will always be well visible to other road users at night.Lightweight and durable bicycle helmet with visor and lightingThe Spokey POINTER bicycle helmet perfectly protects the head from injuries and at the same time is very light and durable! It does not represent any unnecessary burden, since it weighs only 250 g. The inner layer of the MTB helmet is made of EPS foam, which absorbs very well the vibrations generated during driving on uneven surfaces and absorbs the force of impact when falling. The POINTER model is characterized by a retracted visor, which additionally provides protection for the forehead, eyes, nose and face. In addition, it also protects against the sun and branches that can occur on the forest path.Made with In-Mold technology: up to 20 ventilation holesA modern cycling helmet for both men and women that ensures maximum safety, while being very light and incredibly comfortable? The Spokey POINTER bicycle helmet is made with In-Mold technology. And what does it mean? It is a permanent merging of the polycarbonate shell with the EPS layer. This makes it possible to design more ventilation holes in the helmet while maintaining its strength. Thanks to this, the POINTER model has an increased number of ventilation holes that perfectly manage to dissipate excess heat even during very intense driving. You will feel maximum comfort in all conditions!Great adapts to head circumferenceThe Spokey POINTER BICYCLE MTB helmet is CE certified and complies with EN 1078, which means that the helmet has passed all the necessary safety tests. In addition to maximum protection, it also provides maximum comfort during wearing! You do not have to worry about helmet sizes - the Spokey POINTER women's and men's cycling helmet has a Head Lock control system in the range of 55-58 cm or 58-61 cm (depending on the selected size). The safety clip used allows you to adjust the permanent size of the strap, and ensures easy switching on and off of the helmet.Parameters:Regulation: Head LockLED rear light on battery (CR1620 - battery not included)convenient replaceable inner insole with insect screenouter surface: PC/PVC/EPS, In-MoldNumber of ventilation holes: 20weight: 250 gexcellent protection of the forehead and backCertificate: CESize: 55-58cm
  • Spokey FUN TIGER Children's cycling helmet 52-56 cm
    Children's cycling helmet Spokey FUN TIGER:- Perfectly protects the child's head when riding a bike, roller skates, skateboard or scooter- it is ultra-light, weighs only 200 g, thanks to which it does not represent an unnecessary burden- Allows optimal adjustment of the child's head circumference thanks to the Head Lock control system- has 6 ventilation holes equipped with a mesh that protects against insectsThe Spokey FUN TIGER Children's Cycling Helmet was created for children's safety and head protection while riding roller skates, skateboards, scooters or bicycles . It's a real must-have for every little sports lover – it provides maximum head protection during falls, with special emphasis on the back of the head and forehead. If your child is planning to take the first steps in the world of skating, the Spokey FUN TIGER helmet will be the best choice, thanks to its very low weight (weighs only 200 g), it does not represent any unnecessary burden for small users.Keep your child safeThe use of a helmet is very important, especially for children who plan to take their first steps in the world of skating. After all, driving lessons are associated with unsuccessful attempts and unexpected falls. To minimize the risk of abrasions and injuries, we have created a helmet that perfectly protects the head, with special emphasis on the back of the head and forehead. Thanks to its low weight of only 200 g (+/- 10 g), the helmet does not represent an unnecessary burden when worn. Thanks to its unique graphics , small skaters will immediately fall in love with it, and besides, with this design they will stand out among others.Ultra-light helmet with Head Lock control systemThe Spokey FUN TIGER children's cycling helmet can be very easily adapted to the circumference of the child's head. The helmet is equipped with a Head Lock control system in the range of  52–56 cm. This will make the helmet fit perfectly and protect the head. The safety clip used allows you to adjust the permanent size of the strap, and ensures easy switching on and off of the helmet. But that's not all! The FUN TIGER model is equipped with 6 ventilation holes equipped with a mesh that protects against insects, thanks to which the child will feel maximum comfort during the ride.Proven helmet for bike, roller skates, skateboard and scooterThe Spokey FUN TIGER Children's Cycling Helmet is CE certified and complies with the EN1078 standard, which means that the helmet has passed all the necessary safety tests. It provides excellent head protection, with special emphasis on the back of the head and forehead. The inner layer is made of EPS foam, which not only absorbs the force of impact when falling, but also absorbs vibrations caused by riding on uneven surfaces well. Parameters:Regulation: Head LockOuter surface: PVCInner Layer:EPSNumber of ventilation holes: 6 + insect screenweight: 200 g +/-10 gquick fastening under the neckexcellent protection of the forehead and backCertificate: CE, EN 1078
  • Spokey FUN POLICE Children's cycling helmet 52-56 cm
    Children's cycling helmet Spokey FUN POLICE:- Perfectly protects the child's head when riding a bike, roller skates, skateboard or scooter- it is ultra-light, weighs only 200 g, thanks to which it does not represent an unnecessary burden- Allows optimal adjustment of the child's head circumference thanks to the Head Lock control system- has 6 ventilation holes equipped with a mesh that protects against insects- will fulfill the dream of every little expectant policeman!The Spokey FUN POLICE children's cycling helmet was created for children's safety and head protection while riding roller skates, skateboards, scooters or bicycles . It is a real must have for every little sports lover, and thanks to its unique design, also a police lover – it provides maximum head protection during falls, with special emphasis on the back of the head and forehead. If your child is planning to take the first steps in the world of skating, the Spokey FUN POLICE helmet will be the best choice, thanks to its very low weight (weighs only 200 g), it does not represent any unnecessary burden for small users.Keep the little cop safeThe use of a helmet is very important, especially for children who plan to take their first steps in the world of skating. After all, driving lessons are associated with unsuccessful attempts and unexpected falls. To minimize the risk of abrasions and injuries, we have created a helmet that perfectly protects the head, with special emphasis on the back of the head and forehead. With its low weight of just 200 g (+/- 10 g), the helmet does not represent an unnecessary burden when worn. Thanks to the unique police graphics , small skaters will immediately fall in love with it, and besides, with this design they will stand out among the rest.Ultra-light helmet with Head Lock control systemThe Spokey FUN POLICE children's cycling helmet can be very easily adapted to the circumference of the child's head. The helmet is equipped with a Head Lock control system in the range of  52–56 cm. Thanks to this, the helmet will fit perfectly and protect the head. The safety clip used allows you to adjust the permanent size of the strap, and ensures easy switching on and off of the "police" helmet. But that's not all! The FUN POLICE model is equipped with 6 ventilation holes equipped with a mesh that protects against insects, thanks to which the child will feel maximum comfort during the ride.Proven helmet for bike, roller skates, skateboard and scooterThe Spokey FUN POLICE Children's Cycling Helmet is CE certified and complies with the EN1078 standard, which means that the helmet has passed all the necessary safety tests. It provides excellent head protection, with special emphasis on the back of the head and forehead. The inner layer is made of EPS foam, which not only absorbs the force of impact when falling, but also absorbs vibrations caused by riding on uneven surfaces well. Parameters:Regulation: Head LockOuter surface: PVCInner Layer:EPSNumber of ventilation holes: 6 + insect screenweight: 200 g +/-10 gquick fastening under the neckexcellent protection of the forehead and backCertificate: CE, EN 1078
  • Spokey FUN RESCUE Children's cycling helmet 52-56 cm
    Children's cycling helmet Spokey FUN RESCUE:- Perfectly protects the child's head when riding a bike, roller skates, skateboard or scooter- it is ultra-light, weighs only 200 g, thanks to which it does not represent an unnecessary burden- Allows optimal adjustment of the child's head circumference thanks to the Head Lock control system- has 6 ventilation holes equipped with a mesh that protects against insects- make the dream of every little expectant firefighter come true!The Spokey FUN RESCUE Children's Cycling Helmet was created for children's safety and head protection while riding roller skates, skateboards, scooters or bicycles . It is a real must have for every little sports lover, and thanks to its unique design, also a firefighter lover – it provides maximum head protection during falls, with special emphasis on the back of the head and forehead. If your child is planning to take the first steps in the world of skating, the Spokey FUN RESCUE helmet will be the best choice, thanks to its very low weight (weighs only 200 g) it does not represent any unnecessary burden for small users.Ensure the safety of a small firefighterThe use of a helmet is very important, especially for children who plan to take their first steps in the world of skating. After all, driving lessons are associated with unsuccessful attempts and unexpected falls. To minimize the risk of abrasions and injuries, we have created a helmet that perfectly protects the head, with special emphasis on the back of the head and forehead. Thanks to its low weight of only 200 g (+/- 10 g), the helmet does not represent an unnecessary burden when worn. Thanks to the unique firefighting graphics , little skaters will immediately fall in love with it, and besides, with this design they will stand out among others.Ultra-light helmet with Head Lock control systemThe Spokey FUN RESCUE Children's Cycling Helmet can be very easily adapted to the circumference of the child's head. The helmet is equipped with a Head Lock control system in the range of  52–56 cm. Thanks to this, the helmet will fit perfectly and protect the head. The safety clip used allows you to adjust the permanent size of the strap, and ensures easy switching on and off of the "firefighter's" helmet. But that's not all! The FUN RESCUE model is equipped with 6 ventilation holes equipped with a mesh that protects against insects, thanks to which the child will feel maximum comfort during the ride.Proven helmet for bike, roller skates, skateboard and scooterThe Spokey FUN RESCUE Children's Bicycle Helmet is CE certified and complies with the EN1078 standard, which means that the helmet has passed all the necessary safety tests. It provides excellent head protection, with special emphasis on the back of the head and forehead. The inner layer is made of EPS foam, which not only absorbs the force of impact when falling, but also absorbs well the vibrations caused by riding on uneven surfaces. Parameters:Regulation: Head LockOuter surface: PVCInner Layer:EPSNumber of ventilation holes: 6 + insect screenweight: 200 g +/-10 gquick fastening under the neckexcellent protection of the forehead and backCertificate: CE, EN 1078
  • Spokey X ROPE MIDD bearing jump rope
    Rope length: approx. 300 cm- steel rope potiahnuté plastom- regulácia dĺžky lana- rotating ends zabraňujú zamotaniu jump rope- handbook: approx. 16 cm
  • Spokey LILT IV Suspension System
    Spokey LILT IV suspension booster system:- it is fixed in the door without tools - just fold the upper part over the door and close it,- allows you to perform exercises with your own body weight, which involve the muscles of the upper and lower extremities in the work,- Has adjustable strap length.We all know that a key element of effective training is its diversity. Therefore, it is necessary to alternate strength exercises with aerobic ones during training, and to choose exercises so that different parts of the body are involved in the work. The Spokey LILT IV suspension strengthening system will enrich your home training - allowing you to perform an unlimited number of exercises with your own body weight. Thanks to this, you can strengthen the muscles of the whole body: the muscles of the upper and lower extremities, the muscles of the back and abdomen. Thanks to the possibility of adjusting the length of the straps, you can adjust the intensity of training exactly according to your needs.Universal suspension booster system to strengthen all parts of the bodyThe Spokey LILT IV suspension booster system is very versatile. From now on, you will no longer need additional strengthening equipment such as weights and dumbbells. Spokey LILT IV has comfortable shaped handles - after all, a firm grip is the basis of safe training! Length-adjustable straps (max. 165 cm) allow you to perform various exercises using the door. The LILT IV is fastened to the door without tools - just fold the top over the door and close it. With Spokey LILT IV, you will no longer have to leave home for a full-fledged workout. The straps of the suspension booster system are made of durable material, which ensures their long service life.Parameters:Material: PVC, EVAstrap size 0,38 x 0,14 x 105 cmSize of handle: 3,8 x 0,14 x 58 cmMaximum strap length: 165cmmaximum user weight: 100 kgRobust straps with door mountsimple and effective strengthening systemallows very effective strengthening of all muscle partsAdjustable belt lengtheasy handlingeasy and quick installationgrips on hands and feetInformation for wholesale customers:Packing: 24 pcs/cartonpossible sale of 1 pc
  • Spokey CHERUB Children's cycling helmet IN-MOLD, 48-52 cm, clear-red
    Children's cycling helmet IN-MOLD Spokey CHERUB:- Provides maximum head protection when riding a bike, roller skates, skateboard or scooter- has 13 ventilation holes- Weighs only 155g, is super light and does not represent unnecessary load- The inner layer is made of EPS foam, which not only absorbs the force of impact when falling, but also absorbs vibrations caused by driving on uneven surfaces well A modern cycling helmet that ensures maximum safety and at the same time is stylish? This sounds like the Spokey CHERUB bicycle helmet , which, thanks to the latest modern technologies, durable materials, unique design and unique colors, allows you to stand out among others whether you ride a bike, roller skates, skateboard or scooter. It provides absolute head protection against dangerous injuries and abrasions that can occur both in beginners during riding lessons and in experienced skaters during dynamic riding.Lightweight and durable children's helmet with 13 ventilation holesThe Spokey CHERUB children's cycling helmet is an absolute must have! After all, regardless of whether you are a complete beginner or an experienced rider, there are accidents that can cause us to get injured. To minimize the risk of injury, it is advisable to use a helmet and protectors. The Spokey CHERUB bicycle helmet provides head protection and does not represent any unnecessary burden when in use , as it weighs only 155 g. It perfectly protects against injury and at the same time is extremely durable. The inner layer of the helmet is made of EPS foam, which very well absorbs the vibrations generated when driving on uneven surfaces and absorbs the force of impact during a fall. It is an ideal choice for those who decide to start their skating adventure.Perfect head protectionThe Spokey CHERUB bicycle helmet is CE certified and complies with the EN1078 standard, which means that the helmet has passed all the necessary safety tests. In addition to maximum head protection, it also provides maximum ride comfort, which is ensured by 13 ventilation holes! You don't have to worry about helmet sizes – the Spokey CHERUB bicycle helmet has a Head Lock control system in the range of 48-52 cm or 52-56 cm (depending on the selected size). The safety clip used allows you to adjust the permanent size of the strap, and ensures easy switching on and off of the helmet.Parameters:Regulation: Head Lock - 48-52 cmexcellent protection of the forehead and backquick fastening under the neckOuter surface: PC, In-mouldInner Layer: Black EPSnumber of ventilation holes: 13weight: 155 gCertificate: CE, EN 1078Information for wholesale customers:packing: 44 pcs/cartonpossible sale of 1 pc
  • Spokey CHERUB Children's cycling helmet IN-MOLD, 52-56 cm, red-blue
    Children's cycling helmet IN-MOLD Spokey CHERUB:- Provides maximum head protection when riding a bike, roller skates, skateboard or scooter- has 13 ventilation holes- Weighs only 155g, is super light and does not represent unnecessary load- The inner layer is made of EPS foam, which not only absorbs the force of impact when falling, but also absorbs vibrations caused by driving on uneven surfaces well A modern cycling helmet that ensures maximum safety and at the same time is stylish? This sounds like the Spokey CHERUB bicycle helmet , which, thanks to the latest modern technologies, durable materials, unique design and unique colors, allows you to stand out among others whether you ride a bike, roller skates, skateboard or scooter. It provides absolute head protection against dangerous injuries and abrasions that can occur both in beginners during riding lessons and in experienced skaters during dynamic riding.Lightweight and durable children's helmet with 13 ventilation holesThe Spokey CHERUB children's cycling helmet is an absolute must have! After all, regardless of whether you are a complete beginner or an experienced rider, there are accidents that can cause us to get injured. To minimize the risk of injury, it is advisable to use a helmet and protectors. The Spokey CHERUB bicycle helmet provides head protection and does not represent any unnecessary burden when in use , as it weighs only 155 g. It perfectly protects against injury and at the same time is extremely durable. The inner layer of the helmet is made of EPS foam, which very well absorbs the vibrations generated when driving on uneven surfaces and absorbs the force of impact during a fall. It is an ideal choice for those who decide to start their skating adventure.Perfect head protectionThe Spokey CHERUB bicycle helmet is CE certified and complies with the EN1078 standard, which means that the helmet has passed all the necessary safety tests. In addition to maximum head protection, it also provides maximum ride comfort, which is ensured by 13 ventilation holes! You don't have to worry about helmet sizes – the Spokey CHERUB bicycle helmet has a Head Lock control system in the range of 48-52 cm or 52-56 cm (depending on the selected size). The safety clip used allows you to adjust the permanent size of the strap, and ensures easy switching on and off of the helmet.Parameters:Regulation: Head Lock - 52-56 cmexcellent protection of the forehead and backquick fastening under the neckOuter surface: PC, In-mouldInner Layer: Black EPSnumber of ventilation holes: 13weight: 155 gCertificate: CE, EN 1078Information for wholesale customers:packing: 44 pcs/cartonpossible sale of 1 pc
  • Spokey TAUSA fitness mass-weighted cork roller
    Cork fitness roller Spokey TAUSA:- suitable for exercise and massage- thanks to the material used – cork, the cylinder does not absorb moisture and thus lasts longer clean- It is harder than standard foam rollers, thanks to which it provides more stability during exercise and massageDo you work in a sitting position? Do you complain of muscle pain? Do something for your health and bet on a fitness roller. The Spokey TAUSA cork roller is an invaluable helper during exercise or massage. Exercise with a roller increases blood flow in the body, relaxes muscles, improves range of motion and reduces the risk of injury.Take care of your musclesThe Spokey TAUSA massage roller is suitable both before and after training. It is also used to accelerate muscle regeneration, which can positively affect your training – the muscles will be relaxed and the training will become a pleasure for you. By using the roller you can diversify your training, in which you will also involve less used muscle groups. It will also work great in back strengthening training, abdomen and legs, while at the same time providing a gentle or intense massage.Thanks to the cork used, the Spokey TAUSA roller is not only firm but also pleasant to the touch. Thanks to its higher weight than standard foam rollers, it is more stable during exercise. It can also be used during yoga exercises – it is great for asanas that require more stability.Parameters:Material: Corksize: about 9,5 cmlength 30 cmHardness: Standardweight: 550 glow absorption of water and moistureInformation for wholesale customers:Packing: 10 pcs/cartonpossible sale of 1 pc
  • Spokey NOEL Booster Roller
    Spokey NOEL fitness wheel:- Has a wheel shape, which is perfect for training arms, shoulders, abdomen and back- Is made for modeling and strengthening muscles- It is ideal for balance and coordination trainingThe Spokey NOEL fitness wheel is a great addition for strength or stretching training. It has specially profiled anti-slip handles that ensure comfort and convenience during exercise. The wheel itself is made of rubber, which ensures stability during exercise. In addition, its structure is non-slip, increasing the comfort and safety of training. The kit also includes a pad, which will protect your knees during the exercises.Booster wheel made of durable materialsSpokey NOEL is an irreplaceable element of any home gym. It can be used in virtually any type of training, from general development to strengthening and coordination exercises. It will help you strengthen your shoulders, arms, abdomen and back.Parameters:Material: Rubbersize: 30 x 20 x 9 cmprofiled anti-slip handlesanti-slip wheel structureWeight: 0.68 kgIncluded: pad is for knee protectionMaterial: EVA foamWasher dimensions: 33,5 x 16,5 cmmax. user weight: 100 kgmuch easier to maintain balance during exerciseInformation for wholesale customers:Packing: 20 pcs/cartonpossible sale of 1 piece
  • Spokey FEMME Cycling helmet IN-MOLD, 55-58 cm, bielo-blue
     Spokey FEMME Bicycle Helmet:- made by In-Mold technology, which means an increased number of ventilation holes and a reduction in the weight of the helmet while maintaining its strength- is equipped with a visor that protects the forehead, nose, eyes and the whole face. In addition, it also protects against the sun and branches that may occur on the forest path- has 27 ventilation holes that dissipate excess heat well even during very intense driving- The inner layer is made of EPS foam, which not only absorbs the force of impact when falling, but also absorbs vibrations caused by driving on uneven surfaces well If you love off-road riding – in the woods, on the road, on a mountain bike, downhill or freeride, then you know how important it is to wear a cycling helmet. Thanks to this, the risk of head injury is reduced to a minimum. You should always wear your helmet, as falls can occur at any time, both for beginner skaters and for highly experienced riders during fast and dynamic riding. The Spokey FEMME Bicycle Helmet ensures maximum safety when riding a bike, roller skate, skateboard or scooter. Thanks to the use of the latest technologies and extremely durable materials, you will surely fall in love with it soon.Lightweight and durable bicycle helmet with visorThe Spokey FEMME cycling helmet perfectly protects the head from injuries and at the same time is very light and durable! It does not represent any unnecessary burden, as it weighs only 250 g. The inner layer of the helmet is made of EPS foam, which absorbs vibrations very well during driving on uneven surfaces and absorbs the force of impact when falling. The FEMME model is characterized by a retracted visor, which additionally provides protection for the forehead, eyes, nose and face. In addition, it also protects against the sun and branches that may occur on a forest road.Great adapts to head circumferenceThe Spokey FEMME bicycle helmet is CE certified and complies with EN 1078, which means that the helmet has passed all the necessary safety tests. In addition to maximum protection, it also provides maximum comfort during wearing! You don't have to worry about helmet sizes – the Spokey FEMME bicycle helmet has a Head Lock control system in the range of 55-58 cm or 58-61 cm (depending on the size chosen). The safety clip used allows you to adjust the permanent size of the strap, and ensures easy switching on and off of the helmet.Made with In-Mold technology – up to 27 ventilation holesThe Spokey FEMME bicycle helmet is made with In-Mold technology. And what does it mean? It is a permanent merging of the polycarbonate shell with the EPS layer. This makes it possible to design more ventilation holes in the helmet while maintaining its strength,  thanks to which the FEMME model has an increased number of ventilation holes that perfectly manage to dissipate excess heat even during very intense driving. You will feel maximum comfort in all conditions!Parameters:Regulation: Head Lock - 55-58 cmexcellent protection of the forehead and back thanks to the firm flared visorquick fastening under the neckOuter surface: PC, In-moldInner Layer: Black EPSnumber of ventilation holes: 27weight: 250 gCertificate: CE, EN 1078Information for wholesale customers:packing: 44 pcs/cartonpossible sale of 1 piece
  • Spokey TRACY fitness rubber green light
    Fitness rubber Spokey TRACY:- Great support during yoga, stretching, fitness and Pilates exercises - Made of durable material, which ensures a long service life- Resistance: 10-20 kgThe use of closed-circuit fitness gums during training allows you to maximize the effects of training and focus on different parts of the body. Raise your training levelSpokey TRACY fitness rubbers are a great choice for both beginners and professional athletes. Rubber with lower resistance strength will help you get the right exercise technique and prepare your muscles for higher loads. Rubber with higher resistance force is designed for people who like to exercise at 200%. TRACY fitness rubbers work in a similar way as a rubber expander or yoga belt and their use is really wide. You can use them both for stretching before or after training, for strengthening, pilates, aerobics or rehabilitation.Rubbers are recommended by personal trainersTRACY is an eraser that allows you to train anywhere – in the gym, at home or outdoors. Training rubbers are recommended by personal trainers, because thanks to them you can diversify your training and target a certain muscle group. TRACY is great for fitness, rehabilitation, orthopedics, sports medicine, neurology, geriatrics and pediatrics. Spokey Tracy rubbers in the shape of a closed-circuit rectangle are great for complex fitness training.TRACY rubbers are made in 3 sizes and colors:- size S – green – light- size M – purple – medium- size L – blue – heavyParameters:Material: Polyester + Latexsize SResistance: Light (10-20 kg)size: 32 x 8 cmweight 100 g
  • Spokey TRACY fitness rubber blue heavy
    Fitness rubber Spokey TRACY:- Great support during yoga, stretching, fitness and Pilates exercises - Made of durable material, which ensures a long service life- Resistance: 35-55 kgThe use of closed-circuit fitness gums during training allows you to maximize the effects of training and focus on different parts of the body. Raise your training levelSpokey TRACY fitness rubbers are a great choice for both beginners and professional athletes. Rubber with lower resistance strength will help you get the right exercise technique and prepare your muscles for higher loads. Rubber with higher resistance force is designed for people who like to exercise at 200%. TRACY fitness rubbers work in a similar way as a rubber expander or yoga belt and their use is really wide. You can use them both for stretching before or after training, for strengthening, pilates, aerobics or rehabilitation.Rubbers are recommended by personal trainersTRACY is an eraser that allows you to train anywhere – in the gym, at home or outdoors. Training rubbers are recommended by personal trainers, because thanks to them you can diversify your training and target a certain muscle group. TRACY is great for fitness, rehabilitation, orthopedics, sports medicine, neurology, geriatrics and pediatrics. Spokey Tracy rubbers in the shape of a closed-circuit rectangle are great for complex fitness training.TRACY rubbers are made in 3 sizes and colors:- size S – green – light- size M – purple – medium- size L – blue – heavyParameters:Material: Polyester + Latexsize LResistance: Heavy (35-55 kg)size: 42 x 8 cmweight 140 g
  • Spokey GANESHA EKO Yoga Block
    Yoga block made of ecological materials Spokey GANESHA EKO:- made from 75% EVA foam and 25% from raw materials of natural origin such as rice husks and bamboo- Great fits as a support during yoga practice- it is mainly used to stretch the arms, legs and back and is a great support in the performance of asanasDo you dream after a moment of rest after a stressful day? Do you want to maintain a good physical condition and slim figure? Yoga is for everyone! Regular exercise helps to detach from everyday responsibilities, reduce stress and establish inner balance. And these are just a few of the benefits that regular exercise brings.Your Path to YogaIt doesn't matter if you're just starting out with yoga or if you've been doing it for a while. Yoga block GANESHA EKO is an indispensable element of equipment for anyone who wants to practice yoga at home. For beginning yogis, it can serve as a support wherever more flexibility is required than what you currently have. Yoga block is mainly used to stretch the arms, legs and back. It allows more advanced yogis to make fuller use of the possibilities and greater comfort during exercise.Combination of EVA foam and ecological raw materialsYoga block Spokey GANESHA EKO is very stable and is pleasant to the touch. This is because it is made of 75% EVA foam and 25% of raw materials of natural origin (rice husks and bamboo). This makes the block lighter and more durable than other yoga blocks.Safe support during yoga practiceGANESHA EKO will become your favorite partner during exercise – for performing asanas or in finding and maintaining balance. The yoga block will take your workout to the next level! It's great for stretching and makes the exercise safer and easier to do. It can be used as a support for asanas lying down, standing or sitting. Yoga block helps to take a safe position and will give you stability and balance. It can also be used for Pilates or physiotherapy exercises.Parameters:Material: 25% natural ingredients (rice husks, bamboo), 75% EVA foamgives a characteristic marble look of the product and smells good.up to 23% reduction in CO2Dimensions: 23 x 15 x 7,5 cmweight: 400–550 gOK-BIOBASED certificateInformation for wholesale customers:Packing: 12 pcs/cartonpossible sale of 1 pc
  • Spokey HASBRO PINKIE Rýchleschnúci sportový uterák, 80x160 cm, black-and-white, ref. MY LITTLE PONY
    Quick-drying sports towel Spokey HASBRO MY LITTLE PONY PINKIE:- has a large size (80 x 160 cm), but after folding it takes up 80% less space than classic terry towels, thanks to which you can always have it with you- unique design – unique colors and graphics of My Little Pony will make it love at first sight for all little swimming lovers- Made of pleasant to the touch quick-drying microfiber- does not retain moisture – therefore does not retain bacteria- made in accordance with EN 14362 – made of materials that are safest for the health of users!At Spokey, we value every moment of relaxation and make sure it is as comfortable and peaceful as possible. Especially when it comes to relaxing with children , which is why we rely on the quick-drying Spokey My Little Pony PINKIE towel. No matter where you spend your time this year, you can fully and carefreely enjoy a weekend or holiday. Your children will spend moments of joy with the specially designed quick-drying My Little Pony towel.Children's joy with PONY poniesA quick-drying towel is the best solution during a trip with children. It will work in many situations, not just when relaxing on the beach! To ensure maximum comfort and safety, the fast-drying PINKIE towel is made of microfibers that absorb water very well and do not retain moisture and thus do not retain bacteria. In addition, it dries 4 times faster than classic terry towels. It is very soft and pleasant to the touch. Exceptional colors and unique design with My Little Pony will capture the attention of every child.You can always have it with youThe Spokey my Little Pony PINKIE quick-drying towel is very light and easy to fold. Despite its large size (80 x 160 cm), the towel takes up approximately 80% less space than a classic terry towel. Once folded, the towel is so small that you can take it anywhere with you! This will save you a lot of space in your picnic bag or gym backpack. You can also use the QUICK-drying PINKIE towel as a beach blanket.We focus on health and safetyThe microfiber towel has been manufactured with the latest technology. This makes it amazing absorbent and resistant to tearing or other damage. In addition, it has excellent breathable properties. The towel is made in accordance with EN 14362 – 1:2012 – it is made of materials that are safest for the health of users.Parameters:Material: 80% Polyester / 20% Polyamide = 100% Microfiberlightweight, quick-drying, absorbentsize: L - 80 x 160 cmlarge size can serve as a beach blanketmodern and playful graphics for childrenpacked in practical packagingstandard EN 14362 – 1:2012Information for wholesale customers:Packing: 50 pcs/cartonpossible sale of 1 pc
  • Spokey GREAN MINI Massage Pen Roller
    Fitness massage roller Spokey GREAN MINI:- excellent for strengthening the back, abdomen, legs and other parts of the body,- irreplaceable helper before and after training - perfectly relaxes the muscles,- made of innovative material (EPP foam), which makes it not only pleasant and comfortable during the massage, but at the same time is resistant to high loads, deformations and mechanical damage,- it is characterized by very low absorption of water and moisture, due to which it is easy to keep clean.Foam roller Spokey GREAN MINI ensures smooth work of your muscles! Exercises with a foam massage roller are very beneficial for health - they increase blood flow, improve movements during exercise, increase the range of movements and reduce the risk of injury!Take care of your muscles before, during and after your workoutA smooth massage roller is an indispensable component of home workouts, as it allows you to independently relax tense muscles. It can be used during pre-workout warm-ups or after training exercises. It is also used to accelerate muscle regeneration, which can positively affect your training - the muscles will be relaxed and the training will become a pleasure for you. By using the Spokey GREAN MINI roller, you can diversify your training, involving less used muscle groups.Roller made of innovative materialThe Spokey GREAN MINI fitness roller is also great for strengthening the back, abdomen and legs, while its structure provides a gentle or intense massage. It is made of innovative material (EPP), which is resistant to high loads, deformations and mechanical damage. In addition, it is characterized by very low absorption of water and moisture, due to which it is easy to keep clean.Parameters:Material: EPP, resistant to heavy load, deformation and mechanical damagediameter: 5 cmlength: 15 cmHardness: Standardlow absorption of water and moistureInformation for wholesale customers:Packing: 50 pcs/cartonpossible sale of 1 pc
  • Spokey LILT V Suspension Booster System
    Spokey LILT V suspension booster system:- attaches to the door without tools – just fold the upper part over the door and close it- allows you to perform exercises with your own body weight, which involve the muscles of the upper and lower limbs in the work- Has adjustable strap lengthWe all know that a key element of effective training is its diversity. That's why you need to alternate strength exercises with aerobic exercises during your workout, and choose exercises so that different body parts are involved in the work. Spokey LILT V suspension strengthening system will enrich your home training – allowing you to perform an unlimited number of exercises with your own body weight. Thanks to this, you can strengthen the muscles of the whole body: the muscles of the upper and lower extremities, the muscles of the back and abdomen. Thanks to the possibility of adjusting the length of the straps, you can adjust the intensity of training exactly according to your needs.Universal suspension booster system to strengthen all parts of the bodyThe Spokey LILT V suspension booster system is very versatile. From now on, you will no longer need additional strengthening tools such as weights and dumbbells. Spokey LILT V has comfortable contoured handles – after all, a firm grip is the basis for safe training! The length-adjustable straps (max. 165 cm) allow you to perform various exercises using the door. The LILT V is attached to the door without tools – just fold the removable top over the door and close it. With Spokey LILT V you will no longer have to leave home for a full-fledged workout. The straps of the suspension booster system are made of durable material, which ensures their long service life.Parameters:Material: PVC, EVAstrap size 0,38 x 0,14 x 105 cmSize of handle: 3,8 x 0,14 x 58 cmAdjustable belt lengthMaximum strap length: 165cmRobust straps with removable door mountgrips on hands and feetmaximum user weight: 100 kgInformation for wholesale customers:Packing: 24 pcs/cartonpossible sale of 1 pc
  • Spokey ARTIO II fitness rubber black, heavy
    Fitness rubber Spokey ARTIO II heavy:- has a strong resistance level (resistance: 11.3 - 13.6 kg), which allows you to achieve even better results during training- it is made of very durable latex, thanks to which it does not deform and can withstand even extremely strong stretching- help enrich your training and engage the muscles you care about- thanks to its shape (closed circumference) it can be used for stretching exercises, fitness, aerobics, Pilates, yoga or crossfit.The Spokey ARTIO II mini rubber with a strong resistance level (11.3 - 13.6 kg) is an extremely versatile rubber with a closed circuit. It puts up so-called progressive resistance, which means that the more you stretch it during training, the stronger the resistance it puts. That is why it is a great choice for stretching exercises, fitness, aerobics, Pilates, yoga, crossfit or rehabilitation and mobilization exercises. ARTIO II rubber allows you to train a variety of workouts with a focus on individual parts of the body, such as: hands, thighs, legs or buttocks.Engage the muscles you care aboutTraining rubber Spokey ARTIO II heavy is designed for those who like to exercise at 200%. With ARTIO II rubber, you can focus on a specific part of your body and maximize the effects of your workout. The rubber works in a similar way to a rubber expander – it allows you to perform stretching or movements to the side. Maximum workout effectsARTIO II is an elastic and at the same time very durable fitness rubber. It is made of durable latex, thanks to which the rubber does not form and can withstand even very strong stretching. Its shape, features and length will allow you to expand your range of basic exercises. With it, you can exercise whenever and wherever you want – in the gym, at home or outdoors. With the Spokey ARTIO II mini rubber, you can engage the muscles that matter most to you.If you are looking for a fitness rubber with a different resistance level, the ARTIO II mini fitness rubber range also offers the following variants:- x-light: 2.2 – 4.5 kg- light: 4.5 kg – 6.8 kg- medium: 6.8 – 9.0 kg- heavy: 11.3 – 13.6 kg- x-heavy: 15.8 – 18.1 kg- set of 5 fitness gums Spokey ARTIO II: x-light, light, medium, heavy, x-heavyParameters:Material: LatexDimensions: 600 x 50 x 0.9 mmVoltage level: heavy 11.3 - 13.6 kg
  • Spokey ARTIO II fitness rubber dark gray, medium
    Fitness rubber Spokey ARTIO II medium:- has a moderate resistance level (resistance: 6.8 - 9.0 kg), which allows you to achieve even better results during training- it is made of very durable latex, thanks to which it does not deform and can withstand even extremely strong stretching- help enrich your training and engage the muscles you care about- thanks to its shape (closed circumference) it can be used for stretching exercises, fitness, aerobics, Pilates, yoga or crossfit.The Spokey ARTIO II mini rubber with a medium resistance level (6.8 - 9.0 kg) is an extremely versatile rubber with a closed circuit. It puts up so-called progressive resistance, which means that the more you stretch it during training, the stronger the resistance it puts. That is why it is a great choice for stretching exercises, fitness, aerobics, Pilates, yoga, crossfit or rehabilitation and mobilization exercises. ARTIO II rubber allows you to train a variety of workouts with a focus on individual parts of the body, such as: hands, thighs, legs or buttocks.Engage the muscles you care aboutTraining rubber Spokey ARTIO II medium is suitable for both complete beginners and professional athletes. It is a great choice for those who want to diversify their exercises and prepare their muscles for heavier loads. With ARTIO II rubber, you can focus on a specific part of your body and maximize the effects of your workout. The rubber works in a similar way to a rubber expander – it allows you to perform stretching or movements to the side. Maximum workout effectsARTIO II is an elastic and at the same time very durable fitness rubber. It is made of durable latex, thanks to which the rubber does not form and can withstand even very strong stretching. Its shape, features and length will allow you to expand your range of basic exercises. With it, you can exercise whenever and wherever you want – in the gym, at home or outdoors. With the Spokey ARTIO II mini rubber, you can engage the muscles that matter most to you.If you are looking for a fitness rubber with a different resistance level, the ARTIO II mini fitness rubber range also offers the following variants:- x-light: 2.2 – 4.5 kg- light: 4.5 kg – 6.8 kg- medium: 6.8 – 9.0 kg- heavy: 11.3 – 13.6 kg- x-heavy: 15.8 – 18.1 kg- set of 5 fitness gums Spokey ARTIO II: x-light, light, medium, heavy, x-heavyParameters:Material: LatexDimensions: 600 x 50 x 0.7 mmVoltage level: medium 6.8 - 9 kg
  • Spokey RIBBON III fitness rubber light gray, light
     Fitness rubber Spokey RIBBON III:- a universal tool that helps to get the right technique of exercise and prepares the muscles for a higher load- thanks to its rectangular shape (225 x 15 cm) it can be used for stretching exercises, fitness, aerobics, pilates, yoga or crossfit- allows you to maximize the effects of training and allows you to focus on individual muscle groups- Available in 3 different colors with different resistance strengthIf you are looking for an effective and proven way for home training, bet on  the Spokey RIBBON III fitness rubber. It is a universal device that allows you to perform stretching or strengthening exercises. Thanks to its properties and length (225 x 15 cm), ribbon III rubber will diversify your daily training. The rubber works in a similar way to a rubber expander – it allows you to perform stretching or lateral movements, thanks to which you enrich your training with new exercises and engage the necessary muscle groups in the work. You can use ribbon III training rubber during stretching, strengthening, aerobic or fitness exercises, during yoga or Pilates.Maximum workout effectsThe Spokey RIBBON III training rubber is recommended by professionals and personal trainers alike. Rubber is made of a very durable material, which ensures its long service life. Thanks to it, you can train whenever and wherever you want – in the gym, at home or outdoors. Ribbon III eraser will diversify your daily workouts and allow you to tailor your workout exactly to your needs to engage those muscle groups that matter most to you.Indispensable during trainingThe Spokey RIBBON III light training rubber with a low resistance level is suitable for both complete beginners and professional athletes. Rubber light will help you get the right technique of exercise and prepare the muscles for a higher load. If you are looking for rubbers with a higher resistance level, the RIBBON III eraser is also available in the following variants:- dark gray (medium): medium resistance level (12 kg)- Orange (heavy): strong resistance level (17 kg)- fitness rubber set, 3 pcs: light, medium, heavyParameters:Material: Latexlength: 225 cmwidth: 15 cmThickness: 0.35mmVoltage level: light (7 kg) 
  • Spokey ARTIO II fitness rubber light gray, x-light
    Fitness rubber Spokey ARTIO II x-light:- has a very low resistance level (resistance: 2.2 - 4.5 kg), which allows you to get the right technique of exercise and prepare the muscles for a higher load- it is made of very durable latex, thanks to which it does not deform and can withstand even extremely strong stretching- help enrich your training and engage the muscles you care about- thanks to its shape (closed circumference) it can be used for stretching exercises, fitness, aerobics, Pilates, yoga or crossfit.The Spokey ARTIO II mini rubber with a very low resistance level (2.2 - 4.5 kg) is an extremely versatile rubber with a closed circuit. It puts up so-called progressive resistance, which means that the more you stretch it during training, the stronger the resistance it puts. That is why it is a great choice for stretching exercises, fitness, aerobics, Pilates, yoga, crossfit or rehabilitation and mobilization exercises. ARTIO II rubber allows you to train a variety of workouts with a focus on individual parts of the body, such as: hands, thighs, legs or buttocks.Engage the muscles you care aboutThe Spokey ARTIO II x-light training rubber is suitable for both complete beginners and professional athletes. X-light rubber will help you get the right exercise technique and prepare your muscles for a higher load. With ARTIO II rubber, you can focus on a specific part of your body and maximize the effects of your workout. The rubber works in a similar way to a rubber expander – it allows you to perform stretching or movements to the side. Maximum workout effectsARTIO II is an elastic and at the same time very durable fitness rubber. It is made of durable latex, thanks to which the rubber does not form and can withstand even very strong stretching. Its shape, features and length will allow you to expand your range of basic exercises. With it, you can exercise whenever and wherever you want – in the gym, at home or outdoors. With the Spokey ARTIO II mini rubber, you can engage the muscles that matter most to you.If you are looking for a fitness rubber with a different resistance level, the ARTIO II mini fitness rubber range also offers the following variants:- x-light: 2.2 – 4.5 kg- light: 4.5 kg – 6.8 kg- medium: 6.8 – 9.0 kg- heavy: 11.3 – 13.6 kg- x-heavy: 15.8 – 18.1 kg- set of 5 fitness gums Spokey ARTIO II: x-light, light, medium, heavy, x-heavyParameters:Material: LatexDimensions: 600 x 50 x 0.35 mmVoltage level: x-light 2.2 - 4.5 kg
  • Spokey ARTIO II fitness rubber grey, light
    Fitness rubber Spokey ARTIO II light:- has a low resistance level (resistance: 4.5 - 6.8 kg), which allows you to get the right technique of exercise and prepare the muscles for a higher load- it is made of very durable latex, thanks to which it does not deform and can withstand even extremely strong stretching- help enrich your training and engage the muscles you care about- thanks to its shape (closed circumference) it can be used for stretching exercises, fitness, aerobics, Pilates, yoga or crossfit.The Spokey ARTIO II mini rubber with a low resistance level (4.5 - 6.8 kg) is an extremely versatile rubber with a closed circuit. It puts up so-called progressive resistance, which means that the more you stretch it during training, the stronger the resistance it puts. That is why it is a great choice for stretching exercises, fitness, aerobics, Pilates, yoga, crossfit or rehabilitation and mobilization exercises. ARTIO II rubber allows you to train a variety of workouts with a focus on individual parts of the body, such as: hands, thighs, legs or buttocks.Engage the muscles you care aboutThe Spokey ARTIO II light training rubber is suitable for both complete beginners and professional athletes.  With ARTIO II rubber, you can focus on a specific part of your body and maximize the effects of your workout. The rubber works in a similar way to a rubber expander – it allows you to perform stretching or movements to the side. Maximum workout effectsARTIO II is an elastic and at the same time very durable fitness rubber. It is made of durable latex, thanks to which the rubber does not form and can withstand even very strong stretching. Its shape, features and length will allow you to expand your range of basic exercises. With it, you can exercise whenever and wherever you want – in the gym, at home or outdoors. With the Spokey ARTIO II mini rubber, you can engage the muscles that matter most to you.If you are looking for a fitness rubber with a different resistance level, the ARTIO II mini fitness rubber range also offers the following variants:- x-light: 2.2 – 4.5 kg- light: 4.5 kg – 6.8 kg- medium: 6.8 – 9.0 kg- heavy: 11.3 – 13.6 kg- x-heavy: 15.8 – 18.1 kg- set of 5 fitness gums Spokey ARTIO II: x-light, light, medium, heavy, x-heavyParameters:Material: LatexDimensions: 600 x 50 x 0.5 mmVoltage level: light 4.5 - 6.8 kg
  • Spokey POINTER PRO Bicycle helmet with LED flasher and turn signals, 55-58 cm, biela
    Cycling helmet Spokey POINTER PRO:- made by In-Mold technology, which means an increased number of ventilation holes and a reduction in the weight of the helmet while maintaining its strength,- it is equipped with LED lighting with turn signals, which can be controlled with a remote control and charged via USB (USB cable is included),- has 29 ventilation holes that dissipate excess heat well even during very intense driving,- the inner layer is made of EPS foam, which not only absorbs the force of impact when falling, but also well absorbs vibrations caused by driving on uneven surfaces,- It is equipped with an easy and fast Fidlock fastening system with additional chin protection for even greater wearing comfort.A helmet is an essential part of the equipment of every skating lover. Whether you are starting your adventure on a skateboard, roller skates, bike or scooter, or you are a big and experienced skating lover, take care of maximum head protection from dangerous falls, injuries and abrasions that can happen to anyone, no matter what experience someone has. The Spokey POINTER PRO bicycle helmet perfectly protects the head, ensures maximum safety, minimizes the risk of injury, and at the same time is very light (weighs only 250 g) and has a total of 29 ventilation holes! In addition, the helmet is equipped with LED lighting with turn signals that can be controlled using a remote control.Ultra-light helmet with lightingOne of the biggest advantages of the Spokey POINTER PRO bicycle helmet is its weight - it does not represent any unnecessary burden for the user, as it weighs only 250 g and at the same time is very durable. The inner layer of the helmet is made of EPS foam, which absorbs very well the vibrations generated during driving on uneven surfaces and absorbs the force of impact when falling. The POINTER PRO cycling helmet provides comprehensive protection - even at night! Thanks to LED lighting with turn signals, you will be visible anytime, anywhere, regardless of the current weather conditions. A sign about changing the direction of travel will give easily with the help of a convenient remote control.Quick Fidlock on, convenient Head Lock adjustmentThe Fidlock magnetic fastening system allows you to adjust the permanent size of the straps for easy fastening and unfastening of the helmet! Just attach both parts of the fastening to each other and they will turn on by themselves. This fastening method is simple, fast, very intuitive and does not require the use of both hands. What's more, with the safety clip, the helmet has additional chin protection for even more comfort. For the Spokey POINTER PRO helmet with LED lighting, Head Lock control systems are used (depending on the selected size in the range of 55-58 cm or 58-61 cm), which allows you to optimally adjust the helmet according to the circumference of the user's head.Up to 29 ventilation holes thanks to In-Mold technologyThe Spokey POINTER PRO cycling helmet is a great choice for any ride - on the road, in the forest, downhill, freeride, roller skates or skateboard! Thanks to the latest technologies used and very durable materials, you will quickly fall in love with it. The helmet is made with In-Mold technology. And what does it mean? It is a permanent merging of the polycarbonate shell with the EPS layer. This makes it possible to design multiple ventilation holes and reduce weight while maintaining its strength. Thanks to this, the Spokey POINTER PRO helmet with LED lighting has 29 ventilation holes that perfectly dissipate excess heat even during very intense driving. In addition, the helmet is equipped with an internal comfortable insole with a net that protects against possible ingress of insects under the helmet. You will feel maximum comfort in any conditions!Parameters:Regulation: Head LockFidlock switchingLED lighting charged via USB (USB cable included)handlebar mounting systemwireless controller (USB charging)convenient replaceable inner insole with insect screenAdditional chin protection for added comfort during fasteningOuter surface: PC/EPS, In-Moldnumber of ventilation holes: 29weight: 250 gquick fastening under the neckexcellent protection of the forehead and backCertificate: CESize: 55-58cmPackage Includes: USB Charging Cable, Handlebar Controller Mounting System, Controller
  • Spokey POINTER PRO Bicycle helmet with LED flasher and turn signals, 58-61 cm, clear
    Cycling helmet Spokey POINTER PRO:- made by In-Mold technology, which means an increased number of ventilation holes and a reduction in the weight of the helmet while maintaining its strength,- it is equipped with LED lighting with turn signals, which can be controlled with a remote control and charged via USB (USB cable is included),- has 29 ventilation holes that dissipate excess heat well even during very intense driving,- the inner layer is made of EPS foam, which not only absorbs the force of impact when falling, but also well absorbs vibrations caused by driving on uneven surfaces,- It is equipped with an easy and fast Fidlock fastening system with additional chin protection for even greater wearing comfort.A helmet is an essential part of the equipment of every skating lover. Whether you are starting your adventure on a skateboard, roller skates, bike or scooter, or you are a big and experienced skating lover, take care of maximum head protection from dangerous falls, injuries and abrasions that can happen to anyone, no matter what experience someone has. The Spokey POINTER PRO bicycle helmet perfectly protects the head, ensures maximum safety, minimizes the risk of injury, and at the same time is very light (weighs only 250 g) and has a total of 29 ventilation holes! In addition, the helmet is equipped with LED lighting with turn signals that can be controlled using a remote control.Ultra-light helmet with lightingOne of the biggest advantages of the Spokey POINTER PRO bicycle helmet is its weight - it does not represent any unnecessary burden for the user, as it weighs only 250 g and at the same time is very durable. The inner layer of the helmet is made of EPS foam, which absorbs very well the vibrations generated during driving on uneven surfaces and absorbs the force of impact when falling. The POINTER PRO cycling helmet provides comprehensive protection - even at night! Thanks to LED lighting with turn signals, you will be visible anytime, anywhere, regardless of the current weather conditions. A sign about changing the direction of travel will give easily with the help of a convenient remote control.Quick Fidlock on, convenient Head Lock adjustmentThe Fidlock magnetic fastening system allows you to adjust the permanent size of the straps for easy fastening and unfastening of the helmet! Just attach both parts of the fastening to each other and they will turn on by themselves. This fastening method is simple, fast, very intuitive and does not require the use of both hands. What's more, with the safety clip, the helmet has additional chin protection for even more comfort. For the Spokey POINTER PRO helmet with LED lighting, Head Lock control systems are used (depending on the selected size in the range of 55-58 cm or 58-61 cm), which allows you to optimally adjust the helmet according to the circumference of the user's head.Up to 29 ventilation holes thanks to In-Mold technologyThe Spokey POINTER PRO cycling helmet is a great choice for any ride - on the road, in the forest, downhill, freeride, roller skates or skateboard! Thanks to the latest technologies used and very durable materials, you will quickly fall in love with it. The helmet is made with In-Mold technology. And what does it mean? It is a permanent merging of the polycarbonate shell with the EPS layer. This makes it possible to design multiple ventilation holes and reduce weight while maintaining its strength. Thanks to this, the Spokey POINTER PRO helmet with LED lighting has 29 ventilation holes that perfectly dissipate excess heat even during very intense driving. In addition, the helmet is equipped with an internal comfortable insole with a net that protects against possible ingress of insects under the helmet. You will feel maximum comfort in any conditions!Parameters:Regulation: Head LockFidlock switchingLED lighting charged via USB (USB cable included)handlebar mounting systemwireless controller (USB charging)convenient replaceable inner insole with insect screenAdditional chin protection for added comfort during fasteningOuter surface: PC/EPS, In-Moldnumber of ventilation holes: 29weight: 250 gquick fastening under the neckexcellent protection of the forehead and backCertificate: CESize: 58-61cmPackage Includes: USB Charging Cable, Handlebar Controller Mounting System, Controller
  • Spokey LAVA Neoprene fitness gloves, black-red, vel. M
    Fitness gloves Spokey LAVA:- have an anatomical shape that adapts perfectly to your palm and does not restrict movement during exercise- have many different uses – perfect for working out in the gym or during home workouts. They can also be used instead of a bandage for boxing gloves or you can use them as gloves for MMA- they are made of flexible and durable material (neoprene and gel), thanks to which they perfectly protect hands from abrasions, blisters and injuriesAre you looking for a solution that would make your workouts more comfortable? Bet on Fitness Gloves Spokey LAVA. They have been designed to protect the palms from blisters, bruises and abrasions during exercises with dumbbells and other tools. But that's not all! The gloves can also be used for cycling, circuit training or in the gym. Thanks to the materials from which the Spokey LAVA fitness gloves are made, they can also be used as a replacement for a bandage for boxing gloves or as gloves for MMA or other combat sports.With Spokey LAVA gloves, you no longer have to worry about injuries such as abrasions, blisters or bruises that could interfere with your regular exercise. Plus, they're a great support during training! They provide a firm grip and have anti-slip properties, which is very important when training in the gym!Perfectly adapts to your palmsSpokey LAVA training gloves have an anatomical shape that makes them perfectly adapt to your palms. They do not restrict movement and provide support during training. They have a Velcro strap to help you tailor the glove to your palm size.Parameters:Material: Neoprene, Gelanatomical shape of the palmDesigned for various uses: gym, instead of bandage into boxing gloves, like MMA glovesSize: M
  • Spokey LAVA Neoprene fitness gloves, black-and-white, vel. L
    Fitness gloves Spokey LAVA:- have an anatomical shape that adapts perfectly to your palm and does not restrict movement during exercise- have many different uses – perfect for working out in the gym or during home workouts. They can also be used instead of a bandage for boxing gloves or you can use them as gloves for MMA- they are made of flexible and durable material (neoprene and gel), thanks to which they perfectly protect hands from abrasions, blisters and injuriesAre you looking for a solution that would make your workouts more comfortable? Bet on Fitness Gloves Spokey LAVA. They have been designed to protect the palms from blisters, bruises and abrasions during exercises with dumbbells and other tools. But that's not all! The gloves can also be used for cycling, circuit training or in the gym. Thanks to the materials from which the Spokey LAVA fitness gloves are made, they can also be used as a replacement for a bandage for boxing gloves or as gloves for MMA or other combat sports.With Spokey LAVA gloves, you no longer have to worry about injuries such as abrasions, blisters or bruises that could interfere with your regular exercise. Plus, they're a great support during training! They provide a firm grip and have anti-slip properties, which is very important when training in the gym!Perfectly adapts to your palmsSpokey LAVA training gloves have an anatomical shape that makes them perfectly adapt to your palms. They do not restrict movement and provide support during training. They have a Velcro strap to help you tailor the glove to your palm size.Parameters:Material: Neoprene, Gelanatomical shape of the palmDesigned for various uses: gym, instead of bandage into boxing gloves, like MMA glovesSize: L
  • Spokey HASBRO PONY Children's cycling helmet, 52-56 cm, blue, my little pony
    Kids Cycling Helmet Spokey My Little Pony PONY:- provides maximum protection of the child's head when riding a bicycle, roller skates, skateboard or scooter,- it is ultralight, thanks to which it does not represent an unnecessary burden,- has an inner layer made of EPS foam, which not only absorbs the force of impact when falling, but also perfectly absorbs vibrations caused by driving on uneven surfaces,- thanks to the Head Lock control system, it allows optimal adjustment of the circumference of the child's head,- It has 6 ventilation holes, thanks to which children will feel comfortable during the ride.Pony Ponies are the favorite heroes from the animated series for the little ones My Little Pony. Children fell in love with them for their courage, optimism, diligence and amazing magical abilities. They are friends who support each other during many hilarious adventures. Now they can become great friends even for your child - while riding a bike, rollerblading or scooter! On a Spokey PONY helmet that protects the child's head from dangerous injuries and injuries that can occur both during the first steps in the world of skating and during fast and dynamic driving. Every little girl will love her unique fairy-tale design.Safety in fairy-tale styleThe PONY model was made with the smallest in mind. The unique design and color of the helmet will make children not want to say goodbye to it! It is a gift that all children dream of. Due to its technical characteristics, the helmet provides absolute protection of the head of the smallest lovers of skating. A helmet for children is extremely important, especially if they will be taking their first steps on roller skates or scooters. After all, learning is associated with unsuccessful attempts and unpredictable falls. To minimize the risk of abrasions and injuries, we have created a helmet that perfectly protects the head with special emphasis on the back of the head and forehead. In addition, thanks to its low weight of 200 g (+/- 10 g), the helmet does not represent an unnecessary burden when worn.Ultra-light helmet with Head Lock control systemThe My Little PONY helmet is absolutely ideal for children, as it has an extremely comfortable Head Lock control system in the range of 48-52 or 52-56 cm depending on the selected size, thanks to which you can optimally adjust the helmet to the circumference of the child's head. And at the same time, the helmet grows along with your baby! The safety clip used allows you to adjust the permanent size of the strap, and ensures easy switching on and off of the helmet. What's more, the Spokey My Little PONY helmet has 6 ventilation holes that make children feel maximum comfort while riding! The inner layer is made of EPS foam, which not only absorbs the force of impact when falling, but also well absorbs vibrations caused by driving on uneven surfaces. The Spokey HASBRO PONY Children's Bicycle Helmet is CE certified and complies with the EN1078 standard, which means that the helmet has passed all the necessary safety tests. That's why the HASBRO PONY helmet is the ideal choice for the first steps in the world of skating.Parameters:Regulation: Head Lock: 48-52, 52-56Outer surface: PVCInner Layer: EPSNumber of ventilation holes: 6weight: 200 g +/-10 gquick fastening under the neckexcellent protection of the forehead and backCertificate: CE, EN 1078
  • Spokey SHAPE IV Set of bodies 2*1,5 kg grey
    Complete set of tin tins: 2 x 1 kgMaterial: iron coated vinylomBalenie: 10 kompletov
  • Spokey MOBILE Quick-drying port uterrák 80x160cm
    Two birds with one stone – functional and playful!A quick-drying towel with fun graphics made of absorbent, soft and very pleasant material is an ideal choice for children. From a towel you can simply create a play field and you can make your stay by the water or in the bathroom more enjoyable with a fun game. Thanks to the special polyester and polyamide fiber, it takes up about 80% less space than a regular terry towel, so it fits even the smallest children's backpack.The quick-drying Spokey Mobile towel can be used at home in the bathroom, kindergarten, when visiting the pool, camping, picnic, traveling – whether on vacation, hiking or on the beach. It also works great as a beach or grass mat.   We focus on health and safety!The microfiber towel has been manufactured with the latest technology. This makes it amazing absorbent and resistant to tearing or other damage. In addition, it has excellent breathable properties. The towel is made in accordance with EN 14362 – 1: 2012 – it is made of materials that are safest for the health of users.End of heavy and bulky towels- Perfect for any activity- Playful graphics banish boredom- Fast drying – dries quickly even without sunshine- Very light- Great absorption- Large size- Compact size after folding – fits anywhere  Practical and modern #veSpokeyStylu solutionWe place very high demands on our products, which is why we make sure that the highest quality materials are used for their production.Despite its size of 80 x 160 cm, the towel takes up about 80% less space than a regular terry towel, is 6 times lighter and absorbs water 4 times faster than a classic towel   . After getting dirty, just rinse it in water with a temperature of up to 30 ° C. Parameters:Material: 80% Polyester / 20% Polyamide = 100% Microfiberlightweight, quick-drying, absorbentsize: L - 80 x 160 cmlarge size can serve as a beach blanketmodern and playful graphics for childrenpacked in practical packagingInformation for wholesale customers:Packing: 50 pcs/cartonpossible sale of 1 pc
  • Spokey SPECTRO Cycling helmet IN-MOLD, 55-58 cm, gray
    Cycling helmet for adults and juniors IN-MOLD Spokey SPECTRO:- made by In-Mold technology, which means an increased number of ventilation holes and a reduction in the weight of the helmet while maintaining its strength- is equipped with a visor that protects the forehead, nose, eyes and the whole face. In addition, it also protects against the sun and branches that may occur on the forest path- Has 21 vents that dissipate excess heat well even during very intense driving- The inner layer is made of EPS foam, which not only absorbs the force of impact when falling, but also absorbs vibrations caused by driving on uneven surfaces well Safety when riding a bike, skateboard, roller skate or scooter is essential. Regardless of whether you are a complete beginner or an experienced skater, always wear a helmet. It is she who will protect your head during dangerous falls that can happen to anyone, regardless of riding experience. The Spokey SPECTRO cycling helmet ensures maximum safety and minimizes the risk of head injuries. Thanks to the use of the latest technologies and extremely durable materials, the helmet is ultra-light, perfectly ventilated and thanks to the visor additionally protects the face!Made with In-Mold technology – up to 21 ventilation holesA modern cycling helmet for men and women that not only ensures maximum safety, but is also ultra-light and incredibly comfortable? The Spokey SPECTRO helmet is made with In-Mold technology.  It is a permanent merging of the polycarbonate shell with the EPS layer. This makes it possible to design more ventilation holes and reduce weight while maintaining its strength. Thanks to this, the Spokey SPECTRO bicycle helmet has up to 21 ventilation holes that perfectly manage to dissipate excess heat even during very intense riding. You will feel maximum comfort in all conditions!Lightweight and durable bicycle helmet with visorThe Spokey SPECTRO bicycle helmet perfectly protects the head from injuries and at the same time is very light and durable! It does not represent any unnecessary burden, as it weighs only 250 g. The inner layer of the helmet is made of EPS foam, which absorbs vibrations very well during driving on uneven surfaces and absorbs the force of impact when falling. The SPECTRO model is characterized by a retracted visor, which additionally provides protection for the forehead, eyes, nose and face. In addition, it also protects against the sun and branches that may occur on a forest road.Parameters:Regulation: Head Lock - 55-58 cmexcellent protection of the forehead and backquick fastening under the neckOuter surface: PC, In-mouldInner Layer: Black EPSnumber of ventilation holes: 21weight: 250 gCertificate: CE, EN 1078Information for wholesale customers:packing: 44 pcs/cartonpossible sale of 1 piece
  • Spokey PENGUIN Children's cycling helmet, 44-48 cm
     Children's cycling helmet Spokey PENGUIN:- was created for children's safety and head protection during cycling , roller skates, scooter or skateboard- It is equipped with a Head Lock control system in the range of 44-48 cm, which allows optimal adaptation of the helmet to the circumference of the child's head- has 6 ventilation holes equipped with a mesh, thanks to which the child will feel maximum comfort during the ride- it is ultra-light, weighs only 200 g, thanks to which it does not represent an unnecessary burden- The inner layer is made of EPS foam, which not only absorbs the force of impact when falling, but also absorbs vibrations caused by driving on uneven surfaces well If you're wondering if your child should wear a helmet when riding a bike, roller skates or scooter, remember that skating is accompanied by strong emotions – it's a fast and dynamic sport that can cause falls, especially when kids are just learning to ride. That is why it is essential to ensure the safety of children. The Spokey PENGUIN children's helmet ensures maximum protection of the head from dangerous injuries. This is why the helmet is invaluable for children who take their first steps on roller skates, scooters or bicycles.Safety at the highest levelTeaching riding, whether on a bike, roller skates or scooter, is associated with unsuccessful attempts and falls. To minimise the risk of abrasions and injuries, we have created a helmet that perfectly protects the head, with particular emphasis on the back of the head and forehead. Due to its low weight of only 200 g (+/- 10 g), the helmet does not represent an unnecessary burden when worn. The helmet is equipped with a Head Lock control system in the range of 44-48 cm, which allows the helmet to be optimally adjusted to the circumference of the child's head.Ultra-light children's helmet with penguin designThe Spokey PENGUIN Children's Bicycle Helmet is CE certified and complies with the EN1078 standard, which means that the helmet has passed all the necessary safety tests. The helmet is unique in its design – the graphic motif of the penguin conjured up a smile on the faces of all children. It provides perfect head protection, with special emphasis on the back of the head and forehead. The safety clip used allows you to adjust the permanent size of the strap, and ensures easy fastening and unfastening of the helmet. What's more, the PENGUIN model is equipped with 6 ventilation holes equipped with a mesh that protects against insects, thanks to which the child will feel maximum comfort during the ride! The inner layer is made of EPS foam, which not only absorbs the force of impact when falling, but also absorbs vibrations caused by riding on uneven surfaces. This is why the helmet is invaluable for children who take their first steps on roller skates, scooters or bicycles.Parameters:Regulation: Head Lock - 44-48 cmexcellent protection of the forehead and back thanks to the firm flared visorOuter surface: PVCInner Layer: EPSquick fastening under the neckNumber of ventilation holes: 6 + insect screenweight: 200 +/-10 gCertificate: CE, EN 1078Information for wholesale customers:packing: 44 pcs/cartonpossible sale of 1 pc
  • Spokey BONE Set of neoprene chins 2x 2 kg green
    Complete set of nile chins: 2 x 0.75 kgMaterial: iron coated vinylomBalenie: 10 kompletov
  • Spokey POLICE Children's cycling helmet 44-48 cm
    Children's cycling helmet Spokey POLICE:- Perfectly protects the child's head when riding a bike, roller skates, skateboard or scooter- it is ultra-light, weighs only 200 g, thanks to which it does not represent an unnecessary burden- Allows optimal adjustment of the child's head circumference thanks to the Head Lock control system- has 6 ventilation holes equipped with a mesh that protects against insects- will fulfill the dream of every little expectant policeman!The Spokey POLICE Children's Cycling Helmet was created for children's safety and head protection while rollerblading , skateboarding, scooter or bicycle. It is a real must have for every little sports lover, and thanks to its unique design, also a police lover – it provides maximum head protection during falls, with special emphasis on the back of the head and forehead. If your child is planning to take the first steps in the world of skating, the Spokey POLICE helmet will be the best choice, thanks to its very low weight (weighs only 200 g), it does not represent any unnecessary burden for small users.Keep the little cop safeThe use of a helmet is very important, especially for children who plan to take their first steps in the world of skating. After all, driving lessons are associated with unsuccessful attempts and unexpected falls. To minimize the risk of abrasions and injuries, we have created a helmet that perfectly protects the head, with special emphasis on the back of the head and forehead. With its low weight of just 200 g (+/- 10 g), the helmet does not represent an unnecessary burden when worn. Thanks to the unique police graphics , small skaters will immediately fall in love with it, and besides, with this design they will stand out among the rest.Ultra-light helmet with Head Lock control systemThe Spokey POLICE Children's Cycling Helmet can be very easily adapted to the circumference of the child's head. The helmet is equipped with a Head Lock control system in the range of 44-48 or 52-56 cm, depending on the selected size. Thanks to this, the helmet will fit perfectly and protect the head. The safety clip used allows you to adjust the permanent size of the strap, and ensures easy switching on and off of the "police" helmet. But that's not all! The POLICE model is equipped with 6 ventilation holes equipped with a mesh that protects against insects, thanks to which the child will feel maximum comfort during the ride.Proven helmet for bike, roller skates, skateboard and scooterThe Spokey POLICE Children's Bicycle Helmet is CE certified and complies with en1078, which means that the helmet has passed all the necessary safety tests. It provides excellent head protection, with special emphasis on the back of the head and forehead. The inner layer is made of EPS foam, which not only absorbs the force of impact when falling, but also absorbs vibrations caused by riding on uneven surfaces well, which is why the POLICE helmet is the ideal choice for the first steps in the world of skating.Parameters:Regulation: Head Lock 44-48 cmexcellent protection of the forehead and backOuter surface: PVCInner Layer: EPSquick fastening under the neckNumber of ventilation holes: 6 + insect screenWeight: 200+/-10gCertificate: CE EN 1078Information for wholesale customers:packing: 44 pcs/cartonpossible sale of 1 pc
  • Spokey STARS 2 Children's cycling helmet 52-56 cm
    Kids cycling helmet Spokey STARS 2:- was created for children's safety and head protection during cycling , roller skates, scooter or skateboard- it is ultra-light, weighs only 200 g, thanks to which it does not represent an unnecessary burden- Thanks to the Head Lock control system in the range of 52-56 cm, the helmet optimally adapts to the circumference of the child's head- has 6 ventilation holes equipped with a mesh that protects the head from unwanted insectsThe Spokey STARS 2 Children's Cycling Helmet was created for children's safety and head protection while rollerblading , skateboarding, scooter or bicycle. It's a real must-have for every little sports lover – it provides maximum head protection during falls, with special emphasis on the back of the head and forehead. If your child is planning to take the first steps in the world of skating, the Spokey STARS helmet will be the best choice, thanks to its very low weight (weighs only 200 g), it does not represent any unnecessary burden for small users.Take care of the safety of the youngestTeaching riding, whether on a bike, roller skates or scooter, is associated with unsuccessful attempts and falls. To minimize the risk of abrasions and injuries, it is always necessary to use appropriate protectors and helmet. To ensure maximum safety, it is extremely important to choose a suitable size. The Spokey STARS 2 helmet is equipped with a Head Lock control system in the range of 52-56 cm, which allows you to optimally adjust the helmet to the circumference of the child's head.Ultra-light helmet with ventilationThe Spokey STARS 2 Children's Cycling Helmet is CE certified and complies with EN 1078, which means that the helmet has passed all the necessary safety tests. It provides excellent head protection with special emphasis on the back of the head and forehead. The safety clip allows you to easily turn on and off the helmet, without the need to tighten the strap. What's more, the STARS 2 is equipped with 6 ventilation holes equipped with a mesh that protects against insects, thanks to which the child will feel maximum comfort during the ride! The inner layer is made of EPS foam, which not only absorbs the force of impact when falling, but also absorbs vibrations caused by driving on uneven surfaces well, which is why the STARS 2 helmet is the best choice for the first steps in the world of sports.Parameters:Regulation: Head Lock 52-56 cmexcellent protection of the forehead and backOuter surface: PVCInner Layer: EPSquick fastening under the neckNumber of ventilation holes: 6 + insect screenweight: 200+/-10 gCertificate: CE EN 1078Information for wholesale customers:packing: 44 pcs/cartonpossible sale of 1 pc
  • Spokey FAIRY TAIL Children's cycling helmet 44-48 cm
    The Spokey FAIRY TAIL helmet is designed for the smallest users. It is made of light and safe materials. The helmet is CE certified, complies with EN1078 standard. These helmets are perfect for protecting your head when riding skates, skateboards, bikes or scooters.QUALITYWe place very high demands on our products, which is why we make sure that the highest quality materials are used for their production.We know that it is important to differentiate ourselves, so we place special emphasis on original and elaborate design. Spokey helmets are made in accordance with the latest trends and the most modern colors.TECHNOLOGY AND BENEFITSFor the safety and comfort of the child, the correct fit of the helmet is very important. Spokey helmets use Head Lock control systems to optimally adjust the helmet to the circumference of the child's head.   Thanks to the outer PVC layer and the inner layer of EPS , the helmet provides high protection against injury. The FAIRY TAIL has been designed to provide additional protection for the forehead and back of the neck. The helmet is equipped with 6 ventilation holes that effectively dissipate heat during intense driving. In addition, these holes are secured with a net that protects against the possible ingress of insects.The helmet is made of lightweight material. Its low weight provides comfort during physical activity. The HeadLock system makes it easy to adapt the helmet to the size of the head. Energy-absorbing protective layer at the moment of impact. The safe clip makes it easy to turn on and off the helmet.Parameters:Regulation: Head Lock size S 44-48 and size M 49-56 cmexcellent protection of the forehead and backOuter surface: PVCInner Layer: EPSquick fastening under the neckNumber of ventilation holes: 6 + insect screenweight: 200+/-10 gCertificate: CE EN 1078packing: 44 pcs/cartonpossible sale of 1 pc
  • Spokey LUZON Panoramic snorkel set mask+snorkel
    Panoramic Snorkeling Set - Mask + Spokey LUZON SnorkelSnorkeling #veSpokeyStyluWithout specialized equipment, it can be difficult to admire the beauty of the underwater world and its magical flora and fauna. Snorkeling sets have been created specifically for lovers of underwater adventure! Thanks to them, snorkeling, a sport that consists of swimming on the surface of the water with a dipped face in the water and observing underwater life, will be even better!Exceptional visibility with panoramic maskThe Spokey LUZON snorkeling mask is made of the highest quality materials that guarantee safety under water and ensure long and satisfactory use. Its shape and cheekpiece with strap are made of silicone that adapts easily and well to your face. Large tempered glass increases the perspective and width of the view under water.Even better adhesion to the face thanks to siliconeSpokey masks are made using the latest technologies. They are well sealed, which means that water does not get inside during diving and the use of the mask is really safe!Snorkel allows comfortable breathing under waterThe Spokey LUZON snorkelling snorkelling snorkel is the best choice: it is made so that water does not get inside. This snorkel is an ideal choice for both beginners and advanced snorkelling enthusiasts. Designed for comfortable and easy breathing while snorkeling. The snorkel is made of the finest materials to ensure long and satisfactory use.Elastic clasp makes it easy to attach the snorkel to the maskThe bottom valve and anti-wave end prevent water from entering the snorkel during snorkeling.The bright panoramic mask ensures that the light gets inside, which further improves visibility under water!For complete convenience of use, it is advisable to follow the recommendations of specialists:It is important that the mask is ideally matched to the shape of the face. Therefore, first attach the mask to the face, and only then adjust its size with a controllable strap.To ensure a longer shelf life of the mask, rinse it thoroughly under running water after each use. After drying, store the mask in a cool place and protect from sunlight.And if you want your mask to still look like new after many uses, put it in lukewarm water and add lemon juice. Leave it in such prepared water for several hours. This will make the silicone, which may have changed its color in the meantime, look like new again!SPECIFIED:Recreational snorkelingParameters:mask:Glass: Tempered TGFrame: PCcheekpiece: SiliconeStrap: Silicone, length controlpanoramic mask – increased underwater visibilitysnorkel:Mouthpiece: SiliconeTube: PVCElastic clutch clip makes it easy to attach the snorkel to the maskbottom valve and anti-wave end cap
  • Spokey FLORIS Children's cycling helmet 44-48 cm
     Children's cycling helmet Spokey FLORIS:- Provides maximum protection of the child's head when riding a bike, skateboard, roller skates or scooter- stands out for its unique design – pastel colors of the helmet will attract the attention of everyone in the park or on the playground- The inner layer is made of EPS foam, which not only absorbs the force of impact when falling, but also absorbs vibrations caused by driving on uneven surfaces well - it is ultra-light, thanks to which it does not represent an unnecessary burden- Thanks to the Head Lock control system, it optimally adapts to the circumference of the child's headIf you're wondering if your child should wear a helmet when riding a bike, roller skates or scooter, remember that skating is accompanied by strong emotions – it's a fast and dynamic sport that can cause falls, especially when kids are just learning to ride. It is therefore essential to ensure the safety of children. The Spokey FLORIS children's helmet ensures maximum protection of the head from dangerous injuries. This is why the helmet is invaluable for children who take their first steps on roller skates, scooters or bicycles.Ultra-light children's helmetTo minimize the risk of abrasions and injuries, we have created a helmet that perfectly protects the head, with special emphasis on protecting the back of the head and forehead. Due to its low weight of only 200 g (+/- 10 g), the helmet does not represent an unnecessary burden when worn. The helmet is equipped with a Head Lock control system in the range of 44-48 cm, which allows the helmet to be optimally adjusted to the circumference of the child's head. The safety clip used allows you to adjust the permanent size of the strap, and ensures easy switching on and off of the helmet. What's more, the FLORIS model is equipped with 6 ventilation holes equipped with a mesh that protects against insects, thanks to which the child will feel maximum comfort during the ride! The inner layer is made of EPS foam, which not only absorbs the force of impact when falling, but also well absorbs vibrations caused by driving on uneven surfaces.Safety during skatingThe Spokey FLORIS Children's Bicycle Helmet is CE certified and complies with the EN1078 standard, which means that the helmet has passed all the necessary safety tests. Therefore, it is an ideal choice for the first steps in the world of skating. Thanks to the beautiful pastel colors , children will quickly fall in love with it, and in addition, they will be clearly visible with the helmet on the road or on the playground.Parameters:Regulation: Head Lock - 44-48 cmexcellent protection of the forehead and backOuter surface: PVCInner Layer: EPSquick fastening under the neckNumber of ventilation holes: 6 + insect screenweight: 200+/-10 gCertificate: CE EN 1078Information for wholesale customers:packing: 44 pcs/cartonpossible sale of 1 pc
  • Spokey HASBRO PONY Children's cycling helmet, 52-56 cm, pink, my little pony
    Kids Cycling Helmet Spokey My Little Pony PONY:- provides maximum protection of the child's head when riding a bicycle, roller skates, skateboard or scooter,- it is ultralight, thanks to which it does not represent an unnecessary burden,- has an inner layer made of EPS foam, which not only absorbs the force of impact when falling, but also perfectly absorbs vibrations caused by driving on uneven surfaces,- thanks to the Head Lock control system, it allows optimal adjustment of the circumference of the child's head,- It has 6 ventilation holes, thanks to which children will feel comfortable during the ride.Pony Ponies are the favorite heroes from the animated series for the little ones My Little Pony. Children fell in love with them for their courage, optimism, diligence and amazing magical abilities. They are friends who support each other during many hilarious adventures. Now they can become great friends even for your child - while riding a bike, rollerblading or scooter! On a Spokey PONY helmet that protects the child's head from dangerous injuries and injuries that can occur both during the first steps in the world of skating and during fast and dynamic driving. Every little girl will love her unique fairy-tale design.Safety in fairy-tale styleThe PONY model was made with the smallest in mind. The unique design and color of the helmet will make children not want to say goodbye to it! It is a gift that all children dream of. Due to its technical characteristics, the helmet provides absolute protection of the head of the smallest lovers of skating. A helmet for children is extremely important, especially if they will be taking their first steps on roller skates or scooters. After all, learning is associated with unsuccessful attempts and unpredictable falls. To minimize the risk of abrasions and injuries, we have created a helmet that perfectly protects the head with special emphasis on the back of the head and forehead. In addition, thanks to its low weight of 200 g (+/- 10 g), the helmet does not represent an unnecessary burden when worn.Ultra-light helmet with Head Lock control systemThe My Little PONY helmet is absolutely ideal for children, as it has an extremely comfortable Head Lock control system in the range of 48-52 or 52-56 cm depending on the selected size, thanks to which you can optimally adjust the helmet to the circumference of the child's head. And at the same time, the helmet grows along with your baby! The safety clip used allows you to adjust the permanent size of the strap, and ensures easy switching on and off of the helmet. What's more, the Spokey My Little PONY helmet has 6 ventilation holes that make children feel maximum comfort while riding! The inner layer is made of EPS foam, which not only absorbs the force of impact when falling, but also well absorbs vibrations caused by driving on uneven surfaces. The Spokey HASBRO PONY Children's Bicycle Helmet is CE certified and complies with the EN1078 standard, which means that the helmet has passed all the necessary safety tests. That's why the HASBRO PONY helmet is the ideal choice for the first steps in the world of skating.Parameters:Regulation: Head Lock: 48-52, 52-56Outer surface: PVCInner Layer: EPSNumber of ventilation holes: 6weight: 200 g +/-10 gquick fastening under the neckexcellent protection of the forehead and backCertificate: CE, EN 1078
  • Spokey LERNER Ping-pong shovels *, 6 pcs, biele
    Loptičky pre začiatočníkov bez spojov. Priemer: 40 mm hardness: ? 0,66 weight: 2,37- 2.60 gBalenie: 6 pcs per pack, 120 packs per carton
  • Spokey TRACY Fitness rubber set, 3 pcs
    Set of gums Spokey TRACY:- These are 3 universal fitness rubbers with closed circumference and with different resistance levels- ideal for stretching exercises, fitness, aerobics, pilates or yoga- rubbers are made of durable material (latex + polyester), thanks to which they do not form and can withstand extremely strong stretching- thanks to them you will enrich your training and engage the muscles you care aboutSpokey TRACY  closed-circuit fitness rubbers are designed to strengthen the muscle groups that matter most to you. They allow you to maximize the effects of training and focus on individual parts of the body, with which you can exercise your hands, thighs, buttocks or legs. Regardless of your current physical condition, with the Spokey TRACY rubber set you can choose the rubber that suits your needs. The rubber set offers a choice of three rubbers with different resistance levels (10-20 kg, 20-35 kg, 35-55 kg).Three rubbers with different resistance levelsThe Spokey TRACY fitness rubber kit is a great choice for both novice and professional athletes. Great for getting the right exercise technique, or for those who like to exercise 200%! Rubbers work in a similar way to a rubber expander – they allow you to perform stretching or lateral movements, enriching your training with new exercises and involving the necessary muscle groups. Closed-circuit rubbers will work wherever a smaller range and higher resistance are required.The Spokey TRACY kit consists of three mini rubbers with different resistance levels:- Light (green): 10-20 kg- Medium (purple): 20–35 kg- Heavy (blue): 35-55 kgEngage the muscle groups you care about mostSpokey TRACY is a set of 3 fitness rubbers with which you can literally work out anywhere – in the gym, at home or outdoors. Rubbers are also recommended by personal trainers, because thanks to them you can diversify your daily training and involve the muscle groups that matter most to you. The TRACY set is a great choice for fitness training, Pilates, yoga, crossfit or for mobilization exercises. The rubbers are made of very strong latex and polyester, thanks to which they do not deform and resist very strong stretching.Parameters:Material: Polyester + Latexdimensions: 30 x 8 cmVoltage level: light: 10-20kg; Medium: 20-35 kg; heavy: 35-55 kgweight: light: 110 g, medium: 125 g, heavy: 140 gset contains 3 pcs fitness rubberInformation for wholesale customers:Packing: 20 sets/cartonpossible sale of 1 set
  • Spokey SKILLED Ping-pong baskets **, 6 pcs, biele
    Loptičky pre stredne advanced bez spojov. Priemer: 40 mm hardness: ? 0 .55 Weight: 2.40- 2.65 g of balenie. 6 pcs per pack, 120 packs per carton
  • Spokey SPECIAL Ping-pong loptičy ***, 6 pcs, biele
    Loptičky pre pokročilých bez spojov. Priemer: 40 mm hardness: ? 0 .40 Weight: 2.65- 2.94 g balenie. 6 pcs per pack, 120 packs per carton
  • Spokey SANDI Strengthening weights with handles 5 kg ( without orig. cardboard )
    The product does not have the original packaging, for this reason it has a reduced price. The goods are new, undamaged.Weights with Spokey SANDI mounts 5 kg:- has handles that facilitate exercise and carrying weights,- it is a kind of medicine ball with handles - exercises with medicine ball strengthen muscles, flexibility of the body, affect overall fitness, increase the range of movements and significantly accelerate fat burning,- it is a more dynamic substitute for ketl-beles or dumbbells, since the exercise with weights with handles requires additional stabilization of movement and maintaining balance.Weights with Spokey SANDI mounts are equipment that should not be missing in any home gym. Exercise with a sandbag allows you to evenly strengthen and shape the figure thanks to greater involvement of deep muscles than in training with traditional equipment such as dumbbells or ketl-bely. The bags are filled with heavy sand, which forces you to maintain balance and stability during exercise.Combination of medicine ball and ketl-beluSpokey SANDI is a product that works similarly to a medicine ball with handles for easier exercise and carrying. The powerbag requires constant tension from our muscles, which makes sandi exercises very effective. Regular training strengthens muscles, improves the elasticity of the body, affects the overall condition, increases the range of movements and significantly accelerates the burning of adipose tissue. This makes the Spokey SANDI weight with handles ideal for both those who are just starting out with strengthening and those who like to exercise 200%!Home training with passionUsing weights with Spokey SANDI 5 kg handles will diversify your home training. It requires more dynamic force from the user than when lifting dumbbells or ketl-beles of the same weight.Parameters:Material: Nylon,MeshFilling: Heavy Sandweight: 5 kghandles for easy exercisepackage contains 1 pc of weightsInformation for wholesale customers:Packing: 8 pcs/cartonpossible sale of 1 pc
  • Spokey SANDI Strengthening weights with handles, 2 kg
    Weights with Spokey SANDI mounts 2 kg:- has handles that facilitate exercise and carrying weights,- it is a kind of medicine ball with handles - exercises with medicine ball strengthen muscles, flexibility of the body, affect overall fitness, increase the range of movements and significantly accelerate fat burning,- it is a more dynamic substitute for ketl-beles or dumbbells, since the exercise with weights with handles requires additional stabilization of movement and maintaining balance.Weights with Spokey SANDI mounts are equipment that should not be missing in any home gym. Exercise with a sandbag allows you to evenly strengthen and shape the figure thanks to greater involvement of deep muscles than in training with traditional equipment such as dumbbells or ketl-bely. The bags are filled with heavy sand, which forces you to maintain balance and stability during exercise.Combination of medicine ball and ketl-beluSpokey SANDI is a product that works similarly to a medicine ball with handles for easier exercise and carrying. The powerbag requires constant tension from our muscles, which makes sandi exercises very effective. Regular training strengthens muscles, improves the elasticity of the body, affects the overall condition, increases the range of movements and significantly accelerates the burning of adipose tissue. This makes the Spokey SANDI weight with handles ideal for both those who are just starting out with strengthening and those who like to exercise 200%!Home training with passionUsing weights with Spokey SANDI 2 kg mounts will diversify your home workout. It requires more dynamic force from the user than when lifting dumbbells or ketl-beles of the same weight.Parameters:Material: Nylon,MeshFilling: Heavy Sandweight: 2 kghandles for easy exercisepackage contains 1 pc of weightsInformation for wholesale customers:Packing: 8 pcs/cartonpossible sale of 1 pc
  • Spokey FORM PLUS Weights on hand and foot 2x 3 kg
    Velcro weight Spokey FORM PLUS 2x 3 kg:- thanks to the removable weight in the form of sachets, they allow individual adjustment of the weight of the weight, and the possibility of changing the intensity of training (3 bags weighing about 990 g),- there are two weights with the same weight that you can attach to both arms or legs to have an evenly distributed weight, or you can increase the intensity of your training by putting both weights on one leg or hand,- Velcro fastening makes it easy to put on and guarantees their stable position during exercise,- Suitable for strengthening hands and feet.The Spokey FORM PLUS Velcro weight set is the equipment that will perfectly complement your workout. If you are looking for something that will increase the intensity of exercise and thus its results - weights are ideal! They were created to strengthen the lower and upper parts of the body during fitness training, aerobics, jogging or exercise for general development and rehabilitation.Two weights to optimize trainingThe Spokey FORM PLUS set consists of 2 weights of the same weight. This allows you to exercise by attaching weights to both wrists or ankles, or by increasing the intensity by attaching both weights to one arm/leg. The Velcro closure makes it easy to put on and guarantees a stable position during exercise. Thanks to the polyester used, the weights are flexible enough to easily adapt to the shape of your hand or ankle.Customize the weight of the weight according to your needsThanks to the possibility of adjusting the weight, you can easily adjust the weight of the FORM PLUS 3 kg weight set according to your current physical condition or training plan! You just need to pull out or put the bags with the weight inside, thereby gaining your desired weight. And the possibilities are many - both weights have 3 pockets each (6 in total), where each individual bag weighs about 990 g (+/- 10 g).Weight exercise effectsThe use of Spokey FORM PLUS weights intensifies training, stimulates muscle work and helps to better activate different parts of the body. Start the exercise with a lower weight and gradually increase the weight of the weights as the physical condition increases. FORM PLUS weights have been designed to fit perfectly into your home gym.Choose the model suitable for youThe FORM PLUS polyester weight is available in two versions (3 and 5 kg) and the FORM IV neoprene weight is available in 5 versions (from 0.5 to 2 kg), allowing you to choose the model that is optimal for your training goals. For easier weight recognition, each mass has a different energy color:FORM PLUS- dark gray - 2x 3 kg- orange - 2x 5 kgFORM IV- grey - 2x 0,5 kg- turquoise - 2x 1 kg- red - 2x 1.5 kg- blue - 2x 2 kgParameters:Material: PolyesterFilling: SandVelcro closurepossibility of strengthening the forearm and legsweight: 2x 3 kg
  • Spokey SCALES BASIC Ketl-bel plastic dumbbell 3 kg
    Ketl-bel plastic dumbbell Spokey SCALES BASIC:- handle for easier and more comfortable lifting of the dumbbell,- made of plastic, which provides additional protection from possible damage to the floor during home exercise,- filled with heavy sand,- available in 5 different weights and colors (2 kg, 3 kg, 4 kg, 6 kg and 8 kg).Ketl-bel is a dumbbell that allows you to perform a variety of strength trainings - from pendulum movement, through the so-called "deadlift", to various forms of swing. Such exercises require constant tension from our muscles, thanks to which exercises with ketl-bel bring very fast results. Regular exercise with ketl-bel Spokey SCALES BASIC increases the flexibility of the body, improves overall fitness, accelerates fat burning and muscle growth.Ideal fitness equipment for home strength trainingThe Spokey SCALES BASIC dumbbell is made of plastic and filled with heavy sand. Thanks to the fact that ketl-bel is made of plastic, it protects your floor from unwanted damage during exercise. For more comfortable exercise and easier carrying, the ketl-bel Spokey SCALES BASIC dumbbell is made with a handle. Thanks to the different weight variants, you can choose the weight that is perfect for you:- 2 kg- 3 kg- 4 kg- 6 kg- 8 kgKetl-bel Spokey SCALES BASIC is an excellent fitness equipment for home training. Great for both beginners and experienced athletes.Parameters:Material: PEFilling: Heavy Sandweight: 3 kgInformation for wholesale customers:Packing: 2 pcs/cartonpossible sale of 1 pc
  • Spokey RIBBON III fitness rubber orange, heavy
     Fitness rubber Spokey RIBBON III:- a universal tool that helps to get the right technique of exercise and prepares the muscles for a higher load- thanks to its rectangular shape (225 x 15 cm) it can be used for stretching exercises, fitness, aerobics, pilates, yoga or crossfit- allows you to maximize the effects of training and allows you to focus on individual muscle groups- Available in 3 different colors with different resistance strengthIf you are looking for an effective and proven way for home training, bet on  the Spokey RIBBON III fitness rubber. It is a universal device that allows you to perform stretching or strengthening exercises. Thanks to its properties and length (225 x 15 cm), ribbon III rubber will diversify your daily training. The rubber works in a similar way to a rubber expander – it allows you to perform stretching or lateral movements, thanks to which you enrich your training with new exercises and engage the necessary muscle groups in the work. You can use ribbon III training rubber during stretching, strengthening, aerobic or fitness exercises, during yoga or Pilates.Maximum workout effectsThe Spokey RIBBON III training rubber is recommended by professionals and personal trainers alike. Rubber is made of a very durable material, which ensures its long service life. Thanks to it, you can train whenever and wherever you want – in the gym, at home or outdoors. Ribbon III eraser will diversify your daily workouts and allow you to tailor your workout exactly to your needs to engage those muscle groups that matter most to you.Indispensable during trainingThe Spokey RIBBON III heavy training rubber with a strong resistance level is designed for those who like to exercise at 200%. It will allow you to achieve even better results. If you are looking for a fitness rubber with a different resistance level, the RIBBON III fitness rubber range also offers these variants:- Light grey (light): low resistance level (7kg)- dark gray (medium): medium resistance level (12 kg)- fitness rubber set, 3 pcs: light, medium, heavyParameters:Material: Latexlength: 225 cmwidth: 15 cmThickness: 0.55mmVoltage level: Heavy (17 kg)  
  • Spokey SCALES BASIC Ketl-bel plastic dumbbell 2 kg
    Ketl-bel plastic dumbbell Spokey SCALES BASIC:- handle for easier and more comfortable lifting of the dumbbell,- made of plastic, which provides additional protection from possible damage to the floor during home exercise,- filled with heavy sand,- available in 5 different weights and colors (2 kg, 3 kg, 4 kg, 6 kg and 8 kg).Ketl-bel is a dumbbell that allows you to perform a variety of strength trainings - from pendulum movement, through the so-called "deadlift", to various forms of swing. Such exercises require constant tension from our muscles, thanks to which exercises with ketl-bel bring very fast results. Regular exercise with ketl-bel Spokey SCALES BASIC increases the flexibility of the body, improves overall fitness, accelerates fat burning and muscle growth.Ideal fitness equipment for home strength trainingThe Spokey SCALES BASIC dumbbell is made of plastic and filled with heavy sand. Thanks to the fact that ketl-bel is made of plastic, it protects your floor from unwanted damage during exercise. For more comfortable exercise and easier carrying, the ketl-bel Spokey SCALES BASIC dumbbell is made with a handle. Thanks to the different weight variants, you can choose the weight that is perfect for you:- 2 kg- 3 kg- 4 kg- 6 kg- 8 kgKetl-bel Spokey SCALES BASIC is an excellent fitness equipment for home training. Great for both beginners and experienced athletes.Parameters:Material: PEFilling: Heavy Sandweight: 2 kgInformation for wholesale customers:Packing: 2 pcs/cartonpossible sale of 1 pc
  • Spokey POWER II resistance rubber blue resistance 20-30 kg
    Fitness rubbers- Tri stupne napätia: weak, medium, strong- Intense farby: green, yellow, redDimensions: 120 x 15- in one package sú 3 pcsBalenie: 24 pcs
  • Spokey DIVING TUNNEL Oblúky na divepanie
    Arches for diving Spokey DIVING TUNNEL:- these are two underwater arches that, when thrown into the water, settle at the bottom of the pool and create a tunnel under which to navigate,- facilitate diving lessons, while allowing you to concentrate on proper breath holding underwater,- thanks to the materials used, they hold well at the bottom, and at the same time they are very light and easy to move,- after folding, they do not take up much space, due to which they are very easy to transport.The best way to teach diving to children? With the Spokey DIVING TUNEL arches you will quickly improve your swimming skills and have a good time at the same time! The arches have a special design, thanks to which, when thrown into the water, they settle at the bottom and create a tunnel under which to navigate.Safe underwater swimming lessonsThe route created by the arches allows children to quickly improve their swimming under water. Children navigate successive arcs and overcome ever greater distances. It's a great way for your kids to have fun underwater. The Spokey DIVING TUNEL set consists of two arches designed for diving, which, thanks to the materials used, hold well on the bottom, and at the same time are light and easy to move. Navigating through a designated underwater tunnel is a great way for your children to improve their swimming technique while also improving their breathing. The great advantage of the set is its low weight and compactness. Once folded, the arches do not take up much space, which makes them easy to transport.Parameters:- Dimensions: 1.5 x 0.75 m- set includes 2 archesInformation for wholesale customers:Set: 2 archesPacking: 6 sets/cartonpossible sale of 1 set
  • Spokey RIBBON II fitness rubber blue heavy
    Fitness rubbers- Tri stupne napätia: weak, medium, strong- Intense farby: green, yellow, redDimensions: 120 x 15- in one package sú 3 pcsBalenie: 24 pcs
  • Spokey DIVING SET Neoprene diving set
    Neoprene diving set Spokey DIVING SET:- Ideal for improving swimming and diving skills- these are six toys made of the highest quality neoprene filled with sand: two circles, two sticks and two balls with ribbons- after being thrown into the water, they slowly sink to the bottom, thanks to which children can hunt them during diving- are anti-slip, waterproof, soft and mechanically resistantThe Spokey DIVING SET is a set of 6 toys made of the highest quality sand-filled neoprene. With these neoprene toys, every child can hone their swimming skills while having unforgettable fun in the pool!Toys for diving lessonsAnd how does it work? Toys thrown into the water slowly sink to the bottom, thanks to which children can carefully monitor and fish them out during diving. The task is easier thanks to the bold colors – they are visible even from a distance. Throw one of the toys into the pool and watch it dive. During this, you can organize a race for children – the winner is the one who catches the toy first.Complete set of toysThe set includes 2 multicolored circles with a diameter of 15 cm, which are the easiest to grasp, 2 sticks and 2 balls with ribbons to maintain a vertical position in the water. Thanks to the materials used, the toys are non-slip, waterproof, soft and mechanically resistant. It is a great option for improving swimming and diving skills not only in the pool.Parameters:Material: Sand-filled wetsuitset includes: 2x circle, 2x stick, 2x ball with ribbonCircle diameter: 15cmstick size: 19 cmBall diameter: 5,5 cmlength of ball with ribbon: 28 cm

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